Never mind, I think I found it. You can see the big rib that was stored on her sun deck in the photos. I still wonder how they got it on there. I could only think that they used an external crane as the one on the boat wouldn't reach high enough. Side note:what's going on with Plvs Vltra? She's been sitting at the yard for quite some time now. Did she even do sea trials?
There is a rumor going around about Plvs Vltra attending the MYS, She still is docked at the Amels yard, Does anyone know whats holding up her maiden voyage?
I haven't seen this be announced yet. Maybe a payment issue? I feel they wouldn't unveil the name after sea trials if something was wrong.
Damen is still getting these things sold. The first unit of the new 65-meter SeaXplorer design has been sold with delivery in 2019.
"Plvs Vltra" interior by Winch Designs... looks pretty nice...though those classic touches are generally not my cup of tea.
Here Comes the Sun has been delivered... Since the owners last yacht Imagine was for charter we may see the interior of her...
They also launched Driftwood, YN470 a LE180 a couple weeks ago, On Amels FB page theres a pic of the new 74m, I personally like Plvs Vltra's exterior paint scheme more than just the all white...
Amels has been busy lately. They have launched the third hull in the 199 series (actually 203') so she is out there with the 180 Driftwood and the 242.
AMELS 472 partially outfitted hull was towed out today from the port of Gdynia, Poland (where Damen Shipyards Gdynia yard is).