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Almost-Yacht Spotting in Seattle

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by CaptTom, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    For some reason the Northern marine 151's look more like an explorer, the bow is very distinctive.
  2. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Thanks for the photo of Bella Bri Tom. You really know your way around a camera! I think the Northern Marine 151 is a very attractive yact. She looks very purposeful and still retains an air of grace. The photos are always appreciated. Hope you are well whatever neck of the woods you may be in these days!
  3. Bella Bri

    yes, it is a nice shape. I really don't understand much the pillar near stern with the rear lines not continous-Straight-down, but minor design things then. As ever can be having a reason.
    A small arc-curvature could have been a better solution for parallel stern-decks curve imo.
  4. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    If you mean the way the fashion plates seem to be separate ideas in different places, I agree with you.

    It seems to create a visual discontinuity that jumps out at the viewer. I wonder why they did that? Surely someone mentioned it sometime during the build or when looking at the drawings.

    Since liking or disliking a design is purely subjective and what one person thinks is garbage is another's gem, I will jump in and say that since so many boats like that one look so much the same (externally) and offer nothing much in the way of character to differentiate them from all the other clones, it is all the more a shame that the one thing that makes that one stand out is what looks like a visual flaw.
  5. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    I guess they tried to avoid the fashion plates resembling a continous arch, by making them a little different from each other. At least I experienced this as a problem when doing the Chianti design long ago, and I gave them individual curves and added ventilation grids for this purpose.

    Attached Files:

  6. Exactly, another Reebok floating sport shoe in port you probably mean. Well, i mentioned that recently about in a thread... 'Feadship' interiors, but then, maybe you are the first to see as me... ok, who i am to critizise... I would like here some guys in the 'Renderings' part like atomare, other day, we made remotelly in the front windows a girl... to repair also this photo..... would be nicier :D
    AMG Design above seems 'correcter' i mean better in this thema, but like i said, it has always many reasons, like 'concept cars' in saloons and then the 'results' in streets... water...
  7. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    The boat in your rendering shows a great way to handle that issue. Even though each plate has its own curves, and each complements the longitudinal lines of its deck, the angle of the vertical centerline at least appears to be constant so they don't create a visual speedbump.
  8. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    I am not sure if the lines of the fashion plates are actually discontinuous in the exact profile view? ... The top plate is set back a little bit from the one on maindeck. That might be the reason, why there seems to be a visual break... so maybe it´s just a bad angle for the shot? ... (though there shouldn´t be any for a yacht of that class :) )

    If you look at the photo CaptTom posted earlier and see the yacht from different angles, the break seems to disappear or be more in balance. ... My personal opinion would actually be to skip the plate on maindeck completely, since it seems to serve no purpose at all, despite being fashionable.

    (Mod note; Pictures removed due to copyrights.)
  9. 1. Well, me and Atomare got the challenge to review the pillars issue and some other things. We discussed intern, but i proposed/suggested him to post publically in order others could have been giving an opinion also.Then we agreed. We took a picture in detail for an exemplification only. Hope not a problem. If some problem then to me. So here you are:


    2. I am working i think also an issue of this step side at 2nd deck and the white-windows part in 1st deck.

    Attached Files:

  10. About Point 2, here are my design reviews...

    Seeing only for what could be a profile, here i tried to exemplify what i think could be better... I used same copyrighted photo above for exemplification only.

    1. Cyan lines are the continous problems, which make the red areas to be in some way filled of 'pillar material', if it is believed that the orange point is the start 'virtual convergent point' of those lines.
    2. Green line is the line what devide the so called 'panels in 2 sides'.
    3. I actually think this 'virtual start point' could be in place in middle concentric point of this 'sphere' where the electronic devices are, my arrow rosa shows.
    4. Then we have this other pillar that imo should have been chrome appearance, where here i show with grey color boxes.
    5. The pink 2nd side curve shows how i think this step would be softer.
    6. The orange lines are other continue lines-curves reviews to be checked.
    7. Yellow projection: This is also important for what would start point those orange dash side lines. But then the 'grey boxes' = chrome or stainless steel appearance should have been extended with fore lines until this yellow line, if possible or fly bridge upper windshield more back positioned or a compromise between both.

    yep, so here the analyse or what i think of other 'minor design adjustments' that had to be having in this side profile.

    Attached Files:

  11. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    very impressive analysis MKM.