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84 Lazzara performance numbers

Discussion in 'Lazzara Yacht' started by Pascal, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Your speeds are amazing and I looked at the specs. It is larger than it appears in the picture. My personal thoughts are it's not well suited for the American market which prefers the FB to overhang the aft deck all of the way and more FB space that can be enclosed, but you could probably build them that way if a customer wished. What price point do they come in at.
  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    We better leave this discussion out of this thread, but you are welcome to see the boat at FLIBS in a couple of months!
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I don't think it s a fair comparison... It's like comparing a Ferrari to a jaguar saloon. Carbon fiber, IPS, small flybridge. Different market

    Don't get me wrong i love the looks and style. Now the 80/84 Lazzaras are a few inches beamier so I don't see how they d "fit"'in the delta

    Seems to me the delta would be going against pershings and sunseekers not your average American market MY

    we need a big open galley here in the US, this is where everyone hangs out... With a big dinette.. People here call it a country kitchen. Yet when we re done the galley is separated from the saloon. Makes sense

    And FIVE staterooms plus two crew

    Overhang and shade over a big aft deck? A must

    Then the flybridge. Most buyers here want a BIG flybridge. In our case for professional reasons the buyers wanted a skylounge, and it s big ! But the open part behind is as big as the delta

    But again it's an unfair comparison as it sports car vs saloon. Different markets

    Except in this case the saloon is like an XJR. It can, to some extent, play sports car even if it won't quite keep up on a track... :)
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I agree that the comparison doesn't make sense, but the Delta is actually 3" beamier from what I've found. Also it's longer.

    Otherwise I would say there are things I like about both boats and things I'm not personally fond of. That's the way it is with most boats. Not a lot of perfect boats out there. I haven't been on either of the two specific boats.
  5. amgscrap

    amgscrap Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    boca raton
    I also think it is impossible to do a strict comparison. Each has its own buyers.
    Unfortunately, unless you are buying used, Lazzara is no longer an option.

    The Delta looks like a great boat. The IPS is a great system. I don't know much about carbon fiber, my only concern being how easy it is to repair. Unfortunately, the gelcoat guy is a regular with me.

    From a personal perspective, the only two negatives as to the Delta are its strict Scandanavian design and the Fischer Panda generators. I am sure to others the Scandanavian design is great, I like the Italian look. I had Fischer Panda's on two boats. While they are light and compact for me they were totally unreliable. I am sure that can be changed on the Delta.
  6. mike Hartley

    mike Hartley Member

    Jul 22, 2016
    Hi Pascal,
    Im looking at an 80 ft Lazzara...with MTU power...have any fuel burn rates at slower sppeds? So far how have you liked the Lazzara and what do you think of her overall?
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    The 80 and 84 are very similar, with the 84 Lazzara added crew quarters aft so all 5 stateroom could be used for guests.

    On the 84 with C32s we burn 20 gph at 1000 rpm doing around 10.5 kts. Thats the best slwo cruise, obviously if you try going an extra knot your fuel burn increases exponentially

    So far it s been about a year and a half, we ve put about 600 hours on the boat and very few complaints. The worst being the design of the lazzarette bilge pump setup which has a very small sump which refills from the water in the hose. As much as i hate check valves, i ended up adding one. I also added a back up rule 3700 in there

    Another minor gripe is the saloon and galley air handler drains which do not have enough slope and clog easily. Something many builders seem to screw up...

    Nautical Structure davit and platform. Nautical structure service is teh worst. Lazzara built a fibrglass cover on the davit boom to integrate it in the superstructure design, pretty slick looking but easy to chip the fiberglass if not retracted i the right sequence.

    Lastly, the light system is a little complex. It is mostly 24v AC (transformers) with relays to switch some lights to 24v DC if AC power is lost. Works well but a little complex. Makes upgrading to LEDs a littel challenging as not all LEDs work on AC, requiring adding AC-DC converters for some led fixtures

    But altogether, these are minor details... the performance and fuel economy is very impressive, as mentioned earlier in the thread. Sea keeping is a bit subjective and hard to quantify, similar hatteras probably handle rough stuff better but altogether the performance and economy are worth it The boat handles very well in close quarters, with easy access to lines etc.... i often handle the lines and dockig alone if the crew is busy with guests.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
  8. captainwjm

    captainwjm Senior member

    Aug 17, 2010
    Miami, FL, Cape Elizabeth, ME
    Pascal, just wondering; do you go 10 kts on the crossing, or just in the islands?
  9. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    It depends. We crossed last Friday and ran 22kts from Miami to Cat, quick stop to clear then across the bank. At NW channel light we slowed to 10kts all the way to Staniel. We left at 7am and dropped anchor at Big Major at 1am having used 750 USG

    Sometimes we do all or most of the trip at 10kts.
  10. captainwjm

    captainwjm Senior member

    Aug 17, 2010
    Miami, FL, Cape Elizabeth, ME
    Thanks. We'll be doing that run in early June.
  11. mike Hartley

    mike Hartley Member

    Jul 22, 2016
    Thanks for that.... were thinking on the 80 Lazzara and appreciate the insight. Making a jump from our 50 ft...should be fun. Were planning some runs to the Bahamas...once we decide. I'll look you up for sure!