There has been a total of 6 "Certifiable" boats owned by this owner. (1) 57', (2) 60' (2) 63' and (1) 70'. He has (will have) fished all of them in the Shootout (the 70' will be fishing it this year).
Hi, I will ask the question again. Would you care to explain how you know so much about this whole arrangement? Saying you just had to make a telephone call indicates you do have access to inside knowledge. If so feel free to let us know as currently it seems you have a vested interest in blowing smoke over everything negative in any of the posts relating to any Bertram Product.
It doesn't matter if this boat is being sold with a hidden history or not. Bertram still had a major delamination. The only honor at stake here is that of the owner, which is either spotless (to the extent that it can be) because this is a different "Certafiable" or in tremendous peril because it's not. In either case the reputation of Bertram should be unaffected by the actions of a Bertram owner shouldn't it?
That would depend on who is selling the boat and the title history (which I don't know so I'm speaking in hypothetical tense here). If the boat that is being sold is a boat that Bertram took back and replaced under warranty or some structured deal where the owner had turned the boat back to the factory or dealer, then the owners reputation is untarnished and "shinanigans" gets called on the factory or dealer "IF" the boat had not been properly reconditioned for sale and/or the history of the vessel was not declared. If the history is fully declared and brought into the open to a prospective buyer, then all reputations are in the clear and it is solely on the buyer's shoulders if that vessel has further issues.
After a certain number of years after the name being changed or the document not being renewed, they roll off of the coast guards website.
First of all there is only a hand full of all of these (models) that have been made and you can count on your hands and toes the amount of these boats that are here on the east coast. A very small percentage of them fish Tournaments on a regular base. It’s very easy to get to know your peers (and their owners) when you travel in the same circuit. We (small boat Capt’s) are a small group of comrades. I’m not talking about the type of guys we refer to as a “28's” (28 years old, 28” waist, and 28k a year and only lasts on a boat 28 days…), I’m referring to a group of men that have respect, and longevity with and for there owners, vessels, and peers. Why is it whenever someone offers an answer to a question, or corrects someone’s comment (that’s not exactly true), we get bombarded with how do you know, why do you know, or better yet can you please explain how you know this “inside information”! In the world of us small boat guys, the good one’s share with each other what we know to be true, offer help when we can, and trust each other. When you work next to the same people day in and day out, you get to know it on a assembly line at a factory, an office, up hard in the yard doing maintenance work, or 150 NM offshore at the fishing grounds for 3 days, It’s all the same. If you (or anyone else for that matter) do not believe what I have posted, that okay. Just the same, I’m getting tired of having to qualify everything that I have posted (like a lot of other newbie’s that I have read saying the same thing) to you big boat forum Godfathers……… It’s very obvious a lot of you do not like new people posting.
The ONLY THING that I said is that there were (2) 63’ “Certifiable” and that the (1) that was at the Miami boat show (last week) is not the one that had the issues last year!!!! If that’s smoke, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya!!!!
If as Geriksen says that is a 2005 boat, JBK is spot on. The 630 Certif which had its problems was a 2008 6 months plus old during the problem and having about 900 engine hours. At least thats what I read on the web.
I too, saw the boat at the Miami show. first thing I did was ask the Marine Max rep the story and learned it was Sid's first 63', not the second one that delam'ed. pretty straightforward way to get an answer if the name rang a bell on the spot like it did with me. and no I am not associated with Allied or MM, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express!
Well, that is good news. There was nobody on or near the boat when I was there. If I was Marine Max I would remove the pillows, sand and varnish the back of the chair and do a better job of wet sanding the transom. I'll bet I am not the only one who thought that was the de-lam boat.
I walked across to the 50' Bert they had for sale and asked the question. Marine Max has had the boat for sale for over a year. I think removing the name or pillows would have been entirely up to Sid, the owner of the boat and since he names every one of his boats the same, guess it doesn't bother him. btw, the boat went under contract the first day of the show. survey was to be immediately following the show and since I didn't hear back from the broker, I assume the deal concluded. someone got a heck of a deal at 1.2 mil
hmm, I missed the 50 so I didn't see those guys. I was on the boat by my self for quite some time and nobody ever came by. The info sheet on the boat said it was a dealer trade. Oh well, it wasn't the delam boat and it sold anyway so it's all good. Maybe event like Certifiable and Absolutely really don't make much difference in sales..... I guess most buyers really don't do that much research. I think the members of this forum would look at any late model Bertram very carefully before buying it but the general public will probably never even hear about these problems. I guess that is good for Bertram. If I didn't know about the issues I would probably still pick Bertram over it's competitors myself.
This being said with no ties to Bertram, MM, and/or Allied, All manufacturers at one point or another have had issues….. Some are swept under the carpet; some are hung out to dry….. In either case the internet has played a big roll in getting information out to the public...... if someone thinks the public should know…….