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AICON 64..?

Discussion in 'Aicon Yacht' started by OceanDay, Dec 29, 2020.

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  1. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Knowing a bit of the Aicon "one-hit-wonder" history (which obviously had something to see with the global financial meltdown, but there were several other reasons before that, starting with their early 2007 IPO), I believe impounding and repossession might well have been other solid reasons.

    PS: to call a spade a spade, more than likely the folks who built any 2009 boat were never paid for their work...
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    They remind me of another Med designed boat targeting for the charter market.
    A few years later, cheap disposal on the used boat market to any sucker that looks that way.
    Another Bayliner of the Med.

    You asked for an opinion. You received fast answers from seasoned members from around the world.

    When you have a question on a ship built for a reliable long life, please tap on us again.
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Well, it's clear the OP made up his mind before coming here. That's fine, proceed. He was waiting for one person to speak positively and finally one did in spite of others strongly negative. He's dismissed the negatives and latched on to the positive. I know nothing about Aicon. Just reading the thread and commenting on what I see. Proceed very carefully and I hope it works for you. I caution you though that you can have a sea trial and a boat survey and an engine survey but if you go into them with a mindset saying you want to buy, then you'll find a way to dismiss any negatives there too and may ultimately regret it. You're going to be paying for opinions. Be sure you listen to them.

    I'd strongly value what Capt J, Mapism and Affrayed Knot posted. As to it having $150k spent on it or being unused or a great deal done it was, I consider all that to be sales talk and don't listen to too much of it. I don't know the price but the price of a discontinued line and especially the price in the US for a boat seldom seen in the US should be far below what you would think and if you go to resell it later, it will be even worse. Look strongly at how long it's been for sale in one of the best selling seasons we've ever seen.
  4. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    I understand all the negatives on the electrical and the gelcoat but when I check other boats brands such as Azimut and Ferritti I also see negative feedback on them as well.

    What is a good price for 2009/2012 Aicon 64 LOA 67' (4 staterooms and 3 heads) which comes with 2xMan 1350HP each and 2 Kohler generators which is fully loaded? Let's say in very good condition based on inspection...
    Should I pay about $150 to $200K more and get another brand which possible may also have some issues or try to get good deal on the AICON
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  5. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Ohh and Aicon is back in business btw.. they completely target the American Market on East Coast and now recently started operating on West Coast.
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Or how about looking at a top quality brand.....such as Hatteras?

    Who knows what is a good price on a 64' Aicon because they're out of business, have very little following and built very few 64' yachts. I'd say a good price is around what a similar sized Jefferson would sell for.......or Meridian.....or Silverton.......close to the same size......
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    More bath tub boats.
    Hence the negatives on them also.

    L0003 translation buffer error...

    Still waiting on any question regarding a real ship built for a reliable & long life.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Someone please tell me the brand boat that is problem free. What are the areas that bring the biggest bills? Pretty much the same on whatever he buys except that paying the extra for a Hat or such may push him into an older boat with more hours which could bring on those big bills sooner. I would not buy a new boat from a company without a good track record, solid footing and a good support network. Once you're dealing with a 10 year old boat though the individual boat stands on its own. The opinions I'd be most interested in are about handling, performance and known hull problems. Save $100K or $200K and you can afford to do a lot of rewiring and such. Olderboater does make some good points though. 1) Don't talk yourself into any boat. Look with an eye toward why you shouldn't buy the boat or bring someone with you who can have that eye. 2) A lesser brand will be harder and probably take longer to resell. So make sure the deal you cut takes that into account. Make on the front end what you may lose on the back end.
  9. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Really? Got any link to their website?
  10. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    You have a point there.
    On the other hand, it's also true that depending on how a boat was originally designed and built, also maintaining her in the long run can be anywhere from easy to a nightmare.
    And as far as I can tell from the Aicons I've seen, I wouldn't expect any of them to be anywhere near the "easy" side of the scale.
  11. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Quelle surprise...! :p
    There's a very simple reason why you are likely to find even more negative feedbacks on Azimuts and Ferrettis, and it's because both these builders produced a number of boat which is more than tenfold, compared to Aicon.

    BTW, did you actually see any of their boats?
    For instance, as I previously mentioned, the Ferretti model equivalent to the Aicon 64 was the 630.
    A boat that I know pretty well, because a boating mate of mine owns one, and I even lived aboard her for a while.
    If you have a chance, try to have a look at one.
    I bet it will only take you minutes to understand why she fetches a much higher price on the used market.
  12. pierberio

    pierberio New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Venice (Italy)
  13. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Well, as the old saying goes, every day is a school day.
    I can say absolutely nothing about this new entity, aside from wishing them all the very best.
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The main reason I don't like new boats is the "new boat bugs", and they're why dealing with a solid company is so important. I remember when another yacht brand first showed up here. Getting paid for warranty work was a nightmare. However by a boat's 10th year I would expect most deficiencies to have been addressed either under warranty or by subsequent owners.
  15. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    A website does not a business make.

    So they've had a few designs developed and supposedly introduced one of those designs, the 66. How many have been delivered to customers?

    And let's note that the CEO was involved heavily and a key board member and President of the North and South America group when the company failed and the Partner (and money man) is best known for SEC violations of price fixing and lobbying and other such activities.

    So a new company perhaps or just vapor. I don't consider you back in business until you have deliveries to non related third party customers.
  16. Cruz

    Cruz Member

    Sep 19, 2008
    East Coast
    Assuming that the Aicon in question is the one listed for $785K in Stuart, it does seem that there are a lot of options out there in that class for quality yachts with better known, good reputations, even if you had to go a couple of years older (Sunseeker among them). I have learned not to judge a boat entirely by its listing (we all know that occasionally some are better than they show in a listing, many are worse), it is always curious to me when the myriad pictures seem to focus excessively on tablescapes (as in the case of the $785K Aicon) vs equipment spaces and critical details. Doesn't mean there's anything necessarily wrong and there's nothing wrong with one or two pictures of a well set table on the aft deck, but you have to wonder what they were thinking in this case.
    Edit: it made me wonder if the boat was in charter and they were repurposing marketing pictures. After a quick search it comes up as having been offered in a fractional lease program as well as for "rental." Perhaps this is not the boat but there are many similarities to the OP's description. If it is and the boat was built in 2009 and splashed in 2012 as the OP mentioned, it should not be listed as a 2012 IMO. Red flag regarding honesty for me.

    As has been well said, if pursuing this boat is where you have landed, just be sure to go in as "eyes wide open" as possible. As emotionally involved buyers we can rationalize negatives. Having objective, expert third parties you trust and are willing to listen to in the mix is obviously critical in any boat purchase of this magnitude.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  17. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I noted years ago at a boat show that the dealers wouldn't allow people into their engine rooms. The fact is that most are selling a lifestyle dream not a boat. Where the family will spend their time is more important to most buyers than what will concern a captain.
    In regards to your red flag, if you look at the thread '2021 Global Order Book' you'll not that several of the yachts in production have been delayed due to the purchasers wanting a newer year boat. It's marketing. Most boats don't radically change designs one year to the next like cars. So the relevant date is the splash date although the Hull ID # could end up causing sellers to one day have to explain why they think an 11 y.o. boat should fetch what an 8 y.o. boat does.
  18. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    I agree.. every boat is on it own. I see negative feedback for all brands and if owner is not taking care of the boat it will age fast, and have electrical issues.
    The reason why I can't accept the negative feedback as there is no better source unless it comes from the owners mouth. Sorry I don't want to be rude but it is hard to judge unless you experience it. This is why I did super hard research to find someone who owns one and I got lucky. Thanks to facebook lol

    I just spoke with an owner who actually still owns another Aicon 64 2009 and he said he loves it. He said that he had few times really rough situations in the ocean with over 8ft waves and he was amazed of how the boat handled. He did say it is not a dry boat but safe and the quality of the hull is really good. No major issues at this point and he did say that he had prior boats similar to this size and he does not feel that he is spending more money for maintaining to keep her looking good. He also pointed that some of the work he actually does it by himself and his son as he likes it. Also I did ask him about the gelcoat and electrical and he said that there were few spots here and there needed attention and it was easy fix nothing major or concerning. Most issues he did say with the gelcoat was on the swim platform....

    At this point I wish I can find some more people who actually own or operated for prolong period of AICON so they can feedback. I will keep searching.

    PS. Another though why we don't see any postings of people asking how to fix things or advises for AICON 64 is maybe cause there are not so many issues as it looks. I cant speak for the 56 model which I would assume was also older year model but one thing that triggered my mind is if every boat has it own issues as mentioned by Mr Mapism this also shows me that the owners did not pay attention to their individual boat. This statement will be valid for any brand and any boat. Every boat after certain age will have their own issues just like people age differently
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  19. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    You're convinced. Fine. You searched enough on facebook to find a happy owner. Make a reminder to yourself that the unhappy owners no longer own one. It's old history now.

    As to why you don't see more answers of long time owners, there aren't many. Never sold that many and certainly not popular on YF. Didn't sell is why they're out of business.

    As to every boat having their issues, that's a BS philosophy tossed around by those boat brands with more than their share. All may have some but some historically age better than others. For instance, Hatteras better than Azimut. Ferretti better than Prestige. Westport better than Vicem. The used market normally reflects those values.

    Let us know how the survey goes.
  20. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Owners never criticize their boats because sooner or later they will need to sell them ... the best advice come from captains who run and and maintain them, especially guys like J who deal with many different boats
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