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Blohm & Voss News

Discussion in 'Blohm & Voss Yacht' started by Yacht News, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. Leveller

    Leveller Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Bremen, Germany
    As can be seen on the aerial picture, the "mystery" docked yacht is Nahlin - There is no other dock and its behind dock 11. You did that three pictures by yourself, don't you?
  2. no, the 'mystery yacht' covered is behind Dock 11. Nahlin is covered now what is together the Dock orange 4, another smaller Dock, brought to this place, stored somewhere else. Yes i did the pictures publically by myself from Ferries. The mystery yacht is behind what for now is 'Color Magic' in dock 11. Nahlin is at end of Kai near Cosco Container part and also near Dock 5 & 12, yachts side. K1W1 knows in what big boat is working currently, but he never would say/tell us about (Privacy Contracts). So. If i am not wrong can be this impressive project in B+V page, with some 'turbines', who knows.... :D I've explained in Post #37 the situation when Athena was here, but you know, i can't talk about 'cruise ships' here as references.

    ORCA: just left now Elbe river 14:15 PM Germany time, now today, to really make Sea Trials for test. She can be passing Cuxhaven now. Info only. I don't know when she comes back but i think probably at end of the day like they did with Eclipse in first ride for checks. Orca stopped in front Elbe, pics? who has chance.

    Many small Tall-Ships like Mercedes & Aphrodite are coming enter river now for what to be the Port Party next times. A great experience near Otterndorf...
  3. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    You might find the covered mystery yacht is Mylin IV.
  4. if you mean that seems really other dimensions. But anyway, i suppose if is her, then she is getting a tremendous refit. Thanks for info. :)

    ORCA: She is really coming/passing Cuxhaven now at 15:30 PM, Germany Time. The ones for first pics... welcome..
  5. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    She is certainly getting a major makeover which amongst other things includes getting rid of the TB1163 MTU Power for CATS.
  6. my Lürssen Radiant ... entering Hamburg 22:30 PM GER time

    The recent launch of Lürssen is coming to B+V passing Wedel 22:30 PM Germany time. Seems as every recent delivery, after some sea trials, final adjustments to be made at the specialist of machinery... So she is im Hamburg tommorow for beeing appreciated... :cool: I will try to make pics, but the weather is terrible recently... Dock 10...
  7. well, seems that the covered yacht inside dock is going to be all complete moved somewhere else... You can explain this us better, i suppose... I quite probably think, it is to be given space to 'Radiant' behind dock 11. Seems all now near Dock 4. If so, then Dock 4 is empty with at LH this dock with this yacht & RH with Nahlin covered in another smaller dock. Replans of Positions.
    It is interesting to mention this Building u/c is the Crystal with top apartments in 20 floors - 70m... It is the reference... behind. WEB Source is in Pictures!
    1. During Movement
    2. Final Positions.

    Tugs: Wilhelmine (rear), Bugsier17 (front), Bugsier18 (middle)
    Fireboat: Oberbaurat Schmidt, helped the operation....

    Attached Files:

  8. Mylin IV, Nahlin, Orca & Eclipse ...

    B+V is empty now in Docks 10 & 11 (ex-Rio Alster just left as MCC Shanghai new blue colors, but this is cargo and does not matter here...) Well what i want to mention is about the yachts over there. Mylin IV is on now, which means soon they are dismantling the cover in docks and going in Sea Trials. Let's see what they made with her then... :) I am anxious. The other 3 are 'on' also. So it means in Dock 5 the 'Military Corvette' is out, so empty now. I don't know what is inside dock 12. Anyway, i plan tomorrow with this better weather and temperatures here for a ride to see the developments over there as well a check how looks MSC Poesia. ;) Maybe pic.s
  9. Correction to post above... ^^^ Only about Passengers ones mentioned!

    :confused: 1. ORCA: Inside Dock 5 since 25.05.'10 according those recent photos.
    :) 2. MSC POESIA, results after Refit sailing to Kiel: (€ 200 3 day^s^)
    (For what i have seen for new Painting in exterior only, i liked much the service, seems all accurate done, at least close seen in a typical German raining day. Oh sucks how weather is here recently).

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  10. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Nice shots MK!
  11. Many thanks Bill. Things recently, i mean last 2 weeks, went slow down. Port was almost empty during nights regarding 'passengers' 'things' happening here. I would say it is a quite good break.

    I am sure crisis still continues hard strong for most, even me, just seeing some ships now.

    This picture shows you very nice how things are. Forget the tourist boats & Ferries!
    For the 4 yachts... always the same, beeing still closed worked on in same the docks...

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2010
  12. Senses & Eclipse

    Two Intrigant Questions:

    1. ECLIPSE: She is anchored in what seems a position strangely in Finkenwerder Channel. Why she is there after a small ride in river yersterday foggy & rainy night? I tried to spot!

    2. SENSES: For what about those news below taken from other site, why she came to Hamburg and is berthed besides Cap San Diego Museum Ship then? Because if she didn't come to B+V yards like neither Lürssen Radiant did, why both came to Hamburg then?

    not to say i saw a sheik and a man those days here in neighborhood in which some correlation seemed to have with those yachts, it seemed for what I immaginary heard, really remained confused about. Dreams?
  13. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Can you actually see an anchor cable down? It could well be doing some DP setup trials which would explain why it was making all the small movements just off the dock you wrote about yesterday.

    AFAIK, Yacht Owners are allowed to cruise to or to stay onboard their yachts while they are berthed in HH , I wasn't aware that there was any sort of ruling that it was compulsory to take your yacht to B and V if visiting HH.

    Furthermore, We tend to stay well away from the subject of Owners here on YF unless there is ample public info out there and it is of general interest to the forum.
  14. Oh my god, it was just a question, you don't need to be so aggressive. If it is not allowed to ask, then i don't participate anymore. How much arrogance this world have, unbelievible. If mods want, they can delete my all posts in this section. Anyway, she is already back.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2010
  15. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    The owners of Eclipse and Senses are both very well known. I have seen a full length interview with Senses' owner who provided a full tour of the yacht on television. Very nice boat and the main tender launching system is pretty cool.
  16. Mylin Iv

    She finally left today at 12:20 PM, but i don't know if is a Sea Trial or for ever. Unfortunatly I didn't know to make pictures, even when I could. Soon at Cuxhaven.
  17. MyLin IV

    According AIS, she is really in Sea Trials, but now berthed in Cuxhaven. It has a new picture of her brand new in the site, when passing in Elbe today. Take your own conclusions but Paint seems new.

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  18. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Cannot see the yacht through that huge copyright sign? This is your photo MKM?
  19. No, it was from some mod. I just said that the copyright of photo belongs to the AIS photoghraper, but the stupid guy could have it removed without this idiotic letters. :rolleyes: