Actually, the vessels insurance would be liable and should have crew coverage on the policy that you should fall under as you were crew (even if temporary). Providing the vessel is insured.
Ok I got out of the hospital on Thanksgiving- and had my 44 birthday on the 28th. I'm taking IV AB treatments at home- about 1/2 hour a day. I'm back to work. My ID doctor and my cardiologist said I got the bug from the dentist. With a artificial heart valve I MUST have antibiotics every time I get dental work done. I went to the dentist for X-rays in prep for a teeth cleaning, and I do not need AB's with X-rays, but then they wanted to sell me crowns. They started poking around and then it lasted quite a bit of time- doing this to show me that my enamel was "gone" and I really needed crowns. The bug was already in my mouth and the poking around allowed it to slip down the space between my teeth and gums. It would be not be worth suing the dentist as fees would take up most of the judgement, seeing that I may not have "serious" health consequences yet. At least this is what two attorneys have said. If my conditions worsen, then call them. I'm still going to report them to FL state health dept. I seem to be okay- I dodged a bullet - again.
I feel your pain. I had open heart back in May. Went to the dentist for the first time after it about a month ago and had to take ABs. Never been bothered by going to the dentist before. But at least we are still around to get bothered. Hope all turns out as well for you as it looks to be going now. Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukah to you and yours.