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35 Convertible sportfish--Pros and Cons?

Discussion in 'Viking Yacht' started by Rip, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. Mark I

    Mark I Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Long Island/Pompano Beach
    Hey Frank,

    I mentioned you earlier in this thread. Hope all is well on the north shore.
  2. Viking76

    Viking76 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    glen cove, ny
    Hi Mark,

    As is well (as well as it can be) at the Marina.

    Boat runs great but as you know everything on a boat is broken but you just don't know it yet! Also BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand.

    Hope all is well on the south shore.
  3. Rip

    Rip New Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    Lake Ontario
    Thanks for the replies. Have been running the boat very hard since june in my Salmon fishing charter business. No real negatives, lots of positives. Beast of a troller into any Great lakes sea. Seems to have a fantastic gel coat job, as the deck is original, has very little wear. The lower station offers great visibility while trolling, and being able to see forward clearly from the cockpit and salon is priceless.
    I will continue to research future re-powering options, and appreciate everything you want to share. i am hearing that the 8.1's have become scarce, and the ones built recently are from mexico and of inferior quality.
    anyone have any info on this? Just winterized her today.
  4. Geno

    Geno New Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Tuscaloosa, AL
    My wife and I spend our weekdays on a 78 Viking 35.
  5. Rip

    Rip New Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    Lake Ontario
    Welcome Geno, tell us about your 35'. How long have you had her? What kind of power does it have, and are you happy with those engines?
  6. Bamagirl

    Bamagirl New Member

    Jul 14, 2012
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama
    This is the wife...We love the engines.... surprisingly we have only had a cracked elbow. She was stored for a few months prior to our purchase and move from Middle Georgia to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. When Geno starts them it sounds like a NASCAR race about to start. Everyone in the marina looks at us like..."WTH????" We have been very happy with her over the course of the past year. She has had nominal leaks(up top) and since she has been back in the water hardly any under. We are looking to begin restoration soon. We are looking for folks that may have pics or specs to what the original looked like.

    *sorry I don't know a thing about the horsepower, but if it helps...I see $$$$ signs every time Geno cranks her to keep her running*
  7. Bamagirl

    Bamagirl New Member

    Jul 14, 2012
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama
    We have had her about a year and a half now. LOVE her!!! Through tornadoes and thunderstorms she has kept us safe and sound. I know we need to get a bigger boat (due to our teenage son living on board with us) but I can not bear to part with her.
  8. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    it will be very difficult to find a beter value than a vintage 35 Viking.

    I recently saw a 1970's 35' Viking 40 miles off shore doing 20 kts in a short chop.

    It is a great boat for the value, you can fish and it comfortable as a cruiser aslo.
  9. jetawave

    jetawave New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
    Newtown, CT/Bridgeport, CT
    Viking 35 great boat

    I have a 1976 35 Viking with 454. I have had it for 14 years. The 454 will cruise at 18 to 19 knots at 3400 RPM. I also have a fuel flow meter that tell me how much I am burning at any given time. At my 18 knot cruise I am burning 34 GPH. Viking makes a great boat, it is heavy but it has a great hull design. Compared to a 36 Silverton for example with the same power. Cruise speed is 18 knots at the same 3400 RPM but the Viking out wights the Silverton buy 4,000 LBS. I have not had anything major go wrong with the 454s since I have had the boat. When I do re power it will probable be with gas instead of diesel. From what I have read unless you use the boat for commercial use the average boater would take 10 years to make up the coast for diesels verses gas. I love the boat, the toilet is not in the shower as some said and personally I do not consider 18 to 19 Knots cruise as a dog.
    I hope that some of this information helps. You cant go wrong with a Viking and good luck
  10. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY

    when the time comes for a repower it might be a better value for you to drop in a long block and swap components for a few thousand dollars.

    If you go with the new 8.1 will require new gears and and wheels which could end up driving the cost up into the 30's and above.

    The new EFIs are amaizind on the reliability and fuel usage making diesels a touch choice considering the difference in cost for the recreational user.

    i think in the under 40 crowd the new EFI are hard to beat and are a better value than diesel engines which cost substantially more and arent that much more fuel efficient.
  11. Viking76

    Viking76 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    glen cove, ny
    My 35 was repowered with 8.1's, new gears and props. Cost was low $30's. The EFI, HP & torque increase resulted in a major change in performance and fuel economy. Very satisfied.
  12. jetawave

    jetawave New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
    Newtown, CT/Bridgeport, CT
    Thanks RT46
    When I do re power [ and I hope that it is not to soon ] I want to do it with the MPI's. The jet boat that I ran in South Carolina had twin small block MPI.s in it and I fell in love with them.

    Thanks, Jetawave
  13. jetawave

    jetawave New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
    Newtown, CT/Bridgeport, CT
    Hi Viking76 do you have any specifics on what your fuel burn is now at about 3400 or 3500 rpm,s. Also, what are you cruising at at that rpm in knots with your new props and trans. I was wondering what I could expect when I decided to re power. Thank you for any information that you can give me I appreciate it.

    Thanks, Jetawave
  14. Viking76

    Viking76 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    glen cove, ny
    Viking 35 - New EFI engines

    I usually cruise at 3000 RPM which gives me 20 knots (clean & trimmed). Fuel burn at this rpm & speed is 28 gph (total). Fuel burn at 3500 rpm is 38-40 gph (total) and 24 knots.
  15. Tashmoo1

    Tashmoo1 New Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Cape Cod - Falmouth
    35 Viking

    We recently bought a 1985 35' Express with 320 Cats and a tower. She cruises up to 24 knots and tops out about 28. At about 21-22 knts. We are averaging about 1 kpg. So far she seems to be a decent following sea boat and a bit hard in a head sea. She drifts well and is relatively stable trolling. So far so good; very well made boat.
  16. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY

    Congrats on your 35 Express.

    The Viking 35 Express is the most sought after of the 35 Vikings with the fishing crowd.

    It has a very big cockpit for a 35 boat and the engine access is awesome.

    They are great boats, economical to run, and still very popular in the North East with the offshore crowd. You also have the ability to comfortably do some short weekends and overnight trips.

    Im not sure how many express's Viking made, but there are not an awful lot of them around, they seem to hold value better than the 35 FB which is built on the same hull. I think that is because they are sought after by the fishing crowd.

    I don't know the exact numbers but I would guess that Viking must have made 1000 35 hulls. (I owned a 1977 FB with a hull number in the 600s) The 35 started around 74 or 75 and went through some changes around 83. Im not sure when the last 35 was made.

    Good luck with her.