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AICON 64..?

Discussion in 'Aicon Yacht' started by OceanDay, Dec 29, 2020.

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  1. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Mr Pascal I did also speak with the captain who used to be captain of the first owner for many years and he said the boat was good for the value and only mentioned some minor things which he could remember as it was some time ago. He did compare them to the Azimut and said Ferretti maybe little better quality. Mostly cosmetic work was done and the regular required maintenance. He did say that they installed a ISO 50 AMP Marine Transformer top quality for that time and never had any major electrical problems. He also said that they did gelcoat repairs on the swim platform and some teak work on the aft. He did say that he need to see the boat now to get me better feedback.

    The problem is Captain J was never on board of one or operated one for some time. Mr J only knew someone who was running one that was not very happy but one boat does not necessary shuts down on whole brand am I right? Also there need to be more details on the boat to judge.

    Anyhow survey is going to be done including engines and generators and I will keep you posted.
  2. Slimshady

    Slimshady Senior Member

    Aug 17, 2018
    Lighthouse pt
    The people who have commented on the quality of these yachts are very knowledgeable and experienced yet you continue to look for different opinions. Read their posts going back years and you'll appreciate the free advice they are giving. Your compass heading is already set, let us all know how it pans out.
  3. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020

    I understand but how can you make a judgment if you don't try it.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Did he give you permission to post that in public?
  5. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I was beginning to wonder why you were so defensive of this brand, then you posted this announcement. Coincidence?
  6. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    I am looking to purchase this boat and I would like to get feedback from people whole actually experienced it. I am only sharing my findings as I do research on it as it is costly toy.
    I am not associated with AICON. I am actually looking also on 2008 Ferretti 63 as well but I cant just ignore AICON as I am trying to give them a fair chance as it seems lots of work has been done on it

    Many of the people think that Aicon is closed but it seems it is not correct as they are now active from what I see.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  7. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    If the boat was on water 2012 this means there is a good chance that things will be in much better condition comparing to something that has been in water 2008. Especially if it is getting full refit and along with cosmetic work.
  8. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I wonder why you thought it was necessary to publish Liam’s private message? Did you think it was important to publish this positive information in the thread? If so, I suspect an affiliation.
  9. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Like I said I don't want to offend anyone. I asked Liam to join so he share if he wishes his experience. I am doing it with good intentions.
    I personally feel that 2009/2012 Aicon 64 is not as bad as some people think. I am doing lots of research as this is my first expensive boat and I don't want to shoot my self in the foot with. What it worries me is that if I get another older boat for the same budget and I may need to start paying for repairs in couple of months of ownership which easily may go up in the 100K range. The boats which some of the folks recommend here are practically almost double the price which is not in my budget even if I wished... Hope this make sense. This is why there is market for Azimut and Ferritti and other brands. There is people class for all the boats right? People say about the 10% of the value of the boat as estimated budget for annual maintenance. So If I can get a good deal on the boat I am looking and nothing major for repair is needed during the ownership time this will be that I made the right choice and this is my goal.
    I just really wanted to hear from people who actually have experience with it personally.

    This is why I mentioned that it was 2009-2012 splashed as this is what is been advertised and Aicon conformed that is true when I emailed them. So the question here is pay for much older AZ or Ferretti as it seems this is the style I like or pay for AICON and take my chance. I will do survey regardless but sometimes things are missed even by the best.

    I am not ignoring the part of gelcoat possible issues or electrical but I know that if I can negotiate cheaper on the price I may be able to take care of it without feeling bad and be worried about.
  10. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Just to dot the i's and cross the t's, what I said is that in 5 boats of exactly the same model, built in a 2 or 3 years timeframe around 2005/8, the differences were structural and had nothing to see with refittings and/or owner's changes, with the only exception of the switch panels replacement that I mentioned.
    I found different piping/plumbing materials and routing, different logics and components in the fire suppression system, different exhausts, and even different hull stringers lamination - plus a miriad of other details that I can't even remember.
    Looking at that with rose tinted glasses, some could possibly be considered as improvements made over time on the production lines, but sometimes the changes were for the worse, and never reflected in the (very basic and standardized) boat manual.
    Frankly, the impression was that most of those differences dipended more from the workers (and/or subcontractors, more likely) that built each boat, rather than deliberate engineering choices.

    In fairness, I did ask for a link, because I wasn't aware of the brand re-surfacing.

    That has to be the 630 model which I already mentioned, and which I know pretty well.
    If you have seen her in flesh, what's your take on the design and build differences with the Aicon?
    I appreciate that better or worse maintenance, refitting, etc. can improve an originally mediocre boat (as well as the other way round), but if you tried to focus on original build quality, how would you compare the two boats/builders?

    A good refit is well and good, but with regard to your first sentence in my experience often the exact opposite is true.

    Careful there.
    Whatever the right percentage can be (my personal average in 30+ years of boating has always been a bit lower than that, but I always tried to do as much as I could myself), if you think to apply the same percentage to two boats whose original sale value was approximately the same, and enjoy a much lower maintenance cost on the one whose current market value is much lower, well, think again.
    More than likely, also in this case, the very opposite will be true.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    $150k in repair and upgrades is not a full refit. In fact if the boat was only launched in 2012, needing that much money poured in after just a few years is a bit of a red flag. Either the boat had issues since new, or it was beat up in the first few years requiring the work
  12. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    From what I understood that they are put in a brand new port Transmission and did complete work on the shafts and new propellers and engine alignments and so on and severing up to date everything. It was done by Sea Love Marine which I was told that it was one of the best
  13. ChiTown

    ChiTown Member

    Mar 22, 2019
    When it comes to boats or other depreciating assets I believe Affrayedknot concluded it best when he wrote:

    "With all of this written... It's a boat.
    Know what you are Buying, and know the Market that you are buying into."

    It all comes down to ROI , the return being your enjoyment, unless your going to charter this. Then that's another calculation altogether.

    There seems to be a lot of negative feedback on the brand. The OP concluded this is due to lack of experience with the brand. Maybe, but the collective group of experience is substantial and reflects the market to a large degree. To the extent resell and/or unexpected repairs are a factor in your analysis these opinions should be factored in .
  14. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    I have not seen any of them yet in real but I do plan to see them both on Jan 15th or 16th. I did get my financing approvals and discussed pricing on both yachts (Aicon is direct with the owner) and Ferritti is thru a broker. Like I said I am doing the homework now and I see lots of info on Ferritti Brans on the forums which is bad and good and not much info on Aicon besides what you guys posted and what I found from calling the captains phones and talking to the owner I mentioned. This is why I wanted first hand info no offense and I know many of you guys have lots of knowledge about boats/yachts and I respect it all. But it is hard to judge and I do like the fact the one of the boat is been recently updated seriously money spend on it
  15. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Yes Sir. I agree with this and I am trying to get to it and I promise to keep you guys posted as I am sure some people would like to know what happens.
  16. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL

    New gear, new wheels, shaft work and alignment ?? That is not upgrades, that is not refit. That is damage repair on a boat that should not require it. All these issues, especially the new gear, could also point to build problems, incl possible hull flexing.

    bottom line it s a red flag.

    so now the supposedly refit is really a $100k freshening up....
  17. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    The Marina said that the port side shaft hit a tire and this is why the transmission got split. There was no damaged to the Hull and they confirmed it was not grounded. All the repairs done professionally by MAN authorized vendor and all works is under warranty since they put in brand new transmission, propellers and etc.... Which makes me thinking if I go with the Ferretti will have NO WARRANTY on anything :(
  18. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Absolutely....nothing normal about that. Where did it run aground? Not upgrades. Damage.
  19. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Yes the Marina said it was some sort of Tire that hit the portside shaft / propeller and damaged the transmission
  20. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    No, what we think is that they did close and some people formerly associated with them have bought the name and built a website and may ultimately or not sell some boats. Absolutely zero evidence of them building and delivering even a single boat.
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