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38 Riviera Restoration

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by homer1958, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    The Roamer Flair

    Not Carolina, but plenty of flair.. very ahead of its time, most boats back them did not have this much.. often they do now though. Hence why Roamers do so well in head seas and hold the test of time.

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    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  2. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD


    Vestal White
    Royal Blue striping
    Vestal White has a hint of blue in it so these two go very well together.
  3. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
  4. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    Yes indeed.. soem of those interiro photos and the table are from my boat.
    Capt. Eric fell off the face of the earth.. who knows.
  5. Jim Reed

    Jim Reed Member

    Sep 25, 2006
    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Hey Homer, I have read your entire thread several times and have enjoyed it ever time. I agree with everything you said , especially concerning the country. I purchased my 41 Regal Romer three years ago and have repowered her with new 427 Ford's and bottom work. She is Alum. and even though the bottom was in good shape, I sealed her with a barrier epoxy new anodes. I also installed shaft savers as well. I live in Knoxville Tenn and cruise around on the Tennessee River. Since Knoxville is the home to Sea Ray, I get lots of comments from some of the folks who work at the various plants regarding my Romer. I even had one senior V.P. swim over to my boat wanting to buy her from me. Knoxville is also home to the University of Tennessee and the Football stadium is next to the lake. Over 250 boats go the game and my beautiful Roamer not only keeps up with the $750,000 Sea Rays but stands out as well. While Payton Manning was visiting Knoxville he asked about my boat and gave me a autograph as well. I have it hanging up in the forward berth. Your comments about these boats are so true. As far as the longivity of Alum goes, there are airplanes made out of Alum still flying around every day that were made before my Chris. (Copy Cat)

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  6. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Thank You

    I'm, yes.. I think I am the only original owner of a 60's Roamer there may be. I think I remember your Roamer when it was for sale in Tenessee if it is the same boat. It was on an end slip by itself I think.

    These boat are very distinctive looking and strong.. much stronger than a Sea Ray. Sea Ray has mastered production building, but who wants a boat everyone else has.. nobody cares... and why spend all that money? A Roamer is much faster than a Sea Ray and will crush it on impact to smitherines... like Brutus clubbing the Tooth Fairy.

    I used to pull her up to Georgetown in Washington DC.. some nights hundreds of people asking about her and admiring. Anyone who owns a nice Roamer knows. But, I discourage anyone form buying one who thinks they are going to make it look beautiful on the cheap. Some Roamer owners are always talking about cheap this and cheap that.. it's not that kind of machine. If you want cheap... get a Bayliner, wear white plastic squeeky shoes and adorn your neck with a gold chain. Roamer is a timeless durable classsic... Class.

    If you buy a 427 Ford Cobra, you don't talk about cheap.. you talk about making it right, and this can take years of work. But when you are done, you have somethig everyone gawks at. You know... you have it happen to you as well.

    Furthermore it is testimnial to Chris Craft, particulalry the high-end ones. If you ever talk to Jim Wick, he will tell you Roamers are the best in rough seas of them all. Jim worked at the factory when yours was being built.

    Commanders are nice too, but Roamers are faster and better in a following seas. Commanders tend to push through the water, Roamers tend to slice. This tends to be the consensus. The aluminum Roamers are considerably more valuable than the steel, but the steel is even stronger, but they must be surveyed to make sure they are not swiss cheese... a good steel Roamer is a good boat, but if not cared for, hope you know a good welder.

    Another thing I like about metal boats is that they don't stink or smell musty.. and if they do, it just requires a change of seating usually. Almost all military/Coast Guard and high speed work/patrol boats are made of 5086 aluminum.. there is a reason. Roamers are the only slick looking smaller pleasure craft I am aware of made of 5086... this is another thing that makes then special.

    Pulling up in a slick restored Roamer is equivalent to pulling up in the followig photo...(ther are not many Roamers, so this makes it extra special.) I can tell you when the turbo chargers kick in on my 38, it lunges like a sporting Cheetah.... it will knock you on the deck!

    Also, the two best engines a Roamer can have it if it is gas is a 427 or 460 Ford... more torque than Chevy. Parts expensive and hard to find on a 427 compared to Chevy 454. I had 454's in my Roamer too.. it had 427 Cobras (Ford Truck Block/ 454 330'S and now Yanmar 370 tubos. The Yanmars blow the others away, but the 427 had more torque than the Chevey and was a better boat engine.. the 454 slighly faster, but not as good in rough seas FORD is better FACT. The Yans ar amazing... smooth, quiet, fast and sit lower tin the hull so it hardly rolls at all.. nice package.
  7. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Roamer 427

    What does a Roamer have in common with a Shelby 427?

    The Era...
    The Stripes...
    The Mystique...
    The Ford...
    The Motors
    The Rarity...
    The Timeless Sleek looks...
    The Gawks....
    The designers from Ford....
    The Shelby for the Car 1964 for the 1965 model
    The Avery for the Roamer 1964 for the 1965-1970 model

    Yes, few people know Chirs Craft stole Dick Avery from Ford, the man behind the sleek Chris Craft Roamer.
    What cost more a Roamer 427 or a Sheby 427?...

    Roamer... by far

    Have you driven a Ford lately?

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    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  8. Jim Reed

    Jim Reed Member

    Sep 25, 2006
    Knoxville, Tennessee
    My Boat has never seen salt water and has spent all of her life in Knoxville. I am 57 and saw her for the first time in 1975. I just got out of the Navy and purchased my first real boat, a 1959 Chris Connie. ****, she was perfect. Her owner was the president of Knoxville Yacht Club and I was there picking her up. The Roamer was at the fuel dock and I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. The Roamer was sold to several members of the Yacht club and ended up in a covered slip down by the Dam. The owner I bought her from had purchased some huge boat and even though he didn't use the Roamer, he had someone wash her once a week. He said she was in great shape but I knew she needed some work. There are three 41 alum. here in Knoxville. There were four but one was sold this summer and went to Texas. I will try to post some better pictures later. (Copy Cat)

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  9. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Dick Avery & Carroll Shelby

    The year Ford's Avery desinged the 1965 Roamer was 1964
    The year Shelby desined the 1965 Cobra for Ford was 1964

    The common denominators... Classic Greats
    The common company.... FORD
    The common Engine ... 427
    The common look... Stripes
    The common body material... Aluminum

    Have You Driven a Ford Lately?

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  10. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Photos... YES!!

    More Roamer Photos.... whoever you all are reading these threads, if you have some nice Roamer photos to share.. please take the time and show everyone some of yours. In only seven weeks we are approaching 6,000 visitors, so we'd really enjoy your Roamer contributions!
  11. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    Please share your photos.... The 41 is a real beauty!
  12. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga

    What kind of paint was on your boat before you painted her with awlgrip? I want to paint mine in a few years but it has Imron on her now. Not sure if they are compatable.
  13. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Awlgrip- Imron - Sterling - Alexseal

    Well, when she was green stripe, this was Imron. Then we sanded that and went with Awlgrip. Then we blasted her in parts and used used the Awlrip build prosess.

    Here is the deal:

    Imron is the most deadly, it is also buffable to remove imperfections and is not as hard as Awlgrip. Awlgrip does not buff well, and if you do buff it, it must be done inside of two days after spraying, and not overdone.

    The new technology is AlexSeal designed by the same German chemist who designed Awlgrip.. aka "Awldrip.".. very thin and watery. drips easy.

    Alexseal is reputed to have the hardness of "Awldrip" with the reparability of Imron or Awlcraft. (I don't like Awlcraft... easy to fix though)

    Awlcraft is similar to Imron, buffable but will not last as long as Awlgrip.

    Alexseal is supposed to be the BEST now.

    You can contact "Trip Nelson" at Alexseal for more details. I suggest they will suggest using proper priming technologies.. then I heard Alexseal primer had issues but may be fixed by now?

    Detco's Sterling is also good and has a higher soldids content than Awlgrip.. don't necessarily think Awlgrip is the best anymore either.. Alexseal also has a higher shine if you can believe that... it does!

    I really studied this stuff out.. but my feeling now is that AlexSeal is the #1 product on the market now. BUT, you are best off hiring a painter who is familiar with the product you choose who uses it regularly.

    I can tell you all this though, for wood.. epoxy all sides, sand down to 400, cover the boat and shoot Dupont Chromaclear 7700s... sand with 1500, shoot again.... WOW!! Maas is better for wood finishing (clear,-- no blush) West System better for structural... just my opinion.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  14. Blair

    Blair New Member

    Mar 6, 2008
    Kaipara Harbour
    I don't think that Shelby designed the car itself nor did Ford have much, if anything, to do with it. It was the existing AC Cobra sports car from England that Carroll Shelby bought to race himself I think and then, under an arrangement built many road versions locally. It was enhanced somewhat of course and offered with the larger 427cu V8 to the public and sold very successfully in the US market. AC carried on building them too for a while but they ultimately went under like many smaller car specialist companies.
  15. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Yes and No...

    Thanks for the clarification, you are correct to a large degree, but Ford did have a large part of it when it came to the US Market, 427 and mechanicals .... Ford did hire Shelby, Link above explains history well...
  16. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    On the nose!

    You just don't mess - with Homer!
  17. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    I painted my commander with awlgrip and love it. I am just concerned about spraying awlgrip over imron
  18. Blair

    Blair New Member

    Mar 6, 2008
    Kaipara Harbour
    Thanks Homer. Understand the latest twist to this iconic vehicle story is that a German company has bought the rights and use of the company name from the remnants of AC and is building them now with Corvette engines and Porsche brakes! 305kms and 3.3secs 0-60 in the GTS version apparently.
  19. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Paint compatibilty

    January 1965 - The 427 Cobra, featuring a tube frame, aluminum body
    427 Ford, fastest car to 60 at 3.9 seconds.

    January 1965 - The 427 Roamer Cobra, featruing 5086 aluminum ribs and hull
    May 1965 427 Roamer races 427 Cobra... Roamer loses:eek:
    Now, Homer must reveal his white lie.... 427 cobra blocks are "Side Oilers" hence cool a bit better so very race buildable blocks.
    Romaer 427's.. The FE Ford Truck Block.... detuned torquey 427 "Top Oiler"
    BE AWARE!! They will pay you well for a good 427 Chris Craft Block.. they want them for Cobra Kit cars.

    Have you driven a Ford lately?

    Back to paint... Fred Sommers at Anso Noble's Awlgrip... former sprayer now rep... Fred knows Awlgrip is good, he also knows Alexseal is likely better.... but, it's his job so good luck pulling it out of him... Tripp Neslon at Alexseal can connect you with the German fellow who made both.. believe me, Zig Heil.. I spoke to the German chemist who made both.. Answer.. Alexseal... but make sure your painter is used to it.. it sprays differently.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  20. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Who saved FORD?

    Our new Hero... Straight Shooter, NON TARP, Private Sector Champ FORD's All American Alan Mullaly CEO of the year!

    If he is not CEO of The Year, please let Homer post the First Nomination.

    Have you driven a 427 Roamer Lately?

    Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.
    Henry Ford.... Are you working on your Roamer?

    Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
    Henry Ford .... Are you working on your Roamer? = WOW!

    Have you driven a 427 Roamer Lately?

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    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010