Newly painted Fly-bridge and installation of center console helm and bench seats![ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Making a pattern for the new soft-top[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Building a new Console and added window trim, stairs to access fly-bridge ladder, and new fly-bridge benches.
This is from this past march, had to cut out the old console and benches. I had a couple nuisance leaks and thought this would be a good time to...
Thanks guys! They are coming, haven't fished her yet...but will soon!!! Still working on the interior. Will post some progress pics!
[ATTACH] Some updates on the galley! Had my helper with me ![ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] This is from this past weekend! The kids love being on the front deck, hard to keep them off when the boat is at dock.
What did you do with the bow rails? I'm looking for rails. I like the look with out the rails, but I need them for the kiddos.
Beau, I made the side panels with enough clearance so that I can add roller blinds behind them and they are functional. If I come to a time when...
Finally getting a chance to upload a pic here! Had a chance to take her out to Bay St. Louis, MS from New Orleans 45 miles away! Here is the...
Counter tops installed: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Some updates on the interior work: [ATTACH]
Got a chance to finish up installing the upper galley cabinet doors, just need a few more coats of varnish:[ATTACH]
Hull 19! [ATTACH]
I had to pull out most of the original salon wood under the windows to bare fiberglass, as there was extensive water damage due to leaking...
Starting on the starboard side:[ATTACH]
Finishing out the port side salon window shades and window covers and wall veneers: [ATTACH]
Working on the new galley cabinets:[ATTACH]
Primed and awaiting cooler temps to put on the top coat:[ATTACH]
New windows in and getting ready for primer:[ATTACH]