I know of a 56 Carver where a muskrat crawled in the exhaust outlet, chewed its way through a rubber exhaust hose, and caused 200k in damage to the engine room. But i still do not see how it would be possible to chew a nice hold through a fiberglass exhaust.
I have a problem right now with muskrats trying to set up housekeeping in my exhausts. I'm going to put on flaps to see if that helps, fortunately, my exhausts are not normally submerged.
Baltimore B. If I remember correctly, the Hudson boaters were using something different than an exhaust flap, You might want to check if there is a purposed flap for your application. Good luck
A friend of mine had a muskrat climb up the exhaust and eat his way through the engine room. there was 200k in damage. After that they installed steel mesh over the exhaust to keep them out.
I maintained a boat that was from Muskratt country. The owner had s/s bard welded over the exhaust about 2" apart as he said they'll eat right through flaps and everything else.
On the lakes such as the one I grew up around they were a major issue. On inboard/outboards they'd eat through the bellows and sink them. They also loved the Styrofoam under many of the older boathouses (generally it's encased under the newer ones. Most boathouses had poison set out for them. They would not only eat it, they'd eat the boxes it was in. However, it did help. But they were the leading cause of sunk boats on the lake.
Hi guys, I found a couple of plastic paint buckets that fit perfectly into the 8in exhaust pipes from the transom. Lightweight and don't take up much space. They seal perfectly. I can look them up on Amazon for you if anybody's interested. I also have a stainless steel 8-inch plug with a handle on it that fits into the 8in hoses in the exhaust system. Comes in handy when I'm working on the systems in the water. Peace of mind. Thanks for the tip on the halon override system. I'm not sure I have that will check it out.
https://www.ferguson.com/product/ch...ll-blocking-plug-c041386/_/A-ProdFamily-97945 I use these in my exhaust for the winter, " in water" storage. They last about 10 yrs before they show signs of rot in the rubber.
Some of you may want to contact Mike's Marine in St. Clair Shores, MI. They sell a stainless steel unit that bolts in permanently. Various sizes, etc. I am not associated with them at all.
WOW! This is all new to me. Never heard of this problem. Just another ''boating'' thing to worry about. I saw one this early spring swimming around my winter slip four boats away...I'm always learning here on YF. That being said, I had various clam shells, and other shells laying in my exhausts on winter and could not figure out where they came from? Would that have been the critter bringing them in? My exhausts are just above the water when low on fuel.
Hi I bought this boat and now it’s better than new , I am actually getting ready to sell her, there has been over $200k invested in the boat in the last 36 months , great opportunity on the west coast to buy a completely refit 46/post ,lower helm added, forsale or trade for ? Best regards Matt
Muffler exploded, the insurance company determined that the muffler failed , apparently they do have a shelf life, I installed the largest mufflers I could fit in the boat and it runs so quiet people can’t believe she runs Detroit’s