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Bertram 630 Sportfish Sinks?

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by YachtForums, Nov 12, 2009.

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  1. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Given the foregoing this must mean that there is a Farm of Sunk Bertrams out there just waiting to be videoed.

    They should as previously suggested fess up and either accept responsibility or continue to bad mouth ( possibly via some supposedly non connected members of YF) everyone and everything except themselves which will no doubt do wonders for their future business.
  2. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009

    There are a few “comical” things here….

    1) The first thing that is “comical” (IMHO)is that people are expecting more! Bertram has (and will continue to) release updates on the situation. One would think that 5 press releases in this amount of time are more then acceptable.

    2) The second “comical” (IMHO)thing is I have logged over 1000 hrs on a 630 (some of them even on the one that went down) in seas that most people only read or dream about. That being said, we have had no issues at all.

    3) The third “comical” thing (IMHO) that was said was about hull # 1 for the 570. You remember a few pages back, the one that came back (to Bertram) with the big holes in it where the exhaust was “originally” as posted by our friend…… Funny thing is, that was my owner’s boat, I was on all sea trials with that boat, and that never happen! Now that’s funny!!!!

    4) The last “comical” thing (IMHO) is the statement about the boys at AA Mabru doing all of the fiberglass work on the 630 line because funny thing is I was present for the build for our 570 & 630 and never saw them do it!

    Regarding the sinking of this boat from all angles……..there is nothing comical about it…… Oh I forgot…….. (IMHO)
  3. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009

    "Fess up" to what? That a Bertram sank and they have and will continue to offer information openly about it? I think they did that already? Don’t you?
  4. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009

    Capt J how many hrs have you logged on a 630?
  5. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Bertrams Press releases

    Okay Jbk4001, assuming you are telling nothing but the truth, which I am sure you are (no reason to doubt!) then it is VERY GOOD NEWS FOR US ALL!
    Bertram owners can be a somewhat comforted that it was perhaps just an isolated incident.
    Employees & shareholders can get some sleep.
    And a Builder with a great following lives to improve and grow...

    But, in all 5 press releases much of the same "guff" has been stated.
    The "minor competitor" who made those posts openly admitted his occupation.
    Bertram 54's, 31's etc etc have done many many thousands of hours without this issue, so while it is good to hear you have done some hard sea work in a few it does not change the fact this is a) not an isolated incident for a Ferriti Bertram and b) it should not have happened at all.
    Bertram have not been open and I wonder if Mike would "As always, if you have any questions on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me."
  6. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009

    Give him a ring if you feel the need to!;) Oh yea, I ment to ask how's the Marlin fishing been down under? Thanks;)
  7. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Marlin Fishing

    Hi Mate!
    No more fishing this season! I am almost boatless, all I have is the 13' Boston Whaler that used to be my tender on the Offshore ...sniff, LOL and unfortunately the marlin was so big it dragged me for miles....ahhh who am I kiddin its BS!
    Just no fishing until I am afloat again, hopefully within the next few months!
    News is that the fish are getting BIGGER every year off the Gold Coast and Jumpinpin, and the season runs longer.
    Tight Lines;)
  8. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009

    Thanks for the reply! You are a lucky man to live in such rich waters!!! Remember...dead is a long time! Get that boat!!!
  9. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Good Advice:)
  10. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    It seems from what has been released to date that there seems to be some significant difference between the manufacturers "released updates" and what is obvious for all to see.

    How many miles would your documented histiry show was covered in this time?

    No further pictures have been posted by this poster so the true extent of this failure remains purely unsubstantiated.,

    It might be comical for those with inside knowledge but I am sure it is far from this for the Owner right now.
  11. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    "How many miles would your documented histiry show was covered in this time?"

    over 22k closer to 25.....
  12. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    So you travelled 22 to 25 kts dock to dock, I sure pity your deckhands
  13. ArcanisX

    ArcanisX Senior Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Tel Aviv.
    Lord I had a good laugh over this, it's not just comical.
    I recall someone here was willing to provide PR assistance to Bertram/Feretti - cm'on man, a job opportunity!

    Well, first off.

    a) This is quite what to be expected for reasons we discussed a few pages back. IMHO quite poorly executed, but expected nontheless.

    b) When you talk about *providing facts and not speculation* and immidately follow it up with BS, that looks bad.
    Why not 1.432? So we are saying the boat has hit the buoy, and henceforth it is a FACT that it is found 1.5 miles from the point of sinking. And that supports the rest of the damage being done afterwards, because well, that's 1.5 miles! Cockooo!
    That is not saying that this is not fact, that's just saying that it doesnt look like one from this speech. If they got nav readings from the resq boat at the moment of sinking, why not say that straight?

    c) Typical doublespeak BS "he's a communist so he's wrong on everything". First, it's obviously not just SHAZAM! who smells foul here. Second, if you get to the point where you oppose someone personally, you explain where and how exactly he is wrong, you do not say "he's a competitor so he's inherently wrong". The fact that he may have an interest in being wrong unfortunatelly does not prove the fact that he is wrong, factual counterarguments do that.
    Again, it would worth nothing to specify what coring do they use, and so on.
    Plus, the "did not disclose" part is pure laugh. Somebody tell them the surprise that they are plain wrong with their FACTS here.

    d) Clinging to the *buoys sink our ships with one minor scratch to show for it* rope does not exactly help their credibility as solid hull builders that I suppose is their intent. The whole storm story looks fishy at a glance aswell, if for the simple fact that there are many fiberglass artifical reefs that spend years on the bottom in better structural condition.

    e) Basically mr. Myers asks us to believe his assurance of openness and not messages from people who claimed to inquire F/B about the story and got no response. Well, your mileage may vary, but given the circumstances, I am not on mr. Myers side on this.

    f) Just a typical comical bit that tends to crawl into these speeches all the time. Short lesson in hypocrisy hunt, lulz be your reward:
    .. :)
    Well if these lines are intended to misrepresent author as an objective neutral party free of *motivations* for making *statements below*, that's C-

    Specifically, the way "1,5 miles", "overwhelming evidence based on the unique paint we did just for this hull", "certain poster is WROOONG" and other bits are presented here is exactly the definition of "presenting unbased speculation as a fact". We are not given reasons for it save for "I say that" from an interested party.
    In other words..
    g) jbk4001, can you please disclose your occupation and level of affiliation with parties involved in this?

    For the record, I am not in a maritime business (and quite far from US, to boot), and have absolute zero level thereof. Oh well, I was involved in purchase of a few midsize yachts where Feretti was considered, but that's quite some time ago.
    Moreso, I would qualify my prejudice about Berthram and Feretti brands as "positive" upon entering this thread. Well it isnt now, and not on the basis of "speculation", but because of evident failure on the part of manufacturer to hanfle the problem and general worries it causes with anything but BS.

    Just like that.

    Bottom line, there are still questions about their boats, but their PR suck indeed. NYCAP's stuff had a better chance of working.

  14. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Wasn't your independence from the Mfr first called out earlier in this thread?
  15. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    yes. and it holds true.....
  16. geriksen

    geriksen Senior Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    San Juan Puerto Rico
    So what do you think happened to this boat?


    Underwater storm?

    Captain error?
  17. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009

    Me Too!
  18. Kamzoori

    Kamzoori New Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Here and there
    After reading this site for a while (I must admit I was introduced to the site through googling "catastrophic delamination"), I've finally gone through the process of registering. I must commend the site owners for having put together a very clean and professionally run site. Unfortunately I'm drawn back to this site because of another catastrophic fiberglass failure thread.

    With that said, I have the following observations:

    1- the site owner/moderators seem to rely on these horrific Bertram failure threads to drive traffic to their site and seem to be capitalizing on bertrams misfortune as evidenced by the shameless plug mid thread for another boat builder who happens to be a sponsor. I would have thought twice before doing that.

    2- if indeed the site ownership is actively engaging in a deliberate campaign of misinformation by posting misleeding photos and attaching incorrect dates as Bertram is alleging then prepare to deal with the consequences.

    3- for those posters who are posting information such as who did lamination and what types of materials were used, if you are wrong then you too must be prepared to deal with the consequences.

    4- now if the photos, times and facts posted in this thread are correct and the statements made by said "minor competetor" are correct then Bertram & Mr Mike Myers are travelling on a very, very slippery slope. Make sure there isn't a bit of truth to any of those statements Mr. Myers otherwise these statements made in your emails will come back to bite you in the ass.

    5- I would be especially aware of new posters that are defending the Bertram brand as I suspect that the factory will have some "professional posters" on the payroll to refute and discredit any statements made against them.

    With that out of the way Mr Myers, I'll have to go fashion myself proper tin foil head gear to fully fathom the theory you are bringing fourth as an explination for this incident.
  19. Retardo

    Retardo Guest

    wowo sounds like the anti-shazam potion
  20. geriksen

    geriksen Senior Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    San Juan Puerto Rico

    LMAO, great post!
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