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2020 FLIBS instructional vid

Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by 993RSR, Aug 13, 2020.

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  1. dcwjd

    dcwjd New Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    Long Island, NY
    Last year it was very hot but that was the first time I was uncomfortable in a few years of going.
  2. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    IYBA had a demo video a couple weeks back. As I recall it was 2 guys and a gal, marine professionals, all walking onboard wearing mask or face shield. Standing on the aft deck, one asked permission to take his mask off and the other 2 quickly agreed. There they were, 6 inches apart with no masks. So I justified it saying they were at least outside. Then they opened the aft deck door and entered. Seeing that discouraged me from attending a boat show any time soon. These were 3 Floridians at the peak of Florida COVID deaths. Then we have the people from different parts of the country/world all on planes before coming to the boat show. All it takes is one person and how many people will that one person come into contact with during the course of a boat show day, oh but "with permission."
  3. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    FLIBS Triton survey has 55% not attending and 18% undecided. Small number of responders so far
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Not surprised.
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I highly doubt that FLIBS is going to even happen this year. Very doubtful.
  6. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I think if they push on and make it happen, they're going to have a lot of angry brokers and builders spending so much money and horrible turnout. I may be wrong. Maybe the serious US buyers will still come, but those from elsewhere won't. If FLIBS pulls a Palm Beach move and cancels at the last minute, that will be even worse.
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  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Annapolis cancelled 2 weeks before their show and was able to push the decision off to the town. I'd expect the same from FLIBS. That puts us over a month from a decision. What's the political leaning in Ft. Lauderdale these days? Bars open, gyms, schools?
  8. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Tortuga Festival, scheduled for Oct 2-4, just cancelled.
  9. tbaxl

    tbaxl Member

    Jun 18, 2020
    Gulf Coast
    Thank goodness Florida is leading the charge back to normalcy. Wife and I are going, probably have to drive as very few flight available due to COVID. Heat is a Covid killer, not real happy about the mask but no mask no entry so I’ll play by their rules.
  10. Rodger

    Rodger Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    They cancelled the boat show in Toronto today which is in January.
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Let me assure you there is nothing normal about what is now going on in Florida. Bars are packed with maskless people. Parties are being held near FSU with 1000 people attending. Two weeks ago things were relatively decent with the majority of people complying with mask and distancing recommendations, with bars closed and restaurants limited to 50% or less. We're seeing jumps in cases and I'm very much afraid we'll see a leap in another couple of weeks, shortly before FLIBS. We're having the combination of general carelessness coupled with a lot of super spreader situations. We're not making progress today. Average 7 day death toll on Sept 8 was 540 and on Sept 29 was 720. Heat has clearly not killed Covid 19. I invite you to come and enjoy, but do not come under any misperception that says things have improved and are normal. Over the last few days we lead the nation in deaths. We're second or third in new cases but that's because many of the labs are out of the reagent they need to read results.

    One small example. Elbo Room on Las Olas. Very near the site of FLIBS.

    Elbo Room.jpg
  12. tbaxl

    tbaxl Member

    Jun 18, 2020
    Gulf Coast
    I live in a college town, if they cant drink in the bars then they just do it at home with far too many people. I am a pilot have been to quite a few hot spots during this, pretty sure I had it early March. I many who have had it with no issues at all and a few that would not wish it on anyone, the underlying theme is what is your health risk, and other issues. I am a partial believer in the mask and huge believer in personal hygiene as well as if you fall in the risk group then it is your responsibility to socially distance yourself as best you can. If they have it, I will be there as I have a new boat and my wife has some shopping to do, if they don't, well I guess I am working on the boat. Bottom line is if they have it people will find a way to be there, possibly some who should not. We can shut things down as much as governments want, but like every other germ out there, it will find a way to stay relevant, just like the common flu, I am afraid this is going to be with us from here on.
  13. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    At least it only kills old people.

    Sept. 28

    After being hospitalized for 10 days, Elizabeth McNew, a 12-year-old Florida girl, has died of COVID-19, according to her family. As they grapple with her loss, they hope that people understand how serious coronavirus is and they do all they can to protect others.

    “If you kept one germ droplet from just accidentally getting on another person, you have been a hero, and all it took was an annoying little mask,” Elda McNew, 49, of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
  14. tbaxl

    tbaxl Member

    Jun 18, 2020
    Gulf Coast
    I hate it for the family, but how about the whole story, was the little girl healthy or was diabetes an issue, overweight, there are a myriad of underlying causes but in the end a little girl is no longer here. My wish is that we try not to make this political in any shape form or fashion, but that article alone is not the whole story as are most when they are printed. You want the cold hard truth, look at the people who are usually and the most effected, older or unhealthy in some way be weakened immune system or other issue, could be cancer who knows, but this man made in China virus is like so many others in nature, it attacks the weaker of our heard with potentially deadly consequences.
  15. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    Oldboater post:
    Let me assure you there is nothing normal about what is now going on in Florida. Bars are packed with maskless people. Parties are being held near FSU with 1000 people attending. Two weeks ago things were relatively decent with the majority of people complying with mask and distancing recommendations, with bars closed and restaurants limited to 50% or less. We're seeing jumps in cases and I'm very much afraid we'll see a leap in another couple of weeks, shortly before FLIBS. We're having the combination of general carelessness coupled with a lot of super spreader situations. We're not making progress today. Average 7 day death toll on Sept 8 was 540 and on Sept 29 was 720. Heat has clearly not killed Covid 19. I invite you to come and enjoy, but do not come under any misperception that says things have improved and are normal. Over the last few days we lead the nation in deaths. We're second or third in new cases but that's because many of the labs are out of the reagent they need to read results.

    One small example. Elbo Room on Las Olas. Very near the site of FLIBS.

    Unfortunately I agree you are spot on.
    Question is how did this gal get these shorts on and buttoned up? Elbo Room_LI.jpg
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    "My wish is that we try not to make this political in any shape form or fashion" as you then spread Trump propaganda " this man made in China virus". What total BULL C--P. how about adding 'made and released by a lab working for the U.S. Government under contract with a U.S. university and spread by the U.S. president's failure to protect us. That's not political either by your standard.
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Enough with this. Yes it was made in China, by Chinese people. It was then spread to humans, because Chinese people eat all matters of disgusting animals that should not be consumed BY HUMANS. It then spread throughout Europe from China before making it's way here. I don't know what you think 1 MAN could do to stop it's threat, or how you could stop it's spread. The president instituted a lot of protocols early including stopping flights from coming here. However, people will be people, as shown in these pictures, and diseases will be diseases. Should the President have completely locked down entire cities with nothing coming in or out of them, welded your front door shut like the Chinese did to their people? Not warned the rest of the world for months, like the Chinese did? Your governor failed to protect US in the rest of the states from catching it because NY was ground zero of it in the U.S.........think about that one for a minute.........Enough already, keep the topic pertaining to the Subject.
  18. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    "Enough of this" and then you go on your Trump Virus propaganda spree? NY's governor was taken completely by surprise in March because Trump refused to warn us in January, February and March, and then refused to make the supplies available to fight it. NY's governor beat back the virus to where we have some of the lowest transmission rates in the country. Florida's governor had all the information available to him and has chosen to risk the lives of every man, woman and child in his state. Despite all the warnings Florida now has the 2nd highest infection rate in the country and he has forbidden all municipalities in the state from enforcing the only practices available to slow the spread of the virus. He and Trump are murdering hundreds of thousands of Americans. Only Hitler and Stalin ever killed more of their own citizens.

    You want to spew your garbage and then close the door. Not likely. Let's see you now close the door without comment if that's what you actually want.
  19. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Yep, enough, but not because it wouldn't make sense to discuss the political side of the situation.
    Personally, I wouldn't mind, but by previous experience you should all know that the forum admin will soon lock this thread as he did with others in the past, so what's the point?

    Imho, the real reason why it's pointless to discuss where this sh!t came from is that it's a problem we must deal with regardless, period.
    We'll have the rest of the life to debate later, till the cows come home.

    Just as an example - absolutely NOT meant to pretend that "we" are better than "you":
    Here in Italy, right now, any public place with a gathering like the one in the Elbo Room photo posted by OB would be shut down for good by the police - and heavily fined.
    You pay your money, you take your chances.
  20. tbaxl

    tbaxl Member

    Jun 18, 2020
    Gulf Coast
    This thread has hit the gutter, and I certainly did not help so I am through with this one and hope it does not get locked down. If the FLIBS does happen I will be there, with my mask. Ya'll have a good day.
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