And in the course of looking at dozens before buying my boat, not to mention my boat itself, and in the course of meeting several owners, I have...
You didn't need to do even that, the 24v VF pumps work fine on 32, per Sealand and personal observation. Step down transformers do come in handy...
Beyond the high quality "bones", one huge advantage to a vintage Hatteras among many is the tremendous amount of support still available for these...
The key is to find someone who does training as a profession. That is, they have an established and organized lesson plan, a method of determining...
I bought all my fuel down there by truck, as I stayed at marinas that allowed it (with a surcharge) I always got the best price and excellent...
Leaving a narrow entrance like that, one long blast is the appropriate signal. If someone was approaching the entrance from the river and was...
Just curious, kind of. Why these instead of a similar vintage and size Hatteras? You get walk in engine rooms, companies devoted to fully...
That would be Limon in CR. Very industrial so make arrangements in advance.
Maybe I have missed it, but how much on-the-water cruising experience do you have with your wife, where, and on what kind of boats?
One look at the old impeller before removal tells you which way to set the new one. I also like the tie wrap technique.
No! (Do you know for a fact your hoses can stand it?) You can get plastic screens that cover the shower drain to take of hair. Bromine or...
FYI there is also an excellent Hatteras Owners Forum on the web that is an outstanding source of info on this vintage boat. I have a 56MY and it...
I just throw some distilled white vinegar down the shower and sink drain very month or so. We live full time on a Hatteras with that set up and no...
I saw your boat in there, interesting to hear the story. They do have a good reputation around here, but I hadn't heard any direct experience or...
You see very few EBs on high performance fishing boats. Look around a marina in NC or FL that caters to the tournament and custom crowd (I'm in...
Long time occasional lurker here, first post. Some members will know me from other forums. As a live aboard and cruiser, let me say the 10% rule...