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38 Riviera Restoration

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by homer1958, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    The bridge

    I will get some pics of the pilot house, captains quarters, engine rooms and staterooms in a bit.

    The pilot house will take lots of thought. I need to restore that old Danforth weather station and a bunch of switches. The gauges need some work as well. I want functionality but to retain the old look.

    Attached Files:

  2. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    I bet you stole that beast.. my gosh, it makes a 53 Hatteras look like a Bayliner! More pics.. I mean gorgeous!!
  3. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Hedgehog = ROAMER KING!

    OK.. you are in FIRST PLACE for most gorgeous ROAMER... you are taking the baratone out of our voices!! Thanks for raising the bar.... I doubt you will ever have any competion on this one.. but you never know.. 9,000 people have been on this thread in just a few months so it's getting seen bigtime. We get surprised from time to time as each new Roamer owner strikes the thread with his or her ROAMER. What makes me laugh is the thousands do people who spend several hundred thousand on a 30 foot plastic boat. I mean, think about it, what an opportunity a used Roamer is that just needs a paint job and a Vacuflush john.
  4. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    I would not say that I stole it....but the prior owner and I are both happy.

    During the great boat quest I had a number of Hatt owners trash these boats. Then I would go look at a few Hatts and not even have to break our the moisture meter to see that they needed about $50k in glass work right off the bat. Water and balsa core does not mix.

    No, I did not see any 60' wide body Hatt's with new paint and low time 1271's for anything APPROACHING this price. A galley up Hatt? Oh yeah they have them. Those came out years later. This boat was way ahead of its time.

    I started with 48 Hatt's and quickly went to 53's. I thought a 58 was a big boat. My wife was even starting to buy some Hatt gear. Then we looked at this and my wife was joking around as she asked me if I was man enough to drive a real boat. We never looked back.

    Then it was survey time. After halfway in the surveyor I engaged came up and told me that I had a lot of small things to fix but I found a solid boat. The bottom survey was just as good.

    I have owned a number of boats and seen the good, bad and ugly of both glass and metal hulls. They both have pros and cons. This one really works for me.
  5. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    A view from the Captains quarters and then looking down the hall. Not seen is a kitchenette on the right with a fridge, sink, washer/dryer and microwave. The engine rooms are on the right and left.

    It is going to be a b@#$getting the new washer and dryer through the hatch.

    Attached Files:

  6. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    Got 1271's? 450 hours SMOH. A couple of 15kw Onans too boot.

    Attached Files:

  7. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Here is the deal...

    Hey a 53 Hat is the largest production yacht of all time and a proven entity. BUT, a Roamer is a better yacht. A Burger is a better yacht than a Roamer. BUT, a ROAMER is 10 to 1 the best buy out there and if anyone wants to contest it.. feel free. If I have any bones with the Roamer is that you need to be careful where dissimilar metals are connecting next to paint... it can bubble... Big deal, Teff Gel your screw holes. Glass boats blister 5086ALUMINUM is THE BEST HULL MATERIAL PERIOD.

    If it's not why does the Coast Guard order all their boats to be 5086 Aluminum?!

    Why don't they build more boats out of 5086.. TOO EXPENSIVE/ requires highly trained aluminum welder and reserved for super yachts and Burgers... No boats now in USA in the smaller sizes are made of 5086.. they would go broke. But the secret is getting out hence why I can only find 3 aluminum smaller Roamers for sale and I bet you they will get snapped up very soon..mark my words.

    I took mine apart.. looked at every single weld.. 40 years later, still the hull is PERFECT, not a stressmark, not a cracked weld and no electrolysis.

    Hey Hat is a nice boat, but your Roamaer is faster, eats less fuel and will give you a more dry ride adn wont roll like a pig. It's 10 times more sexy than a Hat, not common and much wider too!

    I hope someone reading this can give your Roamer a run for its money becasue as of now, you appear to have the nicest one in the world or darn close!!
  8. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    This Roamer is over the TOP!

    Homer Romaer is speachless.. now that's a feat:)
    People spend more on junky cardboard condos and get ripped off by condo fees too!

    In fact, what you go there is something real special.. like finding buried treasure as long as you bought it right... now, nobody would give that Roamer away.... too nice.

    Now, there may be one as nice or even nicer.. not sure, but can tell you it was owned by F. Lee Bailey and it was yours with an extension, was at Ribovich yard years back.... name was Spellbound.
  9. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    Welcome Papa Roamer

    Wonderful boat. How does she handle? Your wife's comment made me laugh,
    almost is if she was daringyou to buy the boat.
    Also-Bosch makes a washer/dryer combo with a smaller footprint, best of all it is one unit. It washes the clothes then dries them, no need for a separate
    drier! They make it for the Eropean market but you can find it over here.
  10. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010

    Thanks for the heads up on the Bosch. I will look for one.

    She was almost daring me. That kind of ploy works well. At least on me.

    She handles really well around the dock. Out on the open water....well kind of like a ship. Heavy in the steering but moderately responsive to power.

    I will be pulling the Hynautic ram to be rebuilt this spring. I have a few leaks around the ram and may as well redo all of that while I am in that area. I am considering an elec/hydraulic assist. I have a friend with an 85mph Donzi Criteron and he swears by his. This guy knows his stuff.
  11. Jim Reed

    Jim Reed Member

    Sep 25, 2006
    Knoxville, Tennessee
    What a Beautiful, Beautiful Roamer. Can't wait to meet up with you on the great Tennessee River.
  12. Myroamer

    Myroamer New Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Tulsa OK area (Grand Lake)
    I need to add the upper stripe to a 1969 38 ft Roamer. It has none now. How do I determine where it belongs and what it's width should be at different locations? Are there dimensions to follow or is it all done by eye?
  13. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    I can measure mine

    Mine are really perfect. The original did not graduate the size which if you do it makes it look much better/bolder more up to date. If you go to the earlier thread pages, you can see it.

    Has to be done by hand and is not easy.. there is a trick too it... long pieces of tape pulled 8-10' at a time and slolwy laid down and must be played with many times. Roamers without stripes in this type Roamer do not look as good IMHO.

    Use 3m expensive striping tape.. autobody grade.

    Can you load your 38 pictures here... mine is RXP 505

  14. Myroamer

    Myroamer New Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Tulsa OK area (Grand Lake)
    Roamer Stripes

    Thank You for the reply. I don't own the boat (yet), I'm just painting it.
    Any simple measurements would be helpful. I agree that the boat just won't look like a Roamer without the proper stripe.
  15. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Will Do

    I will have the measurements for you within a week. We are snowed in here and can't get out.

  16. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    My Roamer....

    Which 38' do you have? Happen to know the Hull #? It is generally etched in the vertical stinger side behind the engines in the center in a dotlike impression.

    Where is this 38 Roamer? Would like to see a photo regardless of her shape and some feedback on her. All Roamers are of interest to me and others. Glad you agree about the stripe... it is very in tune with the era/original as well as lowers/sleeks-out the hull profile.

    If you do a graduated stripe it looks bold/slick and up to date. The factory did not do this but boats nowadays do it. If you look closely you will see this graduation most of which begins to occur around the forward site ports.
    The waterline stripe graduates as well.
  17. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    Yo Homer

    What is the skinny on the Thinsulate? I was kicking around the idea of doing some insulating on the Roamer and kept coming up with this product. Then I was thumbing through your thread and found that you used it. That was all I needed to know.

    I don't plan to rip out every wall and don't need to right now. I will be doing some stuff on a room by room basis. When I do, I plan to use this insulation. I was going to start with the easy stuff like the front bulkhead where the anchor chain lays. I opened that compartment the other morning when we had 25 mph winds blowing right at the dock. It was 25 degrees outside. The compartment was cold and noisy. I could not think of a reason not to insulate those kind of places. It is not that the water slapping the al hull really bothers me. I actually like it. If it did bother me, I would get one of those boats like my grandfather called "a tupperware boat." At the same time, anything that helps comfort and drowns out the bellow of those 1271's is a welcome addition.

    So where do you get it? Have you found it to be very beneficial? Any tips on the install?
  18. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Thinsulate by 3M

    Hello HedgeHog,

    Here is the skinny on it. It THE BEST marine insualtion you can use. It is also expensive. It comes in two thicknesses. I used it in the header, the walls anyplace I could. It is the same stuff in gloves. It holds heat and cool better than anything. The other plus is that it does not mildew or is mildew resistant.

    However, it is not as sound resilient as is ethe Sound Down or even better Glacier Bay. I like Glacier Bay better than Sound Down as it uses two layers of sound retardant and is not as heavy as lead and works incredibly well. Homer has tested them both.

    Thinsulate is the best for temperature insulation/value per se and would be a fraction of the price of either Sound Down or Glacier Bay.

    I have a big roll of the thicker Thinsualte that I would sell at a deal if you would be interested. It's on a big 5 or 6' roll, not sure on the shipping challenges as it came by truck. If it is sound, they both help, but Glacier Bay (2 layer) is way better for strictly sounnd. For a quick easy much more cost effective general inuslator, Thinsulate is better and so easy to do. Back tthen, they dio d not insualte as well, but Roamer aluminum hulls were sprayed with a Bituminous product that is quite good to this day. The 1969 38 only isnsulated the sedan top, but tno thte sides or the bow sleeping area. When I took it apart it explained why the bow woudl not hold cool well. I changed all that and this machine is packed with Thinuslate and what a difference it does make.. still hear the "chine chimes" though... but only in choppy type water.. I like the sound actually.. it's sort of cool.

    The aluminum chimes... yes, it's part of the fun. Actually, most folks tend to like it and there is something about it that can be restful while sleeping.... a bit of an acquired taste, and usually happens most in the bow area.

  19. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    I may take you up on the remainder of the roll. I have a sister that lives in Baltimore. That could solve the shipping issue. I will need to come up and visit this spring. If invited, I would love to come over and check out the Homer Roamer. That would be a welcome side trip. She sold her sail boat. I break out in hives when I visit people that live near water and don't get to get out on the water or at least look at boats.

    At my last visit I acquired a Boston Whaler to bring back. Low and behold it was too much dinghy for the ole Marinette and I had to get a bigger boat:D The Roamer happened to have a 13 foot whaler so my friend Brian gets a nice 11 on free delivery.

    Thanks for the low down on Thinsulate. That sounds like the way to go.
  20. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    Will let you know how much I have and will offer it at a much cheaper price.