Or maybe that group was never as large as you were led to believe and maybe the ones who did so in the 40-47's found it not to be nearly as enjoyable as some would have you believe. The reality is somewhere short of what comes out of the publicity machine. Let's look for a moment at the Nordhavn 40 Around the World Voyage in 2001-2002. 16 different crew members. 8 media guests. 24 sponsors in addition to Nordhavn. 24 articles written about it. Great trip, but anyone thinking as a result of it they could just jump in one and do the same would have been greatly misleading themselves. 24,211 miles in 172 days. All the resources of Nordhavn behind them at all times. Parts flown in when needed. Fully stabilized. Very experienced and knowledgeable crew. Definitely not your "cross-over sailor who could go the distance without too many of the creature comforts that are so valued today?" Not a crossing that tells the OP he can and should do it. A crossing that says it can be done if you throw all the resources of a boat builder and many others behind it. Very interesting to read the day by day commentary, but about as opposite as the romance of a brave adventurer setting out on his small boat with just himself and his girlfriend.
It seems that the Nordhavn "publicity machine" has struck a nerve with you, which is quite curious. They have successfully sold a vision, a dream to many, some who stuck with it others who found out that 7 knots and a cloud of sea foam is not for them. Some of them have gone on to faster boats as well. Good for our Industry. And so they marketed and fully supported a Transatlantic event, with many different operator skill levels participating. Why would they not fully support such a grand vision to the best of their capabilities? A novice who would read and follow that event would surely understand that there was a lot of "hand holding" along the way in some cases, so what? It is a pretty simple step to realize that you are not going to get the same level of 'hand holding" if you go solo. I have no preconceptions of what any of the participants level of enjoyment was or is, who cares, it is a personal thing. But I have met many Nordhavn and Mason owners who have commissioned there vessels near our boat slip in DP and they seemed to be enjoying the process and looking forward to casting off. I do not think anyone thought the 46' market was unlimited and I think we all were able to observe it living out to its full commercial potential, pretty amazing for a trade school final design project in my estimation.
Honestly, I'm very impressed with their marketing as I am with the circumnavigation. However, I do not see that as a sign of an adventurous person without technology. It's not something to encourage others to take a similarly sized boat and with no crew and little training try to duplicate. I also know many Nordhavn owners who absolutely love their boats and would never own anything else. You were just saying the fact that most of the Nordhavn crossings today are in larger boats indicated a lack of skill or adventure. My statement is that there were never a large number of people crossing oceans in the 40-47's. The small Nordhavn's really struggled with the Atlantic Crossing. I'm addressing the topic of this thread which is what appears to be a somewhat inexperienced boater wanting to cross oceans in a 50' boat, which started as a Sea Ray, but has been expanded. My statement remains, I wouldn't recommend it in a sub 50' Nordhavn for someone of his experience. And there are other boats in the size range, I would personally rate above Nordhavn's in that size range, but they haven't promoted themselves as well.
I think that is your interpretation as I did not make that comment. My point is there is a "less is more" approach that can be applied to the OP's original post.