Shawn, Both great suggestions. I didn't even think about an insurance requirement to get instruction or some special license, permit or...
Vic- you are neither inexperienced nor confused. I'm a newbie but I can let you know what I've found our so far. First you need to understand San...
You are spot on. I'm not going to buy something if I don't have a live aboard slip lined up. I have a couple of buddies that are "sneak aboards"...
Let's say that I find the perfect boat. How do I determine the value? Is it based on a blue book or NADA Guide or the survey??? What does a lender...
I agree PropBet. From my office downtown Vallejo is 1 1/2 hours in rush hour traffic plus a $6 bridge toll./MG
Great advice once again from this board. In answer to the above bullets: 1) I've owned many (small) boats over the years. Currently I have 2 Hobie...
Very helpful. Thanks/MG
I thought I was confused I"m REALLY confused. Thanks for all your comments. I agree that Plan B is a fire sale and not to try to rent...
Now that I'm starting to narrow in on my search for the perfect boat, I have a few more questions: 1. What should I expect for maintenance...
Besides being a bit of a minimalist, I"m only going to be living aboard 4 nights a week. I have a big place in the Sacramento area that can hold...
Thanks. I pretty much stay away from anything with a soggy bottom. :eek:From my old waterskiing days I'm not much of a fan of Bayliners anyway.
I'm with you bro. The only Hats that fit in my budget are just too old. I don't know much about the Navis but I was really impressed at the...
You are right on track. I"ve been looking at the Carver Mariner and the Voyager. I'd like a small cockpit for some light sport fishing and the...
I got a chance to be one during one of the Giant's World Series games. I think it was a 46. Absolutely a beautiful boat. So far, none have shown...
Thanks. I'll check it out. I've been known to have a few pirate tendencies! I heard that the Marina in Richmond is very nice as well although I'm...
You guys area awesome! Thanks for all your feed back. I wish I could respond to everyone personally but just don't have the time. So I guess I'll...
LOL. I"d be the only person brave enough to have a houseboat on the bay. SF Bay is pretty brutal (as the Oracle team just found out with their...
My guess is that I'll use the boat mostly for entertaining, fishing and cruising in the bay and only rarely take it out the gate. Again, most of...