I could show you all the building plans - if I only was allowed. Project Azzam is a ship, not a plane. You'll find the intakes in the middle/rear...
But not the truth.
You should see here á la Las Vegas in all shades of blue, green, purple, yellow, orange, red --> THE SAME TIME :D . There is a rumour Topaz will...
Which might be OK with jet skis - not with 180m Azzam. I don't want to boast about anything. But you have the questions and I probably some...
Well, so what's the point of air intakes below waterline? :eek: It has been said before that Project Azzams propulsion system is going to be a...
And Eclipse is not too far away from Olbia. Maybe Roman wants to glimpse at a boat that was more expensive than his own (or maybe he already did)....
Well, Topaz' bathing platform raiings are not meant to be detachable. They are far too heavy and there is no space aboard for them. I know, that...
The bow railing went missing. So a helicopter must have landed on Topaz. And the astern railing is still deinstalled and other things aren't...
But I have for a long long time. I have seen the ship gleaming and flashing in rainbows colours, even the Topaz letterings are blinking and can be...
The exterior lightings can be changed in almost any colour. One-colour completely or gaudy, Las Vegas style. All variatons look pretty good.
Topaz was handed out to the owner last Friday noon. The ship finally left Bremen yesterday at 7:45 pm. There are rumours that she will be in...
No, she was not delivered and she does not carry the Cayman Islands flag. Yesterday it was still the German flag and the one of Lürssen shipyard.
As I live in Germany, the only thing I feel proud of is that I have a job at all. I don't care whether this job is at Lada or at Lürssen. I would...
Concerning the name there was no need to have any detailed knowledge. Any interested person was able to recognize the dinghies chrome letters...
With great surprise I read here, that nobody seemed to know about her name. All off Topaz' rescue boats and dinghies etc were wearing the same...
Well, something about the name. As since yersterday her name can be read by everyone, I am not revealing anything, when I tell you that the...
Hi there! It looks like my last posting was deleted. Why that? There's a rumour that 'Project Topaz' will be out for a 2-day sea trial, starting...
:cool: As I have seen these funny things that will be mounted in these openings I know their colour and I am not going any risk at all, when I...
Hey Mario! Of course I don't take it in any personal way - why should I? :) I didn't construct or design anything. I am doing a simple job only...
Good morning! I guess, that I am not revealing too much, telling you that Topaz will be handed out to the owner in only a few weeks time. At this...