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BIG Sail Boats!

Discussion in 'General Sailing Discussion' started by YachtForums, Sep 14, 2004.


    SINKorSWIM New Member

    Aug 27, 2007
    Amelia Island, Florida
    Wow. I can't believe all of these wonderful sailing yachts. I know they have alot of sailers like the islander but it look like someone took a power yacht and stuck a few toothpicks in it, but it still is a very nice boat.
    I wish I could post a few picture but being here on Amelia Island theres mainly
    shrimpboats, smallish boats, one large yacht that is a casino, a few fairly big yachts at the "yacht Marina" on the other side of the island, and one large replica sailboat that come into the harbor every now and then.
    your friend,
  2. buffalohunter

    buffalohunter New Member

    May 17, 2008
    I was looking at these beautiful boats, the Hetairos caught my eye. I would appreciate knowing more about this sailing yacht just to know, will never own one I always admired grace and style. Thanks
  3. linnetwoods

    linnetwoods New Member

    Dec 5, 2005
    Currently in Torrevieja, near Alicante, Spain
    Sitting outside Puerto Portals, Mallorca

    The fifth most expensive marina in the world, apparently, Puerto Portals in the bay of Palma, Mallorca, is visited by a great many mega sailing yachts - from our humble anchorage we have watched too many to count, coming and going. It's impossible to be jealous though. Our 72' schooner may be old and battered but it only takes the two of us to sail her anywhere we want to go. Counting crew on the visitors, there are rarely less than five... imagine the cost of keeping all those people just so you can get from A to B! Imagine the lack of privacy - with the exception of the really gigantic yachts, the presence of crew must be impossible to ignore.

    Some of those vessels are so costly and immaculate that you'd be afraid to sit on any of the seating in case you crumpled the cushions - not my idea of an asset to be enjoyed. Inside the marina there are huge yachts that never go out or, if they do, they don't go more than a couple of miles to drop the anchor for the day, mostly scurrying back in before it gets dark!

    This is probably anarchy, but I'd bet most people with a small yacht, whether sail or motor, have a lot more fun with their vessels than most of the owners of these huge showpieces...
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    When I was working in Lauderdale through the early 90's there was a beautiful saillboat kept at the town dock by Las Olas (before they were rebuilt), but I just can't remember her name. Maybe some of you may remember her and know what's happened to her. She was about 100' with a beautifully varnished hull and green sails. She was rumored to have a grand piano on board.
  5. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Man after my own heart. Having a boat and not going out on the water to enjoy that space and food for the soul that can be found there, has always seemed strange to me. Enjoy!
    A little anarchy never hurt anyone except those that have stopped living anyway.:)
  6. SailMore

    SailMore New Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Indeed. Makes me think about how so many people want to show off and spend hundreds of thousands and even thousands of thousands on expensive luxuries but never actually experience to true luxury that is it. Why buy a Lamborghini to drive 60mph? Why buy a yacht to leave it docked forever? Just a waste of a beautiful thing if you ask me... Stuff like that needs to be used.
  7. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Agreed. However, it must be taken into consideration, it is not your millions being used. Let the people who bought the thing decide what they want to do with it, it is theirs! but that the same time after spending so much money you should extensively use your asset or assets!
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I often kid friends that I have the fastest car on Long Island (a Hyundai) because if you cross 74mph the cops or the stop lights or traffic will slow you back down. I once followed a Ferrari from Hampton Bays to Sag Harbor. He continually cranked it up to about 100mph and 2 minutes later I'd be behind him again. Eventually I beat him to Sag.:D
    If you own a beautiful yacht you have to spend most of your time working to pay for it. The ones who actually enjoy them is the crew.:D That works for me.:cool:
  9. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    "Mirabella V" is up for sale. The 2004-Built Sloop, which also happens to be the largest is asking 49-Million Euros.
  10. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    do you work to live, or live to work

    The lady who recently bought Maltese Falcon has this same problem, Hedge-fund manager Elena Ambrosiadou says she won't have time to sail the boat. “I work 16 hours a day, seven days a week. I doubt if I’ll be spending much time on her,” she told the Times. Otherwise, the yacht can be chartered for £375,000a week.

  11. Steven H

    Steven H New Member

    Nov 24, 2004
    Ostend - Belgium
    I know the answer to that one. It is okay to work 16-17 hrs a day if you enjoy your work and it brings quality to your life. Like a lot of people, I also work hard a,d long to get where I want to be. However, once there, I'll regulary place my feet on the table next to the autopilot and say: "I have earned this by working hard to get here now let me enjoy it."

    Am I driven towards goal (admitted, very HIGH goals) : yes
    Will I achieve them: that is likely, but nothing is certain is life.

    People with high goals have a certain way of thinking that doesn'tallow their brain to relax. instead, when hey get into relaxation-mode. After a few hrs, their brain comes up with new strategies, idea's, concepts, ... And it all starts again. For me, I can't get on my mountainbike or go to swim without returning with at least some good idea's or strategies. And so far these have all worked. My brain just works in a funny way, but it's not always fun because it is hard to find and get "mental rest".

    But even now, I do enjoy the hard work. I also work 16-17hr days 6 days/week. I am on the brink of releasing a new Energy company on the world that will change thing the industry, but much more important, our environment. Industrial interest is high, client-visits are ongoing and contracts being readied to be signed, patents have been submitted and registered. Does it sound too good to be true ? It does, but I've had it confirmed through more contacts I care to remember and even my father who was totally against it, is now one of my biggest contributors.

    Let's see where hard work and life's path will bring me, but I hope on a nice sailing-yacht fairly soon.
  12. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    News that the Alloy 37-meter sail yacht "Atlanta" has fianlly been sold!
  13. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Any of our Auckland New Zealand members seen the launching to the new Alloy "Kokomo"? This is the third Kokomo for the same owner and is massive in comparison to the others at just under 60-meters. Any one with pictures are welcomed to share! If you have pictures please bare in mind the forum rules, Pictures are no larger than 640 X 480 pixels.
  14. Blair

    Blair New Member

    Mar 6, 2008
    Kaipara Harbour
    Oops - I just left Westhaven after a few Christmas drinks with old clients which may explain why I never even spotted the new launch. May have the chance to return in the weekend and take a photo assuming the new Kokomo is at its commisioning berth.
  15. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    A nice pic of the launching of the new "Kokomo" on her temporary pontoons at the end of last year. The picture is from Alloy's website.

  16. Blair

    Blair New Member

    Mar 6, 2008
    Kaipara Harbour
    Athena's refit is seemingly nearly complete in Auckland. Saw the final brightwork being fitted at her work berth in Westhaven a week or so ago and suspect that there's not much more to do other than to fit the rigging. New paint and varnish looks very classy indeed.
  17. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    thanks for the info Blair!
  18. Blair

    Blair New Member

    Mar 6, 2008
    Kaipara Harbour
    For the lovers of wood and appreciation of skills of the trade the recent international boat show building competition for apprentices was a treat. The SMI boys won the overall prize and the Alloy Yachts crew won the racing. The various teams had to construct and race a proa type design. To see simple boats with full inlaid decks in exotic timbers will illustrate that these young guys knew no limits in trying to win. Their employers would avoid counting the true cost no doubt.

    Auckland International Boat Show - Gallery
  19. High Tacker

    High Tacker New Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Whangarei, New Zealand
    High Tacker

    Here below are some nice pics, taken during her first sea trials last month, of Greenpeace's new motorsailer Rainbow Warrior III, 840 tons, 58 meters long, two 50-meter A-frame masts and 5 sails, all on furlers. There are some scenes of her sailing, about 1 min. into this video:

    Rainbow Warrior III - YouTube

    And this is a video of her motoring with all sails furled:

    RAINBOW WARRIOR.mpg - YouTube

    Some big motorsailing cats with A-frame rigs and all furling sails can be seen at these two links:

    DAMSL — Catbird Suite

    "Number One"

    Note the helicopter pad on the afterdeck of Rainbow Warrior III, and the spyware antennae all over the outboard sides of the masts. She is purpose built for chasing environmental miscreants. So keep an eye peeled for Her when you're harpooning whales or bashing seals.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2011
  20. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Thanks for the images High Tacker, but in the future please edit your pics to be no wider than 640 pixels as per our forum guidelines.
