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38 Riviera Restoration

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by homer1958, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    46' Freshawater Diesel Aluminum, Bridge Roamer for sale!

    Good shape, Aluminum, Diesel, Great price!

    If this surveys well, it is the best deal I have ever seen for a Roamer...
    Aluminum, Diesel, Flybridge, Good Shape, Fresh Water.
    I mean, what a way to live nice for so little. If it surveys and it appears it may!
    BUT.. please paint the stripe in the proper place.

    Nice mostly original unmolested boat. Lived in Canada (fresh water) since new. Has been in the States for approximately 5 years. Hull ultra sounded in 2004 and was found in excellent condition. Most recent survey was in 2005 & vessel appraised for $95,000. This is a completely usable / functional yacht as is. This is not a project. Paint is presentable as is but could use paint below and above waterline. Topside paint (Awlgrip) already purchased & included in sale. Engines run great. Drives function perfect. Vessel comes completely furnished.

    Class: Power
    Category: Flybridge Motor Yacht
    Year: 1968
    Model: Roamer Riviera
    Length: 46'
    Location: Mississippi, Gulf Coast.
    Builder: Chris Craft
    L.O.A.: 50'
    Beam: 15' 0"
    Bridge Clearance: 15' 3"
    Weight ( lbs. est. ): 40,776
    Draft: 43" ( 3' 7" )
    Engine Model: 8V - 71 Detroit Diesel (Naturals)
    Horsepower: 320hp ea ( 640hp total)
    Engine Hours: Port - 1571, Starboard - 1986
    Propulsion Type: TWIN
    Drives: Allison
    Hull Material: Aluminum
    Fuel Type: Diesel
    Fuel: 400 gallons
    Holding: 60 gallons
    Water: 150 gallons



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    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  2. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    "This is not a project."

    I don't know, Homer... Maybe "project is in the eye of the beholder."

    No doubt it starts, runs, and drives. But I'm not keen on the interior remodel. And the idea of packing three staterooms into a 46...

    It would be interesting (though probably depressing) to know what it finally sells for. A similar boat sold in FL a few months back for $25k.
  3. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    It's a project for sure.

    Depends on ones idea of perfection, design and updating. The inside of this one looks Goofy/Zero taste. Point is, that it is aluminum, has low hours on two diesel engines, was freshwater and has a flybridge. It has it all the popular basics at a very low price.

    It needs to be painted, towrail stripped/varnished/rechromed and inside redone. Point is, it appears to be a great platform from which to start. It does not have the problems associated with steel, gas or dreaming to have a flybridge where, once one enjoys the birdseye view and a price so low is hard to resist.

    If this boat surveys, which it appears to.. it's worth over double what they are asking if the engines are good. The economy has made such yachts a wonderful secret. People did not buy Ford at $1.88 a share either, now it's running it at $11 a few months later... the opportunity is starring one in the face. Sure, financing is tough, but many of these sellers will probably take a note just to unload it. The 46 Roamer is a very rare and beautiful boat.

    I do not understand people who spend several hundred thousand on new boats that are 1/6th or less such a yacht. 5086 aluminum, diesels, the look of the boat ect.. fresh water too = a wow... it's just a Goofy/"doublewide" interior they did... It's a project boat IMHO, but a good one to do it appears.

    All boats are project boats, new and old to some degree.. they are all floating Jaguars, the quintessential version of male knitting or a catharsis of sorts.

    Boats like this would not be on the market at all if the average Joe understood the value, but they do not, hence the great opportunity. Also, the 46 had an option for either a large master or two cabins in the rear.. this one has the latter. I like either floor plan i.e.

    Last but not least, some dreamers buy these boats and then do a half -assed Neo Iti Puerto Rican Mexicano restoration job. What's the point.. just a stinky old boat with a new layer of paint? Yes, it is harder to do it right, but then you got something.. another coat of paint is just that. Strip it down, do it right or go buy a Bayliner or Sea Ray is my view. A job done right looks as though the boat could be new, that's the test. The way to do a boat is one section at a time, A-Z then add them all up and you have a new boat and it takes years.. usually. It took 40 years to get old so it takes a few to get it back, but it can be fun too.

    Anyone looking for diesels/parts ought to call Steve Lynch at Very nice guy and knows everything about everything when it comes to marine engines, transmissions, shafts, props and where to get deals. Trust me on this guy.

    Steve is amazing, I mean amazing, giving of his time and the most knowledgeable man I ever met on the subject: Stephen Lynch (617) 837-5424
  4. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Mastervolt! WOW.. all in One GPX-5

    Check this out.. New product by Mastervolt. Generator, Inverter, Charger.. all in one High tech box! Allows for a very small generator, very small size, quiet and light and does it all and only requires one electric line to boat. Amzing piece of electronics... integrates shore power, inverter, generator with batteries very efficinetly. Those of you who do onto have an isolation transformer on your Roamer are asking for trouble... both Charles Industries and Mastervolt offer them... The Master volt weighs only 28 pounds and the Charles weighs 62, both are good but Mastervolt is all solid state hence the weight difference. A Galvonic Isolator is not what should be on a Roamer, isoltion transformer is a must.

    This thing is amazing and saves 40% in fuel, easy to install and won all kinds of awards this year.. not available until summer and it s not cheap, but when you ad it all up, it is because installation is easy, it's small, light and turn key.. Mastervolt is largely European/Dutch, but has the reputation of being the Rolls Royce of marine electronics.
  5. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Custom 38' Riviera Helm Valence

    That which can be imagined, can be created. NavSystem to be integrated, speakers to be sunkin in, evening LED lights to be integrated... many ideas can come from looking at Limos. The last photo is looking up from the cabin. Headroom clears fine, the circular presentation offers a certain flair.. corners are for homes, rounds are for boats. It's not all that hard to do.

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  6. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    What's Next?

    And Let there be light... Life's not a dress rehersal last I checked.

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  7. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    Wanted roamer homer

    Homer where are you? are you in an old boat wreck:)
  8. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Had to stop the job

    Nothing new to report, due to the economy/business, the job has been put on hold for now sorry to say.. out of gas:(
  9. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    ****!! understand you but it should of course be a light in the tunnel it is quite tough here too.
  10. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    I thought this was a diesel boat...

    sry. couldn't resist. lol

    There's gotta be a honey-do list that doesn't involve highly skilled craftsman. What's next on the agenda?
  11. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    All it takes is 10 cents a day!

    Reach down a little deeper into them pockets Homer! Everyone help! Look under your couch cushions, empty out all your car ashtrays and piggy- banks, send all contributions to Homer's boat fund. This is a travesty!
    For a boat to come this far, and with Spring right around the corner.

    Where is Sally Struthers when you need her? For just 10 cents a day you
    can sponsor a shipwright to get back to work on Homer's Roamer. You will get a picture in the mail of your shipwright and a letter of thanks.

    For 20 cents a day your shipwright will receive three meals a day, and a college education at a state sponsored community trade school. Open up your hearts (and wallets) Let's get Homer launched!
  12. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Homer... seen unshaven at DC soup kitchen.

    Homer is broke now... the last guy purged it. Quality good, amount done for the cost not a wow. Hatch job on hold, probably will have to just fall through the hole in the hatch and wallpaper the interior. Don't blame Homer, could it be Fannie, Freddie & Frankie? Have faith fellow shwabby's, just got approved by ICE to have some boatpeople come in an complete her cheap. They can stay forever too as long as they speak fluent boatspeake, send all earnings back to the homeland, promise to sit at 100k plus jobs in DC and do not refuse the retirement plan. It's who you know, not what you know or do... Equality for all Aye!

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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2010
  13. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    Hey the guy thirteen from the left in the fourth row......THAT"S MY FATHER!

    Bless you Homer for bringing him to America, "the Land of Opportunity" He will make your Roamer look really nice. He is top boatwright in Bengal.
    Mostly nowadays he make coffee tables but I know he will do good job
    for you. Tell him Naroobi say "hi".
  14. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Stay tuned...

    Homer has sanded and stained the new cockpit over three weekends. Lot's of work but basically done. Maas epoxy is next. Two coats of it sanded to autobody perfection and one day 7 coats of Dupont 7700s clear with ultraviolet sprayed on that. HOMER does not do varnish.
  15. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Roamer vs. is it a Sea Ray?


    A couple of captains were at a cocktail party talking about thier boats. One was a longtime owner of a classic Roamer, the other recently came into some lotto money which he spent on a new Sea Ray (at least we think it was by the extra 5' of unusable bow length.... great marketing as a 38 LOA boat in this application probably is really about a normal 33 footer)

    The longtime Roamer captain made it clear that not only was his boat much faster with like power, it also was a considerably stronger hull and much more sea worthy. The alleged Sea Ray (could have been a Bayliner but we think it was a Sea Ray?) owner became visibly disturbed and challenged the Roamer captain to a game of chicken.

    The Roamer captain being seasoned and certainly more refined, (far from a daunting high schooler) declined the offer concerned about scratching his Roamer hulll stripe. The challenger pressed and pressed until finally the Roamer captain said, OK.. you are aggrivating me... be careful for what you ask for, how's your insurance and have you ever commanded a submarine?

    The rest is history. The Roamer however did sustain a few scratches and quietly returned safely to port.

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  16. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
  17. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
  18. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    I thought everyone would like this link

    Chirs Craft engines and specs all in one place!!
  19. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    Very cool Homer

    Ah yes, The sweet looking 427 in that link belongs to my friend Mr. Tim Toth.
    He is helping me get my big dogs in top order, although it's safe to say,
    mine will never win any beauty pageants. His bilge is just as clean and
    ship shape as his motors!
  20. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    I ran over a couple of those in the Roamer last weekend and did not even have to try.