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Angry young men...

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by airship, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Yep, nothing unusual there. Amazing isn't it? If I owed 10K they'd be putting a padlock on my door. Ain't life grand.
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Why do you have this concept that because someone makes more, the government should take more? If someone works harder, and makes more money for their efforts, why should someone steal that money from them? For example, my sister works very hard in her job, and when she gets a bonus based upon her increase in sales, it bumps her income into the next tax bracket, and then 90% of the bonus she worked so hard for goes to pay the tax difference. Is that FAIR? You should not be penalized for making more money than the next person.

    If his secretary only paid a few thousand in sales tax, how on earth is she in the highest tax bracket at 36%. That statement is contradictary, false, and not valid based upon facts. She would have to make $379,150.00 a year or more to pay 35% of her income in taxes according to the IRS.

    Everyone should pay the same percentage, period. What's fair is fair. Just like sales tax. Regardless of your income, everyone should just pay a flat tax of say 15%, no write offs, no BS, pure and simple......

    BTW, the Government does not create jobs, a government cannot create jobs. They do not make anything and they do not produce anything, they do not do anything that contributes to the GDP. However, by taxing (taking money out of the economy), they do reduce the amount of jobs. Only the private sector can create jobs, and until they feel confident in the direction of the government, they won't feel confident going out on a limb and hiring people.
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    For a person in that position, and including all income sources I'd say that's probably about right. So why isn't Mr. Buffet in the same bracket?
    Exactly the point. I was sure you'd get it eventually. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of your labor and being paid what you're worth (or more). Pay your fair share, that's all. Mr. Buffet should pay the same % of his income as everybody else. If the top earners did that we would have way less problem with our economies.
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    How can she be "paying a few thousand a year" and be in the 35% tax bracket? 35% of $379,150 per year would be $136,494.00, that sounds like a lot more than "a few thousand per year"

    He's paying more than his fair share as the average income tax rate is 26.5% if you look at the IRS tax brackets. Why do you ALWAYS go after the rich that are legally paying their fair share of taxes and NEVER mention collecting taxes from the 57% that don't pay ANY taxes??????????? Wouldn't that be fair to go after the people NOT paying their taxes?

    Let me put economics in a simple form for you to understand:

    Let's say you Captain a yacht for a Canadian owner for a day for $400, you have created $400 in this economy from another economy (Canada), you then pay your lawn guy $50, you take your wife out for a $100 dinner in which the restaurant took $30 in food and created $70 in profit, you then stay at a hotel for $100, and then buy trinkets with the remaining $150. You have created jobs in this economy with that $400 from another economy. Someone cutting your lawn, a cook/waittress/busboy, a cleaning lady at the hotel and front desk person, etc.

    When the US government takes $20,000 from you in income taxes and then they pay a government employee with your $20,000, they have not created a job, they have just moved money from you to someone else. Whereas is you had that $20,000 to spend it would still be the same thing. It's still $20,000 in the same economy. A Government does not produce anything, so therefore it cannot create anything. It's just moving money from you the taxpayer to someone else, whereas if the taxpayer had the money, they might produce something with that money such as start a factory and hire the same employee paying them the same amount, and take that $20,000 and turn it into $50,000 or $100,000 in the same economy. Then they'd also be buying raw materials from another company employing people, and spending the profit at other businesses.
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Cap, what are you arguing about? I agreed with you. Everybody should pay the same % of their income. No more/No less. Whether the government needs 15% across the board, 25% or 50%. Whatever it is. If we all paid the same % of our income you're absolutely right. That would be fair. Get rid of all the deductions and loopholes for everybody including the corporations and the poor guy. Fair is all that is asked.
  6. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    The top earners already pay more than their fair share. The basis of your argument, that they do not, is the same as the Obama administration, and it's false. Top earners pay a disproportionate share of federal income taxes. We've all seen the data.

    You could tax "the rich" at 90% ...the feds would blow right through that money and then come looking for more. The USA is well on the road to a catastrophic financial meltdown that cannot be solved via tax rates. There is no tax rate high enough to sustain the Federal Government as it exists today.

    The only solution is to reduce the role of the Federal Government as we know it today and thus reduce spending.
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Of course they would. That's what politicians do. Doesn't matter what the party. That's why I'd love all presidents to have a line item veto and a requirement for a balanced budget, just like we all do in our own homes. It would greatly decrease government waste, but that's a completely different topic. Once again, I'm not saying the rich should be taxed at 90% nor the poor 5% or any such thing. I agree with CaptJ. If I pay 25% of my income in taxes, you should pay 25% of your income and so should he. The rich would stay rich and the poor would stay poor, but it would be more fair.
  8. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    . That might be correct, if it were not for all the fiscal tax havens within the USA and across the globe which only the very rich (and as you called them "top earners") can afford to use (with the full complaisance of the IRS etc.) Every time I hear the phrase that someone (more precisely the richest) complains about paying "more than their fair share", it starts making my blood boil. So there are some rich individuals who believe they're paying "more than their fair share". But is that compared to the average taxpayer, or directed at other "rich individuals" who use all and every available subterfuge or possibility to avoid paying their own taxes?

    So far as yachting is concerned (and taking unfair advantage of available government regulations concerning the payment of VAT or fuel duties), all any yacht owner (whose fortune runs anywhere from €5 millions to €5 billions) has to organise today is that:

    1) The yacht is registered as a "commercial vessel" - under any number of flags ready and willing to accommodate almost anyone, whatever their motives.

    2) The (beneficial owner) will have to "charter" his own yacht when using it and obviously (at least go through all the motions) of "paying the charter fee" back to himself via the yacht brokerage / charter companies which specialise in doing all this. I believe that the yacht owner only has to this once each year. If he chooses to use the yacht outside of an "official charter", this could be considered as mere "inspection visits" etc. But ideally, the "commercial yacht" will also conduct a "real charter" at least for a few days each year in order to maintain their "commercial yacht" status, allowing them (at least in French waters) the possibility to purchase all spare parts, tenders and toys, food, alcoholic beverages etc. without paying TVA (currently @19.60%) and buy diesel at prices that would make most here wince.

    I suggest to the very richest taxpayers (those who are complaining about unfair taxation), that they set up their own investigative authority with worldwide application in order to identify all the other richest taxpayers who're obviously not paying their fair dues. For some reason, the IRS and equivalent authorities in other countries are not given the funds ( or means) to conduct similar investigations.

    Otherwise, it's not just what you put into the system, it's also what you get out of it. Perhaps Capt J would like to enlighten us as to just how much the richest US individuals and companies get out of all the "pork" regularly dished out at Federal and State levels on an annual basis...?

    For what its worth, the amounts raised by various taxes in France (2008) can be summarised forthwith (total tax receipts worth €352 billions):

    1) Indirect taxes (total 59.8%):
    TVA (the National sales tax) raised 50.6%​
    TIPP (taxes on petroleum products) raised 4.5%​
    in the majority, inheritance taxes (eg. death duties) raised 4.7%​

    2) Direct taxes (total 40.2%):
    Income taxes on individuals raised 16.8%​
    Corporate taxes on companies raised 17.8%​
    Other taxes including employees' and employers' "solidarity" taxes including the special tax on French "fortunes" raised 5.6%​

    I doubt that the USA relies on such a miniscule (in proportion to other taxes) of direct income taxes which in France accounted for just 16.8% of all tax receipts.

    So come on Capt J, make an effort. Give us some comparable figures. (You do want to be taken seriously here don't you?)
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Wow, do you two have way too much time on your hands. And you haven't even figured out how utterly meaningless any of those numbers actually are since they are fudged and manipulated by everyone to serve their own agendas. Is somebody here running for treasury secretary or something, or just a position with a political party (in France or the U.S.). (and please save the snide remarks that I know you're both thinking.) Yawn. I'm unsubscribing from this thread.
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    It took less than 2 minutes to look it up. You can lookup anything you might possibly want to know in less than 2 minutes on google.

    Everything to do with the economy and your nation directly or indirectly effects you, so why not lookup facts before making uninformed decisions.
  12. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
  13. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC

    Without getting personal...

    The posts above by NYC, should be read in the context of trying to explain to the protesters how an economy is supposed to work, as NYC appears to be very intelligent in many areas and if the protesters where as intelligent as NYC the job of convincing the protesters that socialism is a failure is impossible.:):D