Hey Travlinman, I live here in good ol' Knoxville as well. Congrats on your new boat. Where are you going to keep her? From the picture, it looks like Watts Bar.
time time mony mony Blokes! Rome was not built in a day I have worked with my beauty in the four years my original plan was 5 years but I may do as they did in the Soviet Union, a new 5-year plan hehe
Homer's going long....the thirty, the twenty, the ten.. Well you sure are doing a beautiful job, no sense hurrying things and cheapening the final layer. Oneiros is right - time and money Anyway, your dad would be proud.
Flash Back! That's a fact It really is no cheaper to pick up one in rough shape vs. one in good shape by the time you are done...depends how picky you are. How come nobody has looked at that 41 in Alexandria Bay NY? It really looks nice. Here is Homer's Roamer in the beginning... Yup, that's Homer in person... would you expect anything else? He just got done sniffing some Paint Remover... his buddy was reading the can and it said: "This product known to cause cancer in laboratory animals in the state of California." Homer Replied: 'Don't worry about it you dope, we are in Maryland." : I'll tell you.. that Homer just isn't wrapped tight, right or wrapped at all.
Most things can be bought for money but the honor of having renovated a boat or car or house can not be measured in money
Homer forgot... Xylene kicking in again.... Homer did this restoration thing twice... talk about a nutcase... Here is Homer's Roamer stationed in Ego Alley in the PDRM... People's Democratic Republic of Maryland, specifically, Ego Alley. Homer was not cool, was the only groover with mufflers, no gold chain and no "Hey Baby Speedo." Frankly, the shwabby's in row boats with a puppies do better anyway.. ever noticed that? Homer since added the Flying Cow's Nest to enchance his Ego Alley Bird Watching. By the way.. There were only 7 Aluminum 38's Riviera's made in 1969... but really, who cares.. they are kinda rare though... this was hull #5. If anyone else knows where the others are... please shoot Homer a Bull Horn yelp.
Homer now know I did recognize you, you was with the old Roamer site did you hear how it goes for Ed with his boat. PS are you SNOWBOUND hihi saw on television that you got snow
Not sure? The only Ed I know is a horse.... Wilbbeeer. You must have Homer mixed up with a normal person. Yeah... we got about 3 feet or so... the same length I wish Homer's Roamer was some days. Homer is a cheat too... he pockets money at marinas by saying its a 1968 37'... saves a couple of bucks. It makes Homer guilty as sin, He begins praying madly to Saint Jude (Patron Saint of Lost Causes) It really bothers him a lot, because he knows how honest boatyards and marinas always are. The only reason marina owners go to church is to take up collection anyway. But when babes ask Homer how long, he replies "41' with the flag pole."
Hehe crazy homer length've not matter it says in all cases, my wife and I believe in everything she says
Ya think? Ok then, tell her to take a ride on a 58" then, needs a big dock. See if she comes back to port?
Home Port? Jim, The pic is from when I picked it up. Unfortunately, I'll be keeping her in the driveway until she is sea worthy. Melton Hill is where she will probably end up. She's small enough and light enough to travel though so I will hit all the area lakes eventually. A "Travlinman" on a "Roamer" may not ever find a home port!
FLASHBACK! Darn Sea Ray Shwabby's..... No Respect.... just cause you leak, don't get green... Roamer's don't take leaks.... sorry the osmotic process blistered the irrevrant gas passer's prostate. Can't you see this Roamer is not feeling well? Beware, like most Roamers, she will be back to fight another day fully blessed with cannonized balls ready to fire... She's gonna kick some transom.
Pics on the way. BTW, there are some over the top Roamers here. I am blown away by some of your boats.
HEADLINES: Somali Pirates Hijack Roamer Booty Yes, while just completing a test cruise across the Atlantic, Four Somali Pirates board Her Majesty off the coast of South Africa and overtake the crew. It's ok as they are within their hi-jacking quotas. Smug smirks are convinced of their prized loot, but little do they know Roamer Captains worldwide are on their way, armed and dangerous. The sharp shooting Roamer Frogs fear not as stray bulletts will bounce off her alloyed hull, yet cocerned about scratching her Awlgrip... Atom# 13 protects "Old Aluminum Sides."
Hooray for The Hedgehog! OK Hedgehog... Roamer madness has struck again.. hurray, the stress is rocking the docks. Fans are waiting for you to load your new Pappa Roamer. We know what you got, dock the humility and start popping some photos. Roamer Fans are starting to shake and vibrate and, it's got nothing to do with getting the bent shaft at a marina or boatyard. Fess-up now... Where's your new 60? Phones are ringing over here like epileptic operators at Time Life Book call centers.