Flag states Yes, you have forgotten the most convinient, most cooperative and the most profitable (for the ship, as far as taxes are concerned and in case you want to stay legal), Malta. The officials are very friendly, cooperative and eager to help. Besides tourism, being a favorite flag state for large yachts and commercial vessels is a great part of their national income. The flag change to Malta was one of my best moves (and they do not care about MCA )
My son will be leaving next week to start his first year at Mass Maritime Academy. I think it's a good choice for him. Most likely no little sportfishers for him....
Congratulations! Very few things in life can give you the satisfaction that watching your son begin a journey or experience something in his life that you either dreamed of doing yourself, or are involved with and have a respect for.
Hi, That is a very good move. A few years of diligence and study and the world will be well on its way to being his oyster. Once he is qualified he can work anywhere in the yacht business if that is what he wants to do I have always said that the best job for anyone is one they really want and enjoy not one they really need and hate.
Thanks guys. Since he is a Panamanian citizen ( but has a green card here in the USA and an option when he wants for citizenship) with an uncle who is a CZ Pilot his options are wide open. He's made three voyages up the coast with me in the recent past and enjoyed them.