Hi, Mine are under the floor boards towards the centerline of the hull. Mine is 46'-1980, galley down with a table down as well. The sea cocks for the heads are just about in line with the aft head. Head on the strbd and the sink, in my case, on the Port. Good luck
Lift up the floor board in front of the refrigerator. The sea cock for the head intake is right there. You also have the shower\sink sump in the next compartment. Chances are that could use a good cleaning.
Mark, you are exactly right. The thru hull and sump are under the floorboards in the galley. Time to yank the LectraSan to send back for refurbishing.
Ok so I removed the LectraSan today and cleaned/prepared for refurbishing at Raritan. I also begun the process of replacing the defunct Jabsco Y valve and sanitation hoses. Currently this plumbing consists of 1 1/2 in h black rubber hose. Like a wise guy I thought I would replace my hoses with the 1 1/2 inch white sanitation hose. However, I am learning that the white sanitation hose is far less pliable and can't make the bends and turns needed to keep the white hose from kinking. So I guess I need to go back and get the more flexible black hose. Do you guys have any recommendations? Thanks!
Hi Bill, I need the 1 1/2 inch hose. Also, I do have white 1 1/2 inch sanitation hose I just got from WM @ $4.90/ft. Not the same brand you show however. The problem I am having is that my product does not make turns without kinking, which of course is a no go. Is the product that you shared more flexible? Thanks, John
This is not a great photo. However the black hose you see going from the seacock to the lectrasan is seeping, it is probably 30 years old. It is this and other sections that I am replacing. Unfortunately, the "sanitation hose" that I am trying to use will not even make the bend illustrated by the photo to replace its old black, seeping counterpart. Instead, it wants to kink. Moreover, not viewed in this photo is another section from the Y valve to the LectraSan intake that has even a more severe turn.
However, the Lectrasan is out, cleaned and ready for shipping to Raritan to be rebuilt. PS the Rum in the background must be Ralph's...
But anyway, back to the whole hose saga, I think I'm set. I took the stiff white sanitation hose back to WM and got the black 1 1/2 inch sanitation hose. It is much more flexible and much easier to work with. I went ahead and cut sections to match those hoses I removed and installed the new Jabsco Y pump. new hoses and new clamps so my work is complete and ready to install the refurbished LectraSan when it comes back from Santa's shop. When I had everything pulled out of the bilge compartment I scoured it clean with copious amounts of bleach, Dawn and fresh water. It looks and smells much better!
Start spraying the bilges down with the cheapest white vinegar you can find and rinse the next day. That will really help remove the old boat/bilge smell. If I had a bit more notice, I could have come the rest of the way down tonight and helped with that rum problem you seem to have (it's collecting dust). Was in Melbourne (FL) this weekend working in an old Vikings bilge. Just back in to Jax a few hours ago. Weather with lighting getting bad up here.
By the way; Found WaterBaby and his ship today at a friends marina. Good looking ship. Very nice family. ,rc
The laws down South allow treated waste discharge? Up here most of the bays are no discharge so I had to remove this unit and install a holding tank. Is it worth spending money on these type of units any more when so many places are forcing no discharge?
I am sure that by now this has been resolved but if not, remove the forward deck opening in the galley. You will find the valve you are looking for there. Forward toward the centerline. At least that is where I found mine.