There's no sense for ferretti to have plants all over the place for such a small total production. I could see ferretti moving Bertram to south America, who cares, after all no one stateside is buying them.
If it weren't for Feretti, they'd be out of business completely at this point in time. When you build a boat that falls apart and try to compete with other builders whose boats don't fall apart, what do they expect....... Maybe they're selling a new concept, a timeshare sportfish, good for 4 years of usage or a 1000 hours and then it self destructs and the insurance company pays you for it......hehehehehe
Cap, remember Bertram was getting back on it's feet just before ferretti group purchased them, mid 90's were good for Bertram which had just made it out of the early 90's recession/luxury tax mess. Btw, which yard were you at?
It was interesting how Ferretti Group made a couple of mistakes with Bertram. altough fair to say they did rectify them for the customers in a more or less manner. Considering the brand Bertram was about strenght, and sea keeping what happened with a couple of models was not good.... Ferretti has also a reputation of building good boats itself and when it comes to production builders they rate quite high. It will be interesting to see where Bertram moves, but I do admit a peace of Miami history is definitly lost with Bertram (Ferretti Group) selling the legendary establishment.
Jones. Bertram was starting to get back on it's feet and I agree with you there. The problem is in the 2000's they took all of the strength and structural integrity out of the boat. Ferretti also tried to make a motoryacht out of a Sportfish in some aspects. I ran a 2005 57' Bertram (that was coming apart also, it broke all of the tabbing between the stringers and bulkheads throughout the entire boat). They lengthened the 54' hull to make it 57' and then put a 1700 gallon fuel tank at the foward bulkhead of the engine room to keep noise out of the interior spaces like they do on Ferretti's. However, it moved the center of gravity way too far foward and the boat ran like a Submarine until you got down to less than 1/2 a tank of fuel.
Cap, agreed, central fuel tank in a deep v sf with nothing in the cockpit is a disaster, totally different dynamics than a central fuel tank in a Ferretti yacht with the engines in the cockpit with v drives. DUH! Btw, jones is the exception not the rule. Were you in the east yard or the west yard?
I'm not sure, it was far up the river and the address was something like 3390 w river drive.......Every yard I've been to on the river, it seems the employees wander around aimlessly, work like molasses, and just aren't fast.........
Cap, the west yard is the one with the ancient travelift while the east yard is the one with the drydocks and covered slips.
Shazam, Bertram was owned by an investor group prior to Ferretti purchasing them and they were far from "getting back on it's feet". I was involved in the 73 they built in that transistion period and it was terrible. Norberto Ferretti came in and basically saved the day. In my opinion they made the mistake of trying to put some "european flair" into the exterior profiles and it did not go down well with their core market. Yes there was the issues with the hull, sprit, gel-coat, bulkheads, stringers, handling, stabilizers, electronics box, exhausts, steering, partial Delta-T's, interior wood. Not a bad boat though. As for Miami yards, I can think of one that is completely opposite to what is being said on here and two others that come very close. Do you speak the lingo CaptJ, always helps.
I've never taken any of the boats I manage to a yard in Miami for work. The times I've been to several of the boat yards in Miami was to either run a yacht to or from and that was about it. However, every yard I've been to, I see the yard employees milling around, painting on bottom paint slower than my grandmother would, walking to and from at a snails pace, making several trips back and forth from the boat for hand tools and parts instead of one trip, stuff like that. They just don't seem to have a vibe where work is getting done at a normal or fast pace.
Bertram I was in a yard in 1991, on S.R 84, beside beside Rolly??,, was having work done on my 70 ft Stephens and could not believe the slowness of the workforce wandering back and forth to the tool shack and perpetually yapping to someone. The went up to Pipe ******* to get a new bow rail and stanchions..still does not look right... My 2c
Downunder, Bertram were always known as an "Amercian" Sportfisher, well built, great in a heavy sea, we didn't care what state they came from. Growing up on the water you would always see them doing a great job, they had Riv working very hard to keep in touch. Now, you would be lucky to see a 2000 or newer model (there's one 630 in my area). And if you were going to buy a Bertram, a 90's or older would be the go. Far