Looks great! And while that rub rail is off, do your own personal inspection for any suspect openings that can cause internal leaks, nobody cares like the owner. Any holes, hull to deck openings etc. Just make sure you go over that and the rub rail installation with the yard to make sure all get sealed up right, if you already did not. IMO, besides the nice paint job, it's a HUGE/IMPORTANT part of the job .
Petrel, looking good. I had my Viking painted recently and the yard stated that removing the air intakes for the engine room was a big PIA and not worth the effort. Do you know if it was a big deal to get yours out. I wanted mine removed mainly to reseal.
I apologize for the ridiculously late reply, but I did not get an e-mail that there was activity on this thread. Yes, the engine room vents were removed, stripped, sanded, re-painted, and just recently reinstalled. The yard did not mention them at all. They were just insistent that every single piece of hardware that could be removed was removed, prior to painting. They are still finishing up the paint. The work looks good, but it has taken far longer than quoted. I guess the good news is that now I have all winter to get the re-rig sorted out. Still so much to do.
How long has your paint job taken so far. Seems like they’ve been at it 6 months or so? How long did they tell you it would take?
Paint is supposed to be complete on all but the hardtop, which they must move to the paint shop once the boat is out. However, the boat must be reassembled: bow railing, rub rail, hardtop, riggers, rod holders, doors, trim, hardware, lights, etc. Then still, I have also contracted for a new cockpit freezer, 24v battery charger and starting batteries. Lastly, Electronics, salon floor, and bridge enclosure remain to be determined. So for paint, I'd say 75%. Rest of project (which was not in the original time quote) 10%.
I suspect you're now looking at a spring launch, reassembly is somewhat time consuming as they don't want to risk damage.
Reassembly appears to have begun in earnest. Hull paint and boot stripe looks really good. Bow railing, windlass, and hardtop are on. Lights and fittings are going in, and the repairs and upgrades I requested have begun. They tell me they will put the finishing touches on the topside paint as they complete the reassembly. I'll try to scare up some recent photos soon. The canvas shop is supposed to start on the 3/4 bridge enclosure in April. I opted not to have the yard do the electronics upgrade, except for the transducers. That installation has been contracted to another vendor to commence when we return to home port, hopefully in May.
So they quoted 3 months, your on month 9 now and headed for 10-11 months before finished? Sounds about right in the COVID world unfortunately. Hopefuly you are nearing the end.