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Bali or Thai style houseboat

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by brian eiland, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. karo1776

    karo1776 Senior Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I really think the idea of using steel tubes for the floats structure makes sense. Also, it becomes more like a cat or a tri or whatever. This would lighten the structure and make it more durable... particularly for land transport... or rough and ready moving.

    I have never liked the idea of concrete for boats and suppose that carries over to floating houses. Yes, high strength concrete is waterproof but it can have cracks and fissures which allow corrosion of the reinforcing. Now you can use epoxy coated reinforcing steel but still you get any corrosion of the steel reinforcement the rust expands and breaks up the concrete. Now I suppose you could use fiber reinforcement. Also, the concrete can be lightened with ceramic micro-gallons substituting for sand... and not lose strength. Aerated concrete loses lots of strength and can water log but is more crack resistive.

    The floating house does make a lot of sense too. I really enjoyed your comment about the property problem in Thailand. Foreclose the property and the house moves away! Its like the European tradition of taking the kitchen with the tenant... I think in some places that started when landlords put in expensive kitchens and the tenants took them with them... ruining it ever after... I have suspicions where that started but keeping my mum so not to anger someone.
  2. DanBlack

    DanBlack New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
    Thai houseboat

    My friend and I have been kicking around almost exactly what your thinking for about 6 months. We live in Phuket, are both boat captains, and know our way around the industry. We are finally getting serious about it now, and are just getting to the drawing board. The goal is a very sturdy structure camouflaged with a Thai look.
  3. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Hi Dan,
    Welcome to the forums.

    I just got back to USA from my 2 month stay in Khon Kaen. While there we visited Kanchanaburi area as I wanted to have a look at a few of these floating resorts, and the floating 'entertainment' rafts that exist in that area. I found a LOT of them, and took a lot of photos, including a few under construction, and some of the towing vessels. I'll post some of these in a few days as soon as I get them resized from my camera card and reorganized into folders.

    If you are really serious about going forward with a project, I'd be interested in participating. Perhaps we could document some of the project's progress on both this forum as well as a few forums in Thailand.

    Here are a few subject threads I found over in Thailand. A few of them should be restarted with more applicable titles.
    Living on a lake in Chiangmai. - - The Thailand Forum

    Foundations--pad Or Piles - - The Thailand Forum

    Living On A Houseboat ? Anyone Doing It? - General topics - Thailand Forum

    What a Novel Idea....great stuff - General topics - Thailand Forum
  4. DanBlack

    DanBlack New Member

    Mar 6, 2014

    Hi Brian. I am a member of a couple of those forums also and vaguely remember the discussions. Maybe we could move this to just a 3 way discussion, possibly Facebook. Until we have something interesting to ask or add. You can find me there at Dan Black in Phuket. We need to hear about each other's qualifications, ideas, goals, etc. not something everybody wants/needs to know
  5. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Sent you a private email thru the forum's service.
  6. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    On the Water fun

    These guys make the 'on water' experience look easy.

    While the story is about football (soccer) , check out the environment and creativity of these guys.

    Every little bit of water is used.
  7. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Cruising around on a river near the floating market area of Amphawa, I spotted this house on the land. At least if a BIG flood comes along, as often happens in Thailand, he may survive better than many others.
    DSCF3014. house ,boat bottom, 640.jpg
    DSCF3015, house, boat bottom, 640.jpg

    Looks like it may have been built around an old style Thai Rice Barge (more images)

    converted Thai rice barge, 640.jpg