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60-meter British Flagged Vessel FOX sinks in Thailand

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Master John, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. Capex39

    Capex39 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    Just talked, yesterday, to one of the players in the aforementioned saga and it seems that the Fox is now under the control of a competent project manager who is doing some great things with the boat. This is all a result of the Underwriters finally deciding to bite the bullet and re- complete the boat.
    The problems (the major ones at least!) started when the original naval architect was pulled off the job by YS, and another company appointed to do the interior. This particular company then proceeded to change some of the original design and add tonnes of marble and other things that don't float well. The principal of this new company never even made a visit to this project to oversee his vision so once the interior was finished the original architect was "coerced" by YS into completing the stability calculations. His team spent weeks trying to establish what had taken place since their previous contact with the project which finally led to an error of some 200 tonnes. This in turn led to the ballast lines being unreliable (unbeknownst to all) and the hull not being ballasted as the hull floated earlier than the calculations suggested it should.
    The whole project has had an odor to it that has started to ripen more fully as new project management and a new owner's surveyor have come to grips with some of the implications of the previous management decisions. This in turn is having some significant effect on the future of YS as yards and industry professionals in the area learn about the story.
  2. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    Wow! But kind of saw this coming. And plus if you look at the original design of the vessel, you can see it's main part of the superstructure was at the midships and forward. The new one came all the way back to the transom, it would of created massive moments filling in that space. I think everyone needed a good backhand for this effort.

  3. Captringbolt

    Captringbolt New Member

    Mar 14, 2013
    San Francisco
    The latest in this ongoing saga is that there are still issues to be resolved with Yacht Solutions regarding the cause of the sinking and some financial discrepancies that owners representative and lawyers are looking into.
  4. Capex39

    Capex39 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    Sorry to bump an old thread!
    Just an update on the activities of the project managers - Yacht Solutions have been appointed as follows:
    Yacht Solutions named consultant for Statham blockbuster=Phuket Gazette.