Thanks guys, I will do everything in my power to save those motors, I doubt the Three belles will ever take another wave but who knows. Its a...
Guys, Firstly I cant begin to tell u how much your prayers and feedback has helped me in this time, and Im 110% thankful and grateful to all of...
Thanks C team, I surely hope so, there an amazing engine and Ive heard many a praise for them. And when they start, people come over just to...
Thanks Erik I will be down there fairly soon, I love take a look at them. Ill send a PM
no doubt there will be loads. Im staying with my ex wife and her dad of 95 yrs. They are actually why I brought the boat down here to begin with....
Thanks, I appreciate the tips, Ill need them though Im scared to death to do myself, Im wood not steel but Ill give it my best. where did you see...
Thanks George, I really helps when people reach out like many here have done, Its a horrible feeling to be alone through this, The coast guard...
True, there are very few left, those that are, are pretty butchered or to far gone. There is one I know of thats pretty nice but its got a funky...
for an hour now Ive been trying to edit my contact info out of the post and Im about to rip my scuull out WHERE IS THE EDIT BUTTON !!!
Thank you Capt. Eddie, I sincerely appreciate the prayers and Im praying also for all the pain this storm has brought on so many, Ive been around...
My 43' Egg, "Three Belles" before and after Sandy in Jamaica Bay NY, it was my home too
I have lost My 43' Egg in the monster storm "Sandy" and need a new home. Is this still available?? please contact me asap. ADMIN EDIT: email...
Good Q, I was there at about 7:30 am Monday just shy of an hour before hi tide, she was hi with 8+ feet on the pylons for the floating docks. Our...
Ihave spoken with the Coast Gaurd and they will assist in helping me raise her but it will be a long time before she see's life again if ever. It...
The one and only. I have pic's of her down, but its real sad to see.
yup, it was up at 7:30 brfore high tide, I got there at 6; thirty the next morning and just the hard top and bridge helm was showing. Do you know...
wow, thats such a great looking boat, I miss mine so bad it makes me sick. and with that im off to bed with a zanex so I dont dream about my...
congrats on surviving, very happy for your post. I love the Post, just sold my 40 for a 43 Egg that sank in the storm. Your white material, could...
Ya, it will actually be a very nice boat when all the junk and butcher work has been removed,. The hull is strong, although its been glassed, its...
the situation has changed now that Sandy roled through here and sank my 43' Egg to the bottom and now im practicly homeless and broke after...