Hi Yachtforums I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. Since you are the owner of this domain and forum, you of course have all the...
Thank you ratrace2. :) '3dmax and mental ray' ... very interesting. :cool: So you could make that out from the water alone? I really...
Sylvain Love your designs. Very original and COOL. Can't wait to see more of your future designs. Keep up with your ideas and designs. They are...
Since the design pictured belongs to an Abdeslam Laraki, we probably won't see more postings with pics of this yacht here. However, this is the...
Very interesting concept you are showing 'omaryacht'. The form study is quite striking, and the contrasting shades - light on the bottom and...
Hi ratrace2 Thanx for your reply. I previously looked for online links and found nothing. However, your question made me do a search again, and...
Lars - förlåt mig. I should have read up on the rules before attaching any images. Just wanted to show the wonderful images connected to my...
This as a follow-up to my own post. I have attached the two pages I mentioned in my first post to give an indication of the 3D rendering quality....
Hello to you all! This is my first posting on this forum. I have a question that I hope that someone could help me solve. In the November 2008...