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32 volt lighting

Discussion in 'Electronics' started by Matt46post, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I don't have any problems. And I work on other 32v boats.
    Are you having problems now?
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I'm at my desk now so I can explain more;

    There are NO 32Vdc items on the shelves at West Marine. Probably NOT on anybody's local shelf. They are slow moving items and not normally stocked at many usual chandeliers.
    I order my lamps and keep spares. Bilge pumps from Rule anybody can order in for you. Float switches are already rated past 32Vdc.
    Blower motors are available but need to be ordered.
    32Vdc starters last forever and can be repaired at any good shop. Just make sure they understand it's a 32Vdc rig. Same with alternators.
    I have a 11 year old 32Vdc spare alternator rusting away in my shop.

    Newer lighting may be an issue if your wanting to convert to LEDs. Takes a lil more work but this can be over come also.

    8 volt batteries are out there also. Just not on the K-mart shelf.

    Every time I see a special on a 32V part, I buy it up. I have a pile of pumps. I sold a pile of them to a friend (down under) a couple of years ago.

    e-bay is my friend.

    Heads, heavy pumps are still available in 32Vdc.

    Electronics and marinized (cheap) mini stereos may be an issue. The better electronic equipment is good to 48Vdc. Most to 24Vdc (just tap your third battery for 24Vdc).

    If your boat shopping, don't let it scare you off. you just need to be a better Boy Scout.
    If your already into a 32Vdc boat and having problems, PM me and I'll help you out.
  3. Juan Obregon

    Juan Obregon New Member

    Dec 8, 2020
    Hello, would it make sense to change battery bank from 32volts (2 8D 12V batteries and one 7D 8Volt) to a 36 volts bank with 3 8D 12Volts Batteries? I heard all items 32V would work with 36volts, what do you think? Battery charger and Alternators have to be adjusted though...
  4. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I had no issues at 36v during a short term transition from 32 to 24, a transition that saw the 32v banks fail before I was ready to fully shift to 24. It didn't take long to shift to 24, but the engines stayed at 36v for quite a while before they were converted. I used 3 D31 batteries for each bank. Engines loved the power.