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Anyone taking a yacht up to the Great Lakes this season; plans? route?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Capt J, May 4, 2020.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I left this morning on a new 52' Sunseeker Manhattan out of Fort Laud, we did a short day to Marathon since the fuel tank was only 82% full and an hour to get to the ocean. The owner has a buddy here in Marathon Key that wanted to see the boat. We had no issues with fueling or getting dinner to go, but no dockage allowed at marina's so we're anchored. Next stop Ft. Myers, then Clearwater, then Carabelle or Panama City. We don't want to do any overnighters, but our range is about 175 NM at cruise. Might hit Carabelle, splash fuel and keep running the ICW that day. I have fuel barrels lined up in Mobile and Green Turtle.
  2. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    Paid $2.50 at Demopolis this evening. Borrowed the marinas courtesy van and had Burger King because nothing else was open and it’s Mother’s Day so no cooking for the admiral. Weather and traffic has been very cooperative.
  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    We're only at Ft. Myers Beach right now. Clearwater tomorrow, Appalachacola or further Tuesday, Mobile Wednesday, and on and on. I'm a bit range limited. Paid $1.89 for diesel today at Moss Marine in Ft. Myers Beach. Restaurants open in town. How is the debris so far? Are you in a new style 60' Hatteras MY? We're range limited of 175NM at cruise. But have 4-35 gallon barrels lined up in Mobile, and 2-55 gallon plastic drums at Green Turtle. If one doesn't pull through I'll have the other, but with both can run at cruise the entire way to Alton with plenty to spare. I'm not even bothering with Kidd's.
  4. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    We are a 1989. 1033 gallons so range isn’t a problem. Getting about 13-14 gallons per hour with the generator running, that’s total burn for everything. Very few deadheads so far. Also basically no markers. We are treating the water as if they are there but most aren’t. We did see a large alligator a few hours south of Demopolis. Good luck and safe travels on your run!
  5. captaintilt

    captaintilt Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    Great Lakes / Florida
    Capt J and David, thanks for the updates.

    Capt J, the range on those 52 Manhattans is brutal!!! I brought a 2017 from Chicago to Lauderdale 2 years ago through the Erie, and the fuel stops were a nice stop for the day, it just kind of threw the schedule off. Glad to hear your making way and it's looking like I'll be on your heels, and the shipyard should have the owners punch list completed around June 5-7 hopefully. Nothing like running it down to the wire!!! Safe travels!!

    David, glad to hear your making way, and not seeing too many deadheads / trees floating in the rivers. Kind of surprised about very few markers. I spoke with Charlie Kidd on Saturday, and he did confirm that he can get you fuel if you need to stop at his barge, but remains an 0800-1600 M-F operation, and his barge is about 50' in length. Noticed last night that the Paducah transient dock is closed until further notice as well. Safe travels to you as well!!!

    Thanks for the updates and if you can keep posting things, that will be beneficial as well.
  6. RB480

    RB480 Senior Member

    Feb 8, 2011
    New Buffalo, MI
    Paducah is closed but letting people dock there at no charge since there are no services. I was just there on a 56 Sea Ray. If you can spare the fuel by running the generator for the night, it's the best jumping off point to leave there at daylight and head for Alton. We pulled into Green Turtle Bay around 2 pm heading north and chose to fuel and head to Paducah via Barkley Lock and the Cumberland.

    When we came through, Alton was closed but we came out of Mel Price during a big storm and chose to just tie off (short on fuel) and try calling in the morning to beg for forgiveness. The security guard was genuinely just happy we were safe. At that time Alton was NOT fueling any boats, not sure about now. However, just up river Polestar and Port Charles Harbor were pumping fuel and very accommodating.
  7. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Keep it up Captains , this is neat! It's nice to read up-to-date travel info. Thank You.
    Safe travels.
  8. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I made it to Clearwater from Ft. Myers today. Started out great, nice 1-2' seas off of the beam, the last 50 NM we had 25 knots of wind out of the North and 4-5' on our bow and had to run 12-14 knots. Tomorrow leaving for Carabelle and if we have time will keep going on the bay to Appalachacola and stop there for the night. Have the owner on board and 2 of his buddies, all yacht owners. Good group of guys. It really would be nice to have another 100 gallons of fuel that would extend my range 40 NM. There's a 63' offshore in the slip next to us who is leaving at 6am.....our group only wants to leave at 8am......which is ok, because we only have enough fuel to run 9 hours......
  9. captaintilt

    captaintilt Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    Great Lakes / Florida
    Capt J. Safe travels, and talked with a fellow Captain that is in Tarpon Springs yesterday, and he said how nasty the winds have been lately. Make sure you grab some Appalach oysters if you get there tonight!!!

    Have heard a few rumors from some of the Lock Operators on the Erie that it may be partially opened by June 1. Again just rumors, and am not planning on it at the moment.

    I'm still planning on leaving Lauderdale on June 4-5 and running the west Coast of Florida and up to Mobile and then up the River System to Chicago and then over to Detroit for the owner, but was told yesterday might have to take it down towards Erie, PA for them depending on when I get there.

    Thanks for the update!
  10. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    If you want great food in Apalatchacola head to the Hole in the wall restaurant and bar. Tell Brarbara Dave the baldheaded boat guy said hi and sent you there for the ****** food and ****** service. Ha. It’s really good and they are great people! Safe travels. So far our luck been good, we haven’t been held up by any tows in the locks and not much debris in the river. Columbus is at about four feet so we went up the Waverly anchorage. Just inside the channel and had 8.5’ with good holding in mud. Very peaceful. Safe travels!
  11. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    Oops sorry about the cursing. Should have substituted the curse word with it rhymes with kitty.
  12. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The winds have been. Yesterday the last 50 miles to Clearwater had 4-5' on the bow and had to slow down quite a bit. Today 4-6' on the beam and ran at cruise the entire way and pretty good ride with the Humphrees, made Appalachacola and got really good oysters and shrimp. 172NM and took on 461 only 20% reserve left.
  13. Wl3175

    Wl3175 Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Newport RI

    just got a accepted offer on a boat in west palm beach will be going to Macinac island with her will be going your route leaving around the same time
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Where are you now?
  15. Wl3175

    Wl3175 Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Newport RI
    The boat is in west palm beach . long story short version is we had a boat in ri listed it 4 days ago and offer accepted today and went right after one in west palm .offer accepted on that and closing in 10 days boss wants to keep me on my toes
  16. captaintilt

    captaintilt Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    Great Lakes / Florida
    Capt J, sounds good, and safe travels. I've heard from another Captain that the Rivers route hasn't been too bad with debris as of yet, and we have a decent window of weather in the Great Lakes at the time, so you should be good for a while.

    WI3175, sounds good. I'll keep you posted as to what I plan to do. I have a conference call with the owner and broker this evening to get plans finalized and, worst case, when I get to FTL and if for some reason the Erie opens up, then I'll run the East Coast route instead of the Gulf / Inland Route.
  17. Rodger

    Rodger Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    Capt Tilt I thing you might want to keep planning your trip north up the river system .
    The border closure was to expire May 21/20 but Ontario Provincial Goverment and local border cities want the Federal Goverment to extend it another thirty days plus there is no new information from the Seaway on pleasure craft.
    If you do the river system text me your MMSI number if you have AIS
  18. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The NYS canal system, originally scheduled to open today, has given no further updates since the 4/23/20 notice:

    Notice to Mariners

    2020 Navigation Season Update

    April 23, 2020

    Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, the Canal Corporation has suspended all non-essential construction and maintenance activities, therefore the New York State Canal system will not open for through navigation of the locks on May 15th as previously announced. However, to support the Canal's continued use as a prime recreational waterway, the Canal Corporation is currently evaluating operational options to ensure New Yorkers will have access to the Canal system, if even potentially on a regional basis, this season. We recognize that this is an extraordinarily difficult time and are sensitive to potential hardships Canal stakeholders, as well as many other New Yorkers, may experience. The situation with COVID-19 is ever-evolving and we are trying to adapt our plans accordingly. Future updates will be posted through our Notice to Mariners program. We appreciate your patience.
  19. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    Heads up, as of this am Alton does not have fuel and neither does Grafton. Sitting at Green Turtle enjoying a couple down days. Lost steering so we used our plan stop here to get the pump rebuilt. Also had our kids and girlfriends stay last night and tonight. Took them for a cruise to sea trial the steering then went to Nickel Bay on Barkley to anchored for a few hours and chill. Not sunny but warm and pleasant.