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Add your Roamer

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by homer1958, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. gravy

    gravy Member

    Aug 24, 2010
    River bend marina St. Clair MI
    launch day

    I think this shot is cool

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  2. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI
    Same boat, different years

    1st picture was taken Aug 2005, 2nd picture Aug 2008, 3rd picture Aug 2011
  3. Laurence

    Laurence Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    Chattanooga TN
    I agree

    My launch, like yours1

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  4. Jorge Lang

    Jorge Lang Senior Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    Fort Lauderdale
    While in North Carolina last month, I saw a Roamer at a boatyard that looks like it has not been worked on for a while. There is another one in Puerto Rico that looks like it has the engines out since its high on the waterline. If anyone is looking for a diamond in the rough, let me know and I'll give you the information I have.
  5. davidopie

    davidopie New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Annapolis, MD
    Last Weekend on the Severn

    Here's a picture of the (finally named) boat "Element 13".

    (The wife liked that name more than "Aluminum Falcon". Sometimes it is better to agree with the wife. ;) )

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  6. Havana

    Havana New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    You are beyond your years. Happy wife...happy life!
  7. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Homer's Roamer at Cape Hatteras!! IRENE vs. ROAMER

    It is great to see the "Add your Roamer" thread growing. Many new Roamers are appearing none of us have ever seen. Each of us really enjoys seeing each new photo... all in hopes of gaining new ideas and creating more and more conscientious restorations and updatings preserving the breed.

    Unfortunatly this weekend will be the ultimate Roamer test... Can a Roamer 38 beat Hurricane IRENE and remain in tact?... even if you have to drive it down the highway back home. YES, they have all evacuated and insurance companies refused to increase coverage or decrease deductibles.

    Point is.. Homer's Roamer rests at GROUND ZERO at Irene's USA strike point debut at sea level at the Ocean's narly mouth.

    Wish us well, I will report her ability to withstand the storm... my bet is she does while others perish.... The legendary Chirs Craft Roamer is being put to the ultimate test... 42 years after her birth.. a time when America was the county of values we all share moments of warm nastolgia.

    Other new updates can now be seen at Homer's thread. I will say this.. those country boys are a bit slow, but very nice people and very fine craftsman.. far beyond anything one can find in Maryland or Virginia for a considerably more reasonable investment. Anyone needing a super fine craftsman, joiner, sprayer or metal man.. whatever you need... Homer finally found the best.

    Smartest thing was to leave MD and VA and head for the Carolina's... except for IRENE... please say your prayers she holds tough... if she makes it clean.... you all know what you have in your Roamer... this is an ultimate ROAMER test.... I say she stands tall and remains the tank she was built to be... will she stand up against 125 knots and wave surges of 20-30 feet!? I say she does.. matter of fact, I bet on it.

    Yes, we added the smoked window in the cockpit glsss V... looks better and no more splashing in cross seas. Check into Homer's thread for last weak's updates.
  8. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Looks good David!

    Will catch up with you one day. How is the seat and ladder working out?

  9. Havana

    Havana New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Hurricane update?

    Homer, How did you fare in the hurricane?
  10. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    She made it... many others did not

    Just got back...

    We were in the eye of the Hurricane... just south of Kill Devil Hills. BAAAD!! Made the decision to go to sea vs. get beaten up and thrown over the docks and rocks. Some boats floated off jackstands, some sunk, some just keeled over. We batten down the backcover with Bungie straps too. The swells were horrific, we took on a few buckets of water and a had a big auxilary pump in case. My buddy brought the Gordon Lightfoot's Edmund Fitzgerald. What a mean jokester... very depressing time it was.

    We made it back alive.... next time I'm taking Royal Caribbean. Food was bad, mate kept upchucking.. we held her steady and never once thought she would sink or not make it, well, yes a little bit.. we were indeed frightened. It was us we were concerned about.... not a fun 24 hours. Trick is to have your cockpit well-covered too so cover can flex and not break and RAINEX the windshield bigtime.

    Manteo, Wanchese a MESS.... don't think the waves were at 29 feet at the Oregon Inlet like they said... but sure did see some 20 footers or so. Amazingly not a drip inside. Use Sikaflex :)

    Enough of life's thrills for Homer.. ran Downhill ski races as a youngster.. now this... I just want to sit at the bar now have a few drinks and listen to fine piano music :)

    Most people do not know this, but Evil Kinevil owned a Roamer... he is dead now but his Romaer lives on... The Roamer lives on.

    Thanks for asking.

  11. *JU

    *JU New Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    MN, AZ
    Damm, you made a run for it! I figured from your photo's you were holed up in a shed on shore. Any photo's at sea? How many miles offshore do you figure you ran? What a story!!!! :eek:
  12. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Comin in...

    Here is the aftermath caught on video of the location... she was next to the fishing tower at first. Not sure distance but not too far.... to much shallow water there. Though this was a day or so after as you can see from the video water had rescinded. Whoever filmed this did not focus on the marinas.. but you will get the rough idea... this is well after the peak, but enough. Wanchese, Manteo and Kill Devil Hills area.

    Hurricane Irene 2011 - YouTube
  13. elusion

    elusion New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    Unionville, Michigan
    I'd like to post a picture of my 1971 Regal but can't seem to figure out how to upload a picture, any advice? Thanks Jeremy
  14. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    I think many Roamermans have this problem at first.

    Hi Jeremy...

    Remember the Movie "Revenge of The Nerds".. well, don't feel bad, these software sorts are not the best communicators. Anyone who has tried to build a website knows the issue.

    Here, I will make it easy for you and anyone else:

    1) Be logged in to YF.
    2) Click "Reply" to any thread you want to post a photo on.
    3) Scroll down under "Additional Options," click on "Manage Attachments".
    4) Goes to next page.. click on "Browse".
    5) This then opens your Photo or Documents Library on your system. Choose file your photo is saved in.
    6) Top right of page you find "Search" box
    7) Type in name you called the photo... link will pop in box
    8) Click on "Upload" .. it is now UPLOADED!!
    9) Look under "Additional Options" on the YF thread again
    10)Click "Submit Reply"

    Hooooraaay... you did it! :)

    BUT.. one more common problem... YF only takes photos up to 200 KB. If yours is larger, it must be compressed or it won't load and most photos are larger than 200kb!

    Many people now have this frustration.. Well, how do we easily compress the photo and save the same photo again in our file. Well, compress it and save the compressed version and repeat the load photo to YF.

    But how do I compress a Photo?

    Well, it is easy, but of course they do not explain this on this forum software assuming everyone knows how, but they don't. Again, "Revenge of The Nerds"

    Here is great way to do it:

    1) Load "InfranView" free software to your computer. Grab it by Googling... great photo compressing
    software and more.
    2) Go to "Images" button of InfranView and have picture you want to compress loaded.
    3) Click "Resize" then click the "Half" button, or reduce size or resolution as you wish.
    4) Play around with it.. you can do all sorts of modifications with ease... just experiment until you
    have what you want.

    Do not forget to click "Save" buttons with every application you do.

    Always make sure you "Submit Reply" when you see it.

    OK, I hope I helped not only you but others. I had the same problem at first. Then I figured it out once someone helped me.

    THEN... none of my photos would load because the photos were larger than 200kb. Voila! InfranView free software.. Load it by simply Googling! Compress any photo you want to load to 200kb or less and YF will work like a charm.

    I hope you/others who might otherwise load their photos write me back and tell me my explanation is ok. This forum software explains not much well and assumes you already know to a large degree. However, it is probably the best forum software out there too.

    But again, this is the plague of software engineers, they think because they know it everyone else does too. The frustration of us regular folks :) Ahhhhh... "Revenge of The Nerds"

    Look forward to seeing your photos as does everyone else! I also hope if others read this who may have been having trouble loading Roamer photos will share more with us too.

    I mean if you are going to enjoy the forum as we all do, please contribute photos. We love to see them in our never ending quest to see more and more Roamers restored to their former glory. It's not easy, but those folks who have nice Roamers know... they got the biggest hooters at Dockside Tikibars: :cool:
  15. elusion

    elusion New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    Unionville, Michigan
    1971 regal.jpg Thanks Homer, Your directions were excellent.
  16. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    1970 38 Regal

    This must be one of the last 38's ever made Jeremy or close to it. It is nice looking.

    Well, I deal with Web and technical Net people all the time, and have only met one of them in 10 years who has good respectful communiction skills. What is amazing is that the people who are smart enough to develop effective software such as this platform, just do not seem to ever understand that clear, concise instructions are just as important as the software itself. Heck, you'd think they would have a "step by step" as I did for you as I can assure you many folks had the same problem. If you play around with InfranView, you can get a much clearer picture but you have to play around.

  17. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    Hi David, sorry this took so long but here is a picture of your Roamer at Sam's.
    The picture does not do the boat justice. It was better looking in person !
    You guys had left by the time I was presentable but next time I'll stop by sweat and all !

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  18. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    what is the diffrent between the 37and 38 is the helmstation the same?
  19. 67roamer

    67roamer New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
    Gerogian Bay

    Echo Bay 2010

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  20. Laurence

    Laurence Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    Chattanooga TN
    Squeezed by Plastic

    Roamers stand out.

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