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1999 Cruisers Yachts 3375

Discussion in 'Cruisers Yacht' started by antinucci, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. antinucci

    antinucci New Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    severna park, md
    have a 1999 Cruisers Yachts 3375.

    I am wondering if anyone knows the best way to lift the cover (i.e. floor) over the engine compartment. I removed all the screws in the floor, removed the screws in the center "beam" (which is just a 1" stainless steel tube), and removed the engine coolant overflow tanks. I also removed the 2" diameter drain tube (which was not easy for some reason).

    I attempted to lift the cover/floor from the stern and it hit the wall mounted back seat cushion that is mounted on the stern interior. I could not figure out how to lift the cover/floor without having to remove the back seat cushion.

    I did not continue because I felt I was doing WAY too much just to lift cover/floor... All I want to do is check the fluid livels, clean the strainers, change fuel filters, etc. I can't imagine trying to do all this without completly lifting out the cover/floor... The hatches seem way too small to get access to anything.

    Question 1: Does the cover/floor have to be completley removed or does it hinge on a side and propped up? What is the best way to do this? Is this a two man job?

    Question 2: Do I really have to remove the wall mounted back seat cushion that is screewed in the interior of the stern?

    Question 3: Just to do the standard maintainance like cleaning strainers, etc. I can't beleive I have to remove the cover/floor completely. Am I missing something? It seems to me, you would need to be a midget or a person with 8 foot arms to reach things to use just the hatches!
  2. MrTracy

    MrTracy New Member

    Oct 5, 2005

    I am in the middle of trying to buy a 3375 2000 it has 480 hrs with 350hp motors & bravo III drives. What can you tell me about it. This one doesn't have much electronics but for 70K I figured why not.
  3. antinucci

    antinucci New Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    severna park, md
    Are you serious? 70K is a steel! Where is this boat? Is it at WCYS?
    That is an incredible price. Are you sure it is a 2000??

    I paid 99K for my 1999 back in april (had 36nm Radar/GPS chart plotter) 7.4L MPI mercs with 220 hours. Very clean, but not 30K clean! I also have velvet drive inboards.

    Anyway, great boat... no complaints. The engine compartment is VERY cramped, but I am managing OK. I want a bigger one already... Just need to talk the wife into it.
  4. MrTracy

    MrTracy New Member

    Oct 5, 2005

    This boat is in florida it is kept on a lift with fresh water flush system. This is approaching the off season. Also no radar and the high hours. I wasn't sure at first but the more I look it gets better & better. I could also get a 1999 34ft sea Ray for 80K with electronics.... I guess I am just a bargain hunter.
  5. antinucci

    antinucci New Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    severna park, md
    Another great price! You AREa bargin hunter... Do a search on 1999 - 2000 Cruisers 3375 on You are getting one **** of a deal on that cruisers.... Electronics, IMO, are over rated... Although I have them, I find my self using my hand held color Garmin GPS all the time and nothing else... I keep it in my hand and it is always in my view, no matter where I am in the boat... GPSMap 60C... I will always have that as my primary for chart plotting, speed monitoring and depth monitoring (you can get the BlueChart software that shows all the channel markers and depths - measured back in 2000 I beleive)... I find it very accurate... I set my routes using a PC program, and download to my GPS... I then set to "Navigate" when I am underway, and "following the pink line"... I love it...
  6. MrTracy

    MrTracy New Member

    Oct 5, 2005
    Thanks for the info. I need all the help I can get. This is my first boat and I didn't want to get taken. I have been looking at boats for the last four months trying to understand as much as I can.
    I see so many brkered boats for sale. I see how hard they are to get rid of them. I also noticed that most people that sells boats don't own one :eek: LOL
    So that is why I am being so cautious. I will be going to Florida next week to see the boat up close & personal and to get a survey. The info you gave on the need for electronics was very useful.
  7. antinucci

    antinucci New Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    severna park, md
    This was my first boat as well (although I was the sole operator of my Dad's boat for a number of years... he owned and maintained, and I operated... ah... that was the life!)....

    Be sure to look closey at the isinglass and canvas... If not maintained, they only last 5-7 years... A full set w/ camper canvas costs a bout $5K... I will have to do that soon.

    The only real surprise about owning the boat was the fuel cost. With a 240 gallon tank, it costs about $700 to fill the tank... With getting less than 1 mile per gallon, it goes fast... With your 8L engines it will be even worse. I have put a ton of hours on mine already (120 since april... trips EVERY weekend) and have proabably filled the tank 10 times... Big $$$, eh?

    Also, with the cramped engine compartment, it is VERY hard to work on the boat yourself (as this thread has indicated)... I am getting used to it, but I am very jealous of my buddies with the big "walk-in" type compartments. If you plan to work on the boat yourself, it would behoove you to get the full maintaiance manuels for your engines from Mercruiser... they have been invaluable, and so has this web forum.

    Also, I noticed the ONLY time I used the generator was for my kids to watch TV/play video games... I fixed that by installing a small inverter... Now I have about 1500W of power, running off the batteries not the AC or generator... That was the best thing I have done.. besides installing a second TV in the aft berth so my wife can escape the kids (and me!) on our many overnight trips...

    I am in the middle of installing an engine compartment heater so I don't have to winterize the engines... plus I want to use it on warm spells.

    Anway, I love Cruisers.... Great boat... I also love Sea Rays... they keep their value well... But, my favourite boat of all time is the Tiara Open w/ hard top... Those boats have timeless style and hold their value incredibly. They are very expensive, but I think if I had to do it all over again, I would pay the extra expense... I HATE canvas and vynil isinglass --- my next boat will definitely have a hard top, no vynil and a total walkaround - versus the partial the 3375 has... big value when trying to clean your boat. I think that Sea Ray you were looking at has a walkaround, but not sure if it has the middle window pass-thru like the cruisers.

    Also, be sure you have a nice marina to keep your new baby in... mine ****S and I find that where you keep your boat is just as important as what boat you buy! Look for clean power, clean water for washing it, and try to get a slip that you can access your boat from both sides (a lot easier to clean)... me, I have to get into a dingy to clean the sides of my boat...

    Before I forget... try NOT to use your head ... and if you do, ensure you put deoderizer in EVERY time and pump it out within a couple of days... That smell is undescribable and a ***** to get out of your boat... beleive me... That is one tip I wish I got, for sure!

    For cleaning the boat... Bleach will be your best friend. It works wonders under direct sunlight, not so great without it - but still works. Use a lot... It took a long time for me to figure that out... Wash your boat in the direct sunlight using bleach... you'll be amazed. Also, use Magic Eraser on all your seats ... it is amazling.

    Ok, I am done ranting... Sorry.

    Good luck... I'd be interested in hearing what you end up with, so please keep me posted.
  8. MrTracy

    MrTracy New Member

    Oct 5, 2005
    Wow, that's a lot of info. Thanks again. It helps a lot to hear from a current boat owner. Salesmen tell you whatever they need to for you to buy. I know this is still going to be a long learning process though. I am buying it for more family time. (I hope those buggers help out)
    As far as Marina I am thinking about Kent Island even though Annapolis is closer to me. I live in Mitchelville. Well Next week I will shoot you a line and let you know what happened.