Unfortunately i did not get any photos of Alinghi as the boat we were on only went 10 Knots. The guys that were towing Alinghi were going very fast. Well it also looks like no racing tomorrow as they are expecting hi winds.
No race yet. Will hear at 10:30 if something is going to happen. Sitting on a boat just waiting for the good news so that we can go out.
Tomorrow looks a little better but nothing for the rest of the week http://news.bbc.co.uk./weather/forecast/204?count=10
This notion of "every other" day has got to go. Sure, if there's a race then taking the following day off make sense.... but if there's no wind every other day, and perfect wind on the off days, what then? Kinda' silly IMO.
You are right on that Kevin. On Monday there was no wind at the start but where we were there was a lot of wind. Tuesday would have been a good racing day. Todays event was cancelled due to high swell. We were out doing a sea trial, i will say the swell was high, we heard that Alinghi was coming out to practice so we stuck around, we were told that the crew was on and the left the dock 2 minutes later back to the dock and the crew got off. I find it difficult to believe that there was no wind as the 3 masted schooner(Post 41) was sailing with her sails up and she needs a lot more wind to make her sail. Form what i understand there will be no sailing on Friday as the weather is getting worse, So lets see what Friday brings
This was Murphy's Law on the day i am not on a boat they decided to race. At least i had a back up plan and gave my camera to a friend. And what a day. We had some racing and what a race it was. Alinghi getting a penalty and BMW Oracle stalling the boat at the start. BMW Oracle was over 600 meters behind and they caught up with Alinghi very quickly, just to pass them and have on hell of a lead all the way back. They finished about 3500 meters ahead of Alinghi. Well done BMW Oracle. Lets see what Sunday brings!!! The press conference is in an hour at www.americascup.com
Hi, Race 2 is underway at 16.25 European time. Alinghi has copped yet another penalty owing to pre start schenanigans. Edit: I now see it will be on Eurosport2 at 1730 European Time. What a race it is turning into
Hi, As my Edit time has expired I will post this here. It can be seen here if you can't get it on the TV http://www.americascup.com/en/regate/regarder-la-course/show.html
It's all but over.... SPOILER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You've been warned.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BMW Oracle has again dominated Alinghi. Not quite as dominant at the start, but with less than 10 minutes to go they have a huge lead over the Swiss. This is only the 5th time in 159 years than the Challenger has beaten the Defender.