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Are there reliable underwater scooters?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by P46-Curaçao, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    When you first start them up on the swim platform, they are quite noisy. Once you put them in the water you can just hear a light burble, that's all.
  2. Ju52

    Ju52 Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2006
    yet another

    I've seen Seabob (SEABOB) at some shows.
  3. karo1776

    karo1776 Senior Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    These are great... but be sure to buy the extra battery packs which run close to 2/3 the cost of the unit in Europe with VAT. They say the batteries last an hour... but if you really push the things its 1/2 that. The batteries take a long time to charge and the quick charge feature seems to reduce amount of charge and battery life. So it is best to use the regular charge. To start get an extra battery pack for each unit... two or three might be better if you don't have more than one unit... or you use in multiple user situations. Also, the ladies seem to like the smaller version at first but quickly adjust to the more powerful...

    But use off the swim platform you had better have some guys around to lift the units in and out of the water.

    Other than my safety warning they are not easy to hang on to as the speed goes up... you cannot believe the water forces. Its a real education as far as water resistance goes... I now really understand the whole displacement speed curve issue with the boat. I would wear rather than a flat mask use goggles type or something small and streamed lined as the forces on the mask can make it uncomfortable if you don't have a well fitted mask. I have an old one I used for 45 years with rubber foam cushion for the face... and its fine but large flat surface area... and it does I think slow you down or suck up battery power. You will understand this if you run the thing at speed... at first it is stunning. That video on about losing the swim suit... happened to me so if you are getting that middle age middle bulge wear something that stays on or a wet suit. I don't like the belt thing but it helps.

    Yes they do have programable speed and depth settings which as I am not computer generation I tend to find this a bother and limiting. But it does allow beginners to be safety limited.

    Safety wise my warnings are very real. I just would not ever use with scuba unless the user is a highly qualified and responsible person... too easy to get into real trouble. Skin diving its OK but very tiring from hanging on after awhile so it is exerting... also the ups and downs will fatigue you... so if you are not in good shape take it easy.

    Everyone loves these. I think they could bring out a little faster higher performance version... but I think they have it about at the limit of practicality for the user... as it is formidable... once you experience the water flow pressure at higher speed you will understand what I mean but the young and adventurous like to push things.
  4. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL
    I'm still waiting to hear back. They are over in the Bahamas at the moment. I'll get back to you when I hear from them.
  5. Belle

    Belle Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Well, hearing about these has even more convinced me that this girl is gonna stay on top of the water....I'm assuming you don't just want them to get to shore and back.
  6. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Underwater scooters

    I only have experience with Seabob (Made in Germany :D) underwater scooters. The F5 model, permanently programmed to the slower speed modes, is ideal for the training of beginners and guests. But I have to co-sign all statements made by Karo about fitness and ability to swim and dive in open salt waters. Those things can kill you.

    The F5 model is so maneuverable, it can be used for training purposes even in larger pools. And for mutiple use during a day, multiple battery sets are a must, loading takes to much time. The F5 is the only version, the old man still uses, if at all.

    The more powerfull and advanced F7 is only for the very fit and well trained, able swimmer and diver. And definitely, it should not be used for scuba diving. That thing can get you quickly beyond decompression depth or resurface you faster than you want.

    For scuba diving the Seabob DiveJet 414 is the appropiate tool (not toy) for the professional scuba diver. Switchable permanently to the slow speed mode with automatic depth setting and other features for professionals. They are used by navy divers and oceanograhic institutes for their underwater researches.

    All models are on the high end side of the market but of highest quality and last pretty long (a must with these prices :rolleyes:). For extensive use, the quick change battery packs are mandatory and the quick chargers should be avoided (LIO batteries !).
  7. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Toys on board

    Among all toys on board as far as swimming, diving and playing with and in the water, one device became the most wanted and frequented toy / tool on board.

    The Freediver:

    A floating 12 DC diving compressor with battery and a 15 to 30 ft pressure hose plus diving gear without bottle. Originally purchased for underwater inspection and cleaning of the boat, it became the most wanted toy for the kids and guests for diving in shallow waters around the boat. The company calls it deep snorkeling not scuba diving. I believe, this is the perfect expression.

    The length of the hose restricts the diver in going deeper than allowed or wanted. It is the most convinient way of exploring the subsea world without carrying the heavy equipment on your back and if it quits service, you are never to deep to resurface by just a few movements or by opening the pressure valve on your buoyancy control device.

    For underwater cosmetics on your boat, you just connect it to a 12 volt outlet and you have no time limit as far as electrical power is concerned. There are also some gas powered versions on the market but thats ??????

    This is much more fun than speeding around with those scooters and scaring all the colourfull underwater species away.

    And important for me, it restricts me from going deeper than plus one atmosphere (+1 bar, 10 meters), which is a factor, when I have to fly within the next 24 hours.

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  8. karo1776

    karo1776 Senior Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Capt Bill...
    They seem darn reliable... but you have to be careful with the battery packs... remember a battery pack costs a few thousand. And, care in replacing the battery pack is needed... bring on board, dry everything off... use compressed air hole to blow out all the knocks and crannies... then towel off well. Remember the batteries are very dangerous... similar to the ones on the airliner that caught fire and caused Boeing hundreds of millions or more to sort out.

    As far a exactly how reliable and how to do maintenance well I am not the one to ask for details as I don't get too involved. I am interested technically but try to stay out of the fray.

    I have a very strict rule... the Captain and Crew run things "I do NOT" on the boat.

    HTMO9 is really right on those little floating dive compressors... they are much better and safer bang for the buck.

    Thinking on it these high performance water scooters are like motorcycles. Now after lots of argument with the family I stopped riding 19 years ago... still have a license! But I could see a similar argument coming here but as the important females have not been clued in... its safe for now!
  9. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Floating dive compressor

    The newest extension of this floating diving compressor is its combination with the tender tracking system (display of tender positions on the chart display) and an VHF intercom system. Means, the skipper or owner can see the position of the floating compressor(s) on the map display and can talk to the diver while under water and vice versa. Safety and control to its max.
  10. P46-Curaçao

    P46-Curaçao Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    Curaçao (CW), Hollywood (FL) and Amsterdam (NL)
    Many great reactions and info, thnx! Although budget is basically not a Hugh problem, for my use, I think there are 2 options:

    1) Buy a $350-$1000 toy that could last for max. 1-1.5 years (if lucky)

    2) Buy a Seabob and pay from $11.000 for the F5 model

    Next question I ask myself do I buy two or three option 1, or one option two…:cool:
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Before I'd spend that kind of money. I'd buy myself a nice 17' Boston Whaler and tow it.....then you have a great little boat to bounce around in and snorkel from, no hassle of lifting and launching it, and it's an easy tow.
  12. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL
    I finally got a hold of my friends and they confirmed what I thought. They have had their Blade Fish 5000s for over 2 years now with no problems. They use them quite often and only have had to do basic maintenance to them. They said the model 5000 units seem more robust than the 3000s and in their opinions are worth the extra money.
  13. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Underwater scooter

    A few points, I would like to add to this subject:

    Regardless of make, if one of those scooters is also planned for scuba diving, it should be programmable or permanently switchable to some kind of slow speed mode. Speeding around below surface with full scuba diving gear at speeds of 6 to 7 kts or even higher, is dangerous. With the added drag to your body and your restricted ability to move, holding on to this type of torpedo gets really exhausting. If you loose equipment at speed, its gone. Upon release of the grap-on handle / throttle, that "thing" should stop. Lockable throttles are dangerous (IMO).

    And even more dangerous IMHO, is the often advertised strep-on gear. If one of those gadgets has a malfunction and decides to go towards the bottom of the sea and you are strepped to it, may ruin your day. Its like the quick release hooks for Kite surfer. If this safety device fails (and it does !!!!), you are in real danger. Like safety belts on a motorbyce :eek:. No way, if it crashes, you want to get away from it.

    I have done a lot of snorkeling, skin diving and scuba diving in my live. And even having attended a professional scuba diving scool during my military years, if have an infernal respect towards these hostile enviromental conditions below the surface of the sea. Also it is an exciting experience, anything below snorkeling depth is no playground and requires descent procedual knowledge and safety awarness.
  14. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL

    The strapped on or more correctly clipped in feature is used by cave divers and other tech divers pretty commonly. But they are trained to a higher level then the average diver.
  15. P46-Curaçao

    P46-Curaçao Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    Curaçao (CW), Hollywood (FL) and Amsterdam (NL)
    Thnx Capt Bill11!

    I'm going to order 2 of these, and We'll Sea (name of my boat) if they hold...
  16. P46-Curaçao

    P46-Curaçao Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    Curaçao (CW), Hollywood (FL) and Amsterdam (NL)

    The Bladefish 3000, 5000 and 7000 have been discontinued. Production of these models was stopped approx 18 months ago....

    They do not have any in stock and as far as they know, none of their dealers have any in their stock either.

    The manufacturer of the Bladefish will be introducing a new redesigned Bladefish in late March or early April 2014.

    They will carry 2 models, the Bladefish XS ( 2 speed) and the Bladefish XT (3 speed). This new Bladefish will be fully serviceable with replaceable battery, motor, magnetic switches , prop guard and handles.

    They are hoping to have stock of these models in late April.

    Keep you all POSTed!
  17. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    How are you gonna keep those towels and picnic lunches dry. I would luv to see everyone's face when you "pull up" to the tiki bar. Enjoy
  18. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I am assuming they didn't disclose why? Just must have been some serious issues to go 18 months with no production. Did the company change ownership? I also notice on their web site they show the new ones as "The new 2013 generation."
  19. P46-Curaçao

    P46-Curaçao Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    Curaçao (CW), Hollywood (FL) and Amsterdam (NL)
    You will be surprised BEAU, what this old lady will do for her best friend….

  20. weto

    weto Senior Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    As insanely dangerous as these scooters would be when coupled to a scuba diver has anyone heard of any problems ? I could see how a tech diver would use one during a penetration dive I don't see how one could be used by the general public w/o a LOT of injuries. NO THANX.