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| Blohm + Voss | 163M | "Eclipse" | 2010 |

Discussion in 'Blohm & Voss Yacht' started by Yacht News, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Lrgyot

    Lrgyot Senior Member

    Oct 22, 2007
    Ft Lauderdale
  2. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Why am I not surprised!
  3. Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2003

    Fairing by
  4. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Any news on the "Eclipse"? I have seen one or two newer pics but I am not sure how current they are.
  5. REPORT of Eastern 2010 at Blohm + Voss

    1. ECLIPSE: yes, i have news of her. I went to see. She is now in Dock 10 without the green cover. It is since 2 days open to public eyes again. The man was not happy at all and remade entirely her. Now she is like a complete retrofit, much is totally removed, windows, painting, all details, she is crude again. Actually i was disappointed of the design too. I expected for a much more innovative ship. Now she has 162.5m after twice lenghtned. She is beeing totally refurbished. None new design is released until now. It seems already the costs reached the € 800 million house. Since 2006 she is beeing produced. Even after the 6 months launch in 2009 did not made maybe the impression he expected. She went dock on October last year and seems to only in final 2010 to be again in water, for a final official launch. I can check everytime the status of her, if someone wants. ;)

    2. OCTOPUS: Octopus is also behind Dock 4 for repairs in bow. She should actually been delivered again, but since 22.03 when she came, the 2 weeks seemed not enough, delays happened. I don't know when she goes down again. It is an information i would like also to known.

    3. UNKNOWN: On Dock 4 another yacht, completely covered, like Eclipse was, is under retrofit. It seems a 2 classical Mast like Savarona is, but i don't know if is her.

    4. ORCA: Orca of 96m continues in position where she is, to be finally finished the interior.

    After the transfer from Thyssen Krupp to Abou Dhabi Mar much more Services happened, which i believe, many yachts to be seen here forward. ;)
  6. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Thanks very muchfor your information MKM! As I said above your post, I saw a few pics of "Eclipse" but she had been covered back up and masking tape all over the place as they were painting the masked windows again, the domes on the mast are now grey and she was totally covered in overspray protective film.
  7. It is much more than that. Everything is beeing redone. Most windows were detached, anchor house was totally removed. But it is sure, there is no cover anymore, all main mast is grey now. If you want i can make a picture to show.
  8. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Sure, please do take pictures, that would be most welcomed MKM!
  9. my Eclipse 10.04.2010 - Work Pics - Revealed

    Well, as promised here are main photos of the retrofit work under her. She got already a new white paint in all decks were all windows were removed or covered by paper. The name ECLIPSE at side was under paper cover also. Now is to be seen again. All bow is getting new paint also like grey in all main mast. See other details by your conclusions. Together has the situation of my Octopus and my Orca as well. I put here because is all three beeing done at B + V, so no reason to split them and in same day time. Enjoy. I hope your doubts and curiosities can be revealed. Much has to be done already. If Exterior is in this way, probably interior is getting a huge upgrade as well. Of course i made many other photos, but i think this is enough. I will try to keep informated of status about that... :cool: If mods prefer the hotlinks changed to attached pics for better visualization, please be free...

    my Eclipse - 162.5m 2010

    my Octopus - 126.2m 2010

    my Octopus - LH & my Orca 96m 2010 - RH
  10. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    I read that "Octopus" had damaged her bow...

    As for "Eclipse", what happening to her hull...I see grey patches, or is that protective material? The mast is all Grey! She almost looks like a warship now.
  11. 1. The Hull is to be complete repainted in darker grey. So still some areas are with old paint, not already repainted. This could be for what you mean grey patches. None steel work is beeing done in structure, only paint. No protective materials anymore.
    2. The bow seems getting like Pelorus, the cream soft color. If you see good, then it has differences of what could be white, not only because the sun concave reflections.
    3. Yes, unfortunatly the whole appearance is getting more military.
    4. Like i introduced in my posts above, Octopus had a strong serious bow damage. Seems getting delayed to put all in order, which they are doing in floating inside waters.
    5. If you see the stern of Eclipse also, all screws are beeing changed. It seems she will get more power in knots...

    Ok, i put this high image for better appreciation. Actually she was too big in classical lines in all white. Straight long Forms proportioned in all white seemed lacking something. Really i have to agree seemed a little boring, with colors now can make a contrast.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2010
  12. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  13. Those news are very very old

    :p if you read good, those news were after the first launch at middle 2009, then the owner had money problems, came crises, gained all money back and the yacht was for only about 6 mounths in sea when went back to dock for refit, see:

    Mega yacht 'Eclipse' leaving the dock of shipyard Blohm + Voss in Hamburg in 2009

    Data from site is automatic updated OMG
  14. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    MKM, that was in relation to the picture they utilized for the piece. The picture was indeed from when she was initially launched in 2009.
  15. which picture you mean? because sometimes this make confusion. Actually had a previous launch in 2009, to see if everything was ok, but then the official launch will be at end 2010. I was confusion for what you wrote, seemed in response my post. :confused:
  16. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    MKM, the picture at the top of the news post from the Times Online link that I posted. That picture was taken at the previous launch in 2009.
  17. ok, Yachtnews, clearified then. Actually in the links i posted had other good pictures in order people can compare the situation half year ago and with the pictures i showed recently. ;)
  18. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  19. Surpriselly to me, very interesting that. Also here, not heard rumors about. It seems great improvements on her construction since latest pictures of mine. This is surely a sea-test in dark. Actually i like the grey by those photos, not that warship at all.
  20. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    I think I prefer this colour scheme better than the alternating cream and grey on the superstructure. Grey mast or not, it is going to get very dirty regardless. Same thing for "Luna's" mast, we can see how sooted it is already from the pics in the links I provided.