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After the virus, what adventure awaits?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Alzira II, Apr 3, 2020.

  1. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    How do you risk your life running your boat as long as you don’t invite a group on board? reality check... the Chinese virus isn’t airborne... if you pass close enough that someone could sneeze on you ... :)
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I think it's more a case of what you might pick up getting to the boat and what you might be bringing with you (COVID19). Stay home means stay home. Nobody's going to arrest or shoot you, but almost every Governor wants you to stay home unless it's absolutely necessary as in if your job is essential or you need food. Besides the Covid19 there could also be a social stigma for saying you're more important than one's friends who are following the recommendations of the experts. There really is a lot to think about. Hard decision.
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    You risk your life getting to your boat. You risk lives of others doing the same. You also risk the lives of others. Then you face the issue of what if you get the virus on the way to your boat. Are you then going to try to make the trip with the virus? Very dangerous to yourself. Then dangerous to others at marinas. No, you don't risk your life just running a boat and landing no where but that's not what is talked about here.

    There is no Chinese Virus. There is Covid 19 and the more recent evidence shows that it doesn't just require sneezing, even breathing and talking can spread it.

    I know you favor the Boris Johnson approach. He suggested it wasn't a big deal, just get the virus and build immunity. Oh, and he's in the hospital now.

    So far the things we've found out have only made the virus more serious. We have found out it was more easily spread. We have found out that it kills more healthy middle aged people than originally thought.

    The OP is welcome to try whatever he wants, even if it might violate certain state bans. However, he asked for advice here and my advice is that it's assuming an unnecessary risk.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Covid 19 came from China therefore it is a Chinese virus. What is the problem with calling it by it a country of origin? I just don’t get it form China or is it not?

    how do people risk their lifes getting in their cars, driving to their marina, park, walk down the dock and get on board ? Wash your hands after touching the gate and that’s it !!! Reality check this chinese virus is not airborne. Yes droplets from cough and sneeze can travel some distance but it is not an airborne strain. You are not going to get it by walking 20’ behind an infected person.

    this mass hysteria is out of hand.

    we need to focus on the number of people who have been infected and fully recovered most without any serious issues. But to use the motto of a number of political operatives... never let a crisis go to waste!
  5. LM Viking

    LM Viking Member

    Sep 20, 2018
    So let's get this thing back on track. Up in Michigan it is still pretty cool. Most marinas are not open yet. We are all hoping for another great boating season on the Great Lakes. We are hoping to cruise the upper part of Lake Michigan, the straits of Mackinac, and even hopefully into the North Channel of Lake Huron. The North Channel is one of the world's greatest cruising grounds and a step back in time, not to mention it is fresh water. Our lakes are in fact great fresh water seas.
    We cruise out of Charlevoix on Lake Michigan. If I time time the bridge right I can be on the big lake in 10-15 minutes from my marina. We enjoy many close by ports, Beaver Island in Lake Michigan, going under the Mackinac Bridge (pronounced like Mackinaw), Mackinac Island and on to the North Channel with it's many islands of pink glacier carved granite and pristine waters.
    Last year the water levels in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron were at or above record levels. This year unfortunately may be higher. For boaters better than low water, but last year we had to carry a step to get on and off the docks. I guess we'll see. Fuel prices may be lower. Perhaps a silver lining?
    Right now we are not sure about boating in Michigan but hopeful.
    We are uncertain about going to the North Channel as that is crossing into Canada and right now the border is closed for the foreseeable future. Again we are being hopeful and trying to plan for the best.
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    A few years back we cruised Georgian Bay, North Channel, Mackinac , Charlevoix . In fact we lost a boarding ladder in an autumn storm in Charlevoix if anyone finds it. lol. Absolutely beautiful cruising waters. Here's hoping your season is saved.
  7. LM Viking

    LM Viking Member

    Sep 20, 2018
    IMG_2178.JPG Thanks NYCAP123. You too.
  8. LM Viking

    LM Viking Member

    Sep 20, 2018
    OOPs did not get them sized right.
  9. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I just stripped this thread of several posts that were political in nature. Gentlemen, we have much more important challenges right now and many uncertain days ahead. Maybe it’s time we all take some social distance. This thread is temporarily closed.
  10. captaintilt

    captaintilt Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    Great Lakes / Florida
    I've got some plans to bring a few boats from FL to the Great Lakes if the Canals open (or open on time) and then a few boats from the East Coast back to Ohio as well. I'm on 84' M/Y that lives in the Great Lakes. We are tentatively planning on getting her in the water, and just playing it by ear. We've talked about bringing her south for Winter of 2020/21, but that will depend on how the summer season goes up here. It may be a long summer of staying at home with the family and just enjoying a low key Great Lakes summer season and reset things come next year. Certainly wish everyone a safe and sensible boating season when things calm down, and more importantly take care of your family and friends.
  11. LM Viking

    LM Viking Member

    Sep 20, 2018
    There are a lot worse places to be than on the Great Lakes in the summer. Our summers are short but having traveled to quite a few places there is no where I would rather spend my summers. We too are hoping to get the boat back in as soon as we are able and wing the rest. It’s nice to think about and plan for during this time of stay home orders.
  12. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    We are hoping to resume our plans to cruise down the West side of Florida to the Keys, out to Dry Tortugas again, maybe on to the Bahamas. Just a wait and see. We are ready...boat is ready...dogs are ready!
  13. timvail

    timvail Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    georgian bay penetanguishene
    I wish we could get to out boat to work on her. However the marinas here are closed till further notice.
  14. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    On the 97th day of the year of 2020, a year to be long remembered, I'd say unequivocally that we have no idea what our plans are. We're waiting to see what happens. However, business and other interests put any long range cruising in doubt for this year.