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Blohm & Voss News

Discussion in 'Blohm & Voss Yacht' started by Yacht News, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    No but I meant since the object of the photo is the yacht and you cannot see the yacht, why post the photo...?
  2. shipy102

    shipy102 New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
  3. As I said you, i just repeated the same photo that had in AIS but in the smaller dimensions which are accepted here 640, when there is hi resolution much more than 100kb. I didn't posted this photo, some moderator with bad intentions replaced the photo, like it was me, which is an infrigment in the post I made, it means a very unprofessional attitude this moderator, when it has already many photos in internet spread in many sites like the ones the guy above showed. Even when everyone can visit AIS marinetraffic website to see it in original. So it was really no sense what he/she/it did. In YF there is no rules for sources, like in other forums have. So really the mod who did it is a jerk.
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Have you clicked on the button saying RULES here above? There you can find the following:

    Rules Regarding Links & Images...

    1. Links: PLEASE be careful about the links you post on YachtForums. While we encourage links that are relevant, educational, informative or just plain fun, remember that other sites can benefit by a link from YachtForums... especially other forums or magazines that are similar in nature. Signatures or posts not meeting this criteria will be deleted. If you alter the same after the fact, your membership will be removed as well.

    2. Images: PLEASE be careful about the source of the images you post. If there is ANY question, DON'T post it! Duplicating, hyper-linking or posting images without the consent of the owner, may be a violation of copyright.


    MKM, this is not the first time you are posting copyrighted pictures, but the first time we pointed it out instead of removing it.

    Almost every time a picture with copyright is posted, the photographer is contacting us to have it removed. These are rules in line with the copyright laws, not something that you are standing above.
  5. Wait a minute, now you are pointing out, not before, even when it’s not possible to repeat the same photos dimensions and quality origins, because this site allow less. Second, I mentioned that the photo belonged to site AIS. And in site marinetraffic everyone can upload there, even I. So I mentioned the source, but it is not a rule in this site to put the 'site link source' below a photo when reposted. So probably is lacking something which other sites have. And third, I ever tried to mentioned the source when a picture is not mine, from a Webcam for example. So your rules seems not 100% fitting exactly what I am used to properly mention the sources in other forums, redoing the same here, neither your attitude was really a 'pointing out' like you pretended. And finally you are totally wrong when says 'it was not first time' I did that, because it was the first time I repeated someone else picture here. So this was a lie from you.
  6. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    MKM, if this is the best you can come up with, you have a lot to study...
  7. Mr. AMG, first of all, this is a personal attack, which a moderator should not make. Second you can't judge my studies, neither you are even in close position and situation for such, if you did yours. :rolleyes:

    In addition, this BS discussion has nothing to do with B+V News, neither the banal pic which this site is flooded everyday with other news from 'Senior members' bringing daily Ship Spotting, MarineTraffic and many others links here, even from personal Blogs. So, don't make a storm in a cup of water with this Egg skin. I understand that I don't like you, neither you make an effort to be sympathy to me, our chemical is not a good magnetic thing. You have power here, I don't. But this not means you have to be behind my tail all time, stalking!
  8. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    This nonsense comes to end now. We have been subject to your whimsical demands from your very first posts. I've received messages from you on how we should run YachtForums, including threads that should be moved and posts that should be deleted.

    While your concerns are appreciated, responding to your many complaints has become a full time job. Unlike most admins that simply oversee a forum, I already have a full time job. That's where Lars or Kevin enter the equation. Both of these gentlemen are among the most fair people I've ever worked with. For 7 years, they have been here around the clock, keeping a vigilant eye on YF.

    It's important to note, they don't get paid to do this. They are here because they have a passion for yachting and the community we've built. They have been instrumental in the same, keeping spam at bay and guiding members to maintain forum continuity and etiquette.

    The only posts that I recall Lars ever removing is blatant spam or self-promotion. However, in recent months he has needed to remove several of your posts because you have no regard for our rules. I'm not sure what other forums you became accustomed to, but I recall you mentioning that one of them requested you to leave. Now it is two.

    The guidelines we established many years ago are the reason YachtForums has evolved into a respectable community. It is a formula derived from several successful webmasters, including myself. At this point, your harassment of our moderators will come to an end. I will leave you with the choice of voluntarily refraining from further posting or I can remove your membership.
  9. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Perhaps you know about copyrights after all since you cut the picture so the copyright text was left out. You did not mention the Marinetraffic site either in that post as you now claim.

    Finally, where are the rules what moderators should and should not tell you?

    Please do not reply on this.

    Attached Files:

  10. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Saw this on youtube, a B+V 110-meter quad-waterjet propelled fast yacht. There isn't a contract for this design as far as I know but they are tank-testing in case one comes up then they would be able to possibly have all the relevant information to proceed with construction...!
  11. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Interesting video. That is one heck of a wild ride for the scale people on board!
  12. Nahlin

    Well, the yard is not full-filled with yacht constructions and refits, this year, this time, in opposite with services, but recently NAHLIN came for some repairs. The wonderful classic is current behind dock 11. I don't know when she would go river down again. Probably you better know. I don't know also if the damage hull of 68m damaged in rocks in winter 2011 was scrapped or continued the project, it does not seem, however not heard about anymore.
  13. Sea Ray

    Sea Ray New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Abu Dhabi Mar withdrew after two years of intensive negotiations, not only back their offer to purchase, but also to omit the planned cooperation in military shipbuilding with B&V.

    Hopefully they will find a new financial investor...
    Sorry, if you already know that, the news are 2 months old.
  14. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    I think you will find that the so called co operation in military projects had a lot to do with the deal falling through. There was concern about some of the technology that was to go along with the deal.

    B & V say they have a number of projects ready to go but couldn't sign till the deal was done.

    There was another party interested when it became apparent that ADM would pull out and he was told about these potential projects. He too has pulled out of any more negotiation owing to a situation beyond his control.

    I wonder if they can sign up now given that Thyssen Krupp is no doubt still underwriting the venture.
  15. Sea Ray

    Sea Ray New Member

    Jul 29, 2011

    Do you know why they coudn't sign?
  16. duckobserver

    duckobserver New Member

    Aug 16, 2011
    Ajman, UAE
    Here is an update, 09th August 2011:
    According to German press reports, the sale of the non-military operations of Hamburg shipbuilder and repairer Blohm + Voss to a British financial investor is getting closer.

    In July, parent ThyssenKrupp AG said that plans for these operations to be taken over by a joint venture with Abu Dhabi MAR would not proceed. It said then that it was working on transferring the civil operations of Blohm+Voss in the medium term to new owners "capable of placing a stronger strategic focus on the business of these companies than ThyssenKrupp can."(See earlier story).

    Die Welt now reports that on Monday staff were told that ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems had signed a letter of intent for the sale of the Blohm + Voss civilian operations with a "European investor." Though a ThyssenKrupp spokesperson declined to name the investor, it is widely reported to be a British entity.

    ThyssenKrupp hopes to have reached a sales agreement for the affected Blohm + Voss components by the end of September after which antitrust clearances and German federal government approval must be sought.
  17. Rene GER

    Rene GER Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2004
    Northern Germany, West Coast
    According to German Media: A British Investor has Interests in Blohm und Voss for around 20 Million euros. Maybe wie get more informations in the next days and weeks.
  18. ^IT is a good reference given Price for a shipyard in which is bankrupcy. It says media as well that the current owner has written minus of 1.8 billion Euros this year. Last year about some of this half in positive area. It means the minus negative Ammount does not pay costs of 2 years. End of yachts !
  19. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Yep Star Capital will probabaly be the new owner of Blohm & Voss...

    Hamburger Abendblatt:

    HAMBURG. Moving ahead: Blohm + Voss is probably close to a takeover. The Hamburg-based shipyard will be sold to the British private equity firm Star Capital Partners. The Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems shipyard Holding (TKMS) agreed the way forward to on Friday afternoon. That the Evening Gazette learned from business circles. However: For the final decision still awaits the approval of the ThyssenKrupp Supervisory Board and the signature of the British. One thing is clear: The ThyssenKrupp Group, which is in the 2010/11 financial year gone heavily into the red, wants to separate from the civilian shipbuilding. The contracts will be signed in the coming days. Extent determined by the decision of Friday, however, are the conditions for the sale remained open. This concerns mainly the price and a possible job security for employees. The Financial Times Germany reported that employees should not be dismissed. The British take over the civilian shipbuilding, with nearly 500 million euros and 1,500 employees.

    ThyssenKrupp - a German steel giant
    + + + Blohm + Voss is apparently supposed to be sold at 2011 + + +
    + + + Lürßen gives up plans for Blohm + Voss + + +

    The steel company had already announced that a decision on the future of Blohm + Voss on to the 20th Annual Meeting January to fall. "The negotiations with the European financial investor approaching a successful conclusion," said a company spokeswoman for the evening paper. On the results of the Supervisory Board meeting, which began on Friday at 14 Clock in food, she declined to comment. "We expect an investor that he secures the jobs and the location," said Heiko Messerschmidt, spokesman for the IG Metall coast, the evening paper.

    Star Capital Partners intends to take over the construction, repair and engineering by Blohm + Voss. In these three sectors employ nearly 1,500 people. The military ship with 500 employees at Blohm + Voss in Hamburg and Emden, Naval and submarine-building in Kiel reserves with 2000 employees, ThyssenKrupp. The British are, after the sale has failed in the Arab Shipbuilding Holding Abu Dhabi Mar (ADM), the final entry for the Hamburg shipyard. The offer of the Bremen shipyard bosses Lürßen Frederick, who wanted to take over the entire company had rejected both the management in Hamburg as well as the works of the shipyard. Because he no longer looked likely to succeed, Lürßen had withdrawn its offer on Monday. According to Bremer, "Weser Kurier" to the British pay 20 to 22 million € for Blohm + Voss. This would be the opinion of industry experts, a bargain price, since only the division machinery, equipment of the shipyard were worth more.

    Blohm + Voss in May began with the construction of four new frigates for the Navy Federal. Lürssen is also on the building involved. The contract has a volume of 2.9 billion €. The last of the battle ships to be delivered in 2018. It is unclear whether the job is over after the planned sale to Star Capital Partners, or whether the yard would finish the job of Navy ships in the Blohm + Voss. For the sale of defense companies to foreign investors, German companies usually require the approval of the Federal Government.

    It is also unknown, with what order backlog in the repair business Blohm + Voss will be sold. Earlier this week, leaving the "Queen Mary 2", the shipyard. She has for some years the most prestigious ship, which is maintained at Blohm + Voss. Orders for mega yachts to the official version is currently not available. Blohm + Voss had recently delivered in December 2010, the world's largest yacht "Eclipse" at the Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, but retracted it after dinner because of various information-sheet repairs substantial losses.

    Blohm + Voss will now be sold without a clear direction for the shipyard would be visible. Orders for large yachts against the backdrop of the economic crisis currently hardly forgive. In addition, Lürssen occupied in this business has a strong market position. In the business of equipment for offshore wind farms in the sea, which is considered promising, the shipyard has not been represented. And the construction of merchant ships Blohm + Voss has long been abandoned.
  20. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    IBI had this in a more easy to read story a couple of weeks ago:

    STAR Capital Partners acquires Blohm + Voss Shipyards
    Mon Dec 12 2011, 15:30 PM

    Purchase includes all of ThyssenKrupp’s non-military businesses

    STAR Capital Partners has signed an agreement with ThyssenKrupp AG to acquire German superyacht builder Blohm + Voss Shipyards as well as its refit business Blohm + Voss Repair.

    The acquisition includes all of the non-military parts of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, including components supplier Blohm + Voss Industries and Blohm + Voss Oil Tools, which provides pipe-handling equipment for the oil and gas sector, leaving ThyssenKrupp to concentrate on military surface vessels and submarine construction.

    STAR Capital will continue the operations on all sites, committing significant amounts of capital to the businesses to ensure they are in a position to take advantage of growth opportunities in the future.

    “I am looking forward to working with STAR Capital’s investment team to make the business even stronger,” says Blohm + Voss CEO, Herbert Aly. “We hope to take advantage of the opportunities in which these businesses exist with the backing of our new owners who share our vision for the business.”

    The transaction is subject to the approval of Germany’s supervisory bodies and competition authorities.

    It is expected that the deal will be concluded early next year.