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Bertram 630 Sportfish Sinks?

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by YachtForums, Nov 12, 2009.

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  1. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    It means just what the owner's attorney said ... the owner did not have insurance for the voyage, some other entity might have insured the project but as of 20 November the attorney had not discovered one.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Seems I opened a bag on the captain’s insurance topic.
    I deliver boats on the side based out of Jax FL. I can’t imagine not knowing the insurance status of anything I work on or deliver. Not kicking the captain again (maybe a little), I would hope he knew of any coverage at least to protect himself knowing whales, rocks, buoys, other boats, containers and bad weather are out there.

    And Yes, I am a licensed and insured captain.
    I was insured during my first phone call.

    I like the comment about FEB’s. Our POV is an ole Bert 58’ MY.

    At least over 1000 gallons of diesel uh? Dry suit, transfer pump, 100 foot hose, pipe wrench. Anybody have those LOP or LL's yet?

    , Ralph
  3. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009

    Well said. IMHO, it’s very easy when the judge, jury, all in one. I frequent many boat forums and never have I seen a Mod/ owner (of the web page) voice their opinion as much as here.

    on another note:

    Now as for the insurance issue, lets think this out…..If I was purchasing a new vessel and my intentions were to use it and/or have it delivered to a destination other then the location of the dealer from witch it was purchased from, why would I want to pay and/or take responsibility for this (the delivery of the vessel to such a location)? I would want to take delivery of the vessel where I intended to use it.
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    No broker in his right mind would send a boat across the pond until full payment was made and no buyer in his right mind would make full payment without taking delivery. As for insurance, In 21 years of doing this full time I have never checked an insurance policy beyond whatever is with the ship's papers although I will caution owners to make sure they are covered for the trip. Life is too short to read 100 pages of legaleze to try and understand something that has no relevance to what I'm doing. If I'm negligent it doesn't matter if I owe the owner or an insurance company and if an owner is foolish enough not to insure a million dollar asset that's his problem.
  5. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    You’re probably missing the essence of YF.
    The administrator has his own opinion on things just like you and other members here.
    He has no duty to any party or company line.

    But ya, there are members here that could write a book from a simple headline.
  6. jbk4001

    jbk4001 New Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    I have been the Capt for several new purchases. Regardless of where “the contract to build” was done and regardless of where the broker/builder was located, the delivery point/ acceptance of the vessel(s) were always where the buyer wanted it to be. I understand most likely that no broker/dealer would get involved delivering/acceptance of a vessel overseas (unless they have representation at that location). But surly they would up or down the east coast. All of the major brokers/dealers practice this all the time.
  7. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    So long as I have a current dec page, I will assume it is active. If the owner decides to run it uninsured (liability is what I am concerned with, hull I'm not worried about him self insuring) it won't be by me, and yes, I check every vessel. As far as no legal requirement for insurance, that would depend on where you are operating. Many ports require liability insurance as well as pollution insurance (but I don't think this vessel counts for the latter) as do many flag states (anyone know what the flag was?). There are ways to cover these requirements in a self insured fashion, but the instruments must be in place.

    As I said before, I am basing on what information was given here, and in multiple posts it's said that the vessel was uninsured for the trip it took due to an oversight when the destination was changed from Newport to Ft Lauderdale. That sounds like a pretty realistic scenario. It may have been an honest oversight, but when it goes to court, an honest oversight is deemed as negligence. If the captain doesn't have evidence that shows he advised the owner that the vessel was uninsured for the trip he will be shown to be negligent.

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto

    The 630 has become Bertrams Ford Pinto. They've had problems with lamination since 630 #1 (that boats port engine stringers ripped off and sent the engine into the hull side), I would be scared ****less to run any ferretti bertram considering these problems that have surfaced over the past few years. I was told by a bertram employee that worked in the factory test center that the 70' Bertram that replaced the 63' Certifiable had serious lamination issues (pre delivery) that were hidden as well.
  9. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    Before we get to the pics of the buoy that allegedly sank a Bertram, let me clarify a few things…

    1. The speculation that is taking place could have a considerable impact on the value of certain Bertram models of a specific era. This is much more than a yard issue. It’s an issue for owners of these boats who have a significant investment at risk, hence we have recent new members (owners or captains of Bertrams) who are taking exception with our discussions.

    2. It’s important to note, we are all consumers first, YF members last. This was the reason for starting YachtForums; to obtain and share information among owners, buyers and experienced people that would result in prudent buying decisions, minus the hype fed to us by magazines and manufacturers in years past.

    3. I am certain, beyond a reasonable doubt, that most of Bertram’s products are still of good integrity. I have spoken with numerous captains that have logged 1000’s of hours on these boats without concern. The problem appears to be isolated, contained within a brief range of builds.

    4. I am mostly concerned with the ripple effect that could follow these events, not for Bertram, but for an industry who has embraced a very good technology when correctly applied. It has many, many positive benefits, including a dramatic weight savings, increased fuel economy, range, speed, etc.

    5. And finally, I am in receipt of the sunken boat images, as well as a video of the wreck, but I am not posting them at this time, pending approval from the plaintiff and his representatives. I may forward these materials to my colleagues at the Dept. of the Navy for evaluation.

    With this said, I present the alleged plastic buoy that made a 63’ Bertram Sportfish seek bottom…


    Attached Files:

  10. Lrgyot

    Lrgyot Senior Member

    Oct 22, 2007
    Ft Lauderdale
    is it just me, or does that buoy really not look like it has been hit by a 630?
  11. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Here's a close up of the damage that Bertram is referring to in their letter to dealers, brokers and employees...

    Attached Files:

  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    According to the CURD site a bouy that seems similar (can't get a good perspective from the pics) has a " Heavy Duty steel internal frame and weighs 200 lbs. Hit at 25 or 30 kts that could do some damage. This one evidently took a hit, but I'd be hard pressed to say it was hit hard enough to sink a Bertram. The "evaluation" of the video should be interesting.
  13. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto
    Considering how many "new" 630's are in Ferretti groups inventory, you would think giving the owner of this boat a replacement would be a no brainer. Why the owner would want another one is a different story... :confused: :eek:
  14. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    I would surely hope that the damage on that bouy would not be indicative of what it would take to sink a new Bertram 630.
  15. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    impact with *that* buoy sunk a 63' boat?
    someone's got some 'splanin to do......
  16. Adventure

    Adventure New Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    San Diego, CA
    Not only can speculation hurt the value, It can make obtaining insurance difficult. As a previous owner of a 1989 63' sportfisher that had a 28 knot cruise we had difficulty getting insurance because of the reputation of this US builder. It wasn't Bertram and the problems were supposedly with the 55' models, but the 63' took the rap. Even though I never saw any evidence of any of this manufactures boats having problems. My only problem was the fuel it sucked with 16V92's :eek:
  17. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    Adventure, maybe 'FEB' need to start taking these 'Speculations' more seriously, eg post #230. that could be just a pissed off ex worker from Bertram that SHAZAM! is talking about, or that could be a real problem...?

  18. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    Which does not apply to this vessel, yet still interesting.
  19. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    You are bashing "cowboys" and you choose the name "on the pins"? Please keep the flame suit on. No one here is trying to drive Bertram out of business- but on the other hand no one wants to be the subject of the next sinking either.
  20. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    does this really look like a buoy that was hit at high speed and hit by a pretty large prop? since there is running gear damage, we can ASSume the prop hit the buoy... i'd expected some deeper cuts on that buoy...
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