Has any one been successful in cross referencing MTU filters with aftermarket ones. My oil filter number is 0031845201 and fuel is 002092190. Thanks
Thanks for the heads up. We will do that.
Well we finally found the leak. It was behind the wall in the master stateroom closest. The plastic elbow had a split in it. We will repair it...
It dose not hold pressure once the unit stops. We are 10 days from seeing a tech. There are three techs in our area. I will give one of them a...
Thanks for the feed back. The two chillers that we want to get on a bench are non operational. One will not hold a charge and the other leaked a...
The gensets have 7500 hours on them. We have replaced the elbows with s/s ones. The pumps I have been told are easily rebuilt I just have not...
I have a new raw water pump for my 30kw northern lights genset. I also have new seals etc in my spare parts kit. I have changed out the pump with...
We are going to pull the three units and have them inspected to see what's going on. Since my first post the fresh water fill gauge is loosing...
Thanks. We will look into this. The thought is that the leaks are in the heat exchanger.
Yes thanks that's right. What's your opinion on the issues. Fred
5 tons, 180000 btu's
This might be a long post,so I will apologize for that. We have three chillers in our engine room providing chilled water to our fan coils thru...
Great engine. We have 2600 hours on our 85 ft pacific mariner. No issues.