A new rub rail was ordered from Viking. When it arrived there were no transom corner pieces. The yard followed up with Viking about this, and they were instructed to heat and bend the excess material to form the corners. We aren't very comfortable about this, but they are gonna give it a shot. Also ordered a new logo from Viking. Unfortunately, all they provided was an adhesive "sticker" instead of the original screw on logo. We sent that back.
I might suggest finding a person who can 3D print the logo you really want. I'm currently trying to do that with my Viking serpents.
I'll keep that in mind. The logos are in pretty good shape, but the fake chrome surface is showing some weathering.
Judging by the pictures, I imagine when you see that hull up close and in person, it makes you feel pretty good.
Left the boatyard yesterday. Petrel is back in her home slip and awaiting: Furuno Electronics installation (transducers are already in), Buell horn installation, HVAC service, Engine and Genset PM, and a long list of odds and ends. I'll be moving aboard once the HVAC is back up and running so I can work on the odds and ends and oversee the rest. Hope to be fishing in about three weeks. Completed/installed so far (some items predate this boatyard stop but are part of the restoration): Major overhaul both engines, Awlcraft 2000 everything above the waterline with new boot and bridge stripe, Trinidad SR below, rub rail, pulpit repair, Maxwell windlass, Lifeline AGM house and cranking batteries, Mastervolt 12v and 24v chargers, Seafrost water cooled cockpit freezer upgrade, LP electric reel outlets in cockpit, Rupp main and center riggers, Bluewater rocket launcher and step box, Aquasignal and Attwood LED navigation lights, Lumitec LED flood and courtesy lighting, JL Audio stereo speakers, 3/4 bridge enclosure, bridge seating cushions, interior carpet (with bound salon carpet), AC circulator pump, and Glendinning power cord.
Wow ! Yes better than new. You have done and are doing a great job !! Take us for a ride…and maybe a fishing trip! Lol. Here’s to many engine hours of enjoyment on your new boat.
Unfortunately, we needed a complete HVAC replacement. Went back with a Dometic Emerald system front and back with new air handlers. Not quite pleased with it yet, but the installer is working out the bugs. Furuno electronics are hands down the highlight of this restoration. The combination of the professionalism and attention to detail of the installer and the amazing new features and power of the equipment makes this the most rewarding investment in the restoration. We managed to sneak in a combination deep dropping and trolling trip between other repairs and the sounder was nothing short of amazing. It appears that my new Buell horns may have been a bit of overkill from a volume perspective, but they certainly look good to me.
I think you’ll like the horns … I’m sure they will come in handy more than once . You are really going to town on the boat I think it’s great keep us posted!
Glad you are pleased with the results. Hopefully your new a/c system gets sorted out and performing to your satisfaction. When do we get some pictures of the finished paint and the electronics install?
Working on the photos. They are such a pain to downsize before uploading! Heading to haul out soon for new trim tab cylinders and lines. I guess they dry rotted during long stint on the hill. It was really stupid to overlook replacing something so relatively inexpensive during the restoration.
Unfortunately, the pair of 16" displays I wanted would not fit. Had to downsize to 12" displays, so I added the 9" in the overhead compartment.
Did away with sideband and searchlight, so the stbd. radio box got converted into a "glove box" with a USB charging port.