It was one of the outstanding experiences in our lives. If you'd like to see photos.... They come in slow, like a motorcycle pack with dorsal muscles rippling, but thankfully they are nocturnal feeders. Dived from a live aboard 5 dive a day - we were exhausted! In the Caribbean, Stuart Cove used to bait the cribs in for us - a way different experience. Fast fish in search of food.
Yea I caught that to. Capt Ralph is hell on a keyboard. Although I have not seen a nurse sharks genitalia. After they bit somebody’s lip at Compass last year I dont think I will be trying to examine their gentitalia.
Just curious. Why not catch, photos and release? Nurse sharks so far as I know have no commercial or food value.
I used to just photo. I've never harrassed a critter with larger teeth than mine. Calm Nurse sharks can be pet. I've got memories of a Smooth skin - Dog faced shark playing peek-a-boo with me behind some pinicals near 25 years ago. I was concerned then he may have felt threatened. And stopped. He continued to play looking around the end of a Reed cap then back to the other end. In 20 feet of water I used up my whole 100cf tank that day. Some sharks just want to have fun... And, I digress again.
Back to the anchor ball...I looked on ebay for them and could not locate them or I am using the wrong day marker marine?
Day Shape/Anchor Ball should get you something, like a black foldable plastic ball. The mounting however is not standard like a navigation light or a VHF antenna. Pascal steered me in the right direction with flag pennant...(never carried a flag on the pulpit, or a pennant, always seemed to be for the Yacht Club Crowd, not my cup of tea) Thx for bringing the thread back on track, it suffered a tiny bit of thread creep.
Nah, you are good, everybody derailed this thread, including a spell checker in the sky and Captain Ralph on Genital Giants. I enjoy loose threads but the Mods are probably popping Valium right now.