A dock gawker walks by as some folks in a beautiful big sportfisherman are having cocktails in the cock pit. Gawker asks captain "Gee what's...
Note from many of the responses the way to do this trip is clockwise, going out the St Lawrence. But really what is the point of it? There is so...
Exactly what do you mean by open? No hardtop, no enclosure, just open cockpit?
Lots of myths abound about these engines, some repeated in this thread. 71's that have been juiced up way beyond the "1 HP per cubic inch" level...
We interrupt this video extravaganza to answer the OP. In the Med, and a lot of the Carib, there are often (usually) no finger piers or pilings or...
We're talking about heating here. See page 12 for programming fan operation. I like this function for heating, but for cooling it is nice (the...
I have an MDL4 with over 5400 hrs on it, basically a 4 cylinder version of the same engine (4A2.3 vs 3A1.7). We have basically beat the crap out...
Perhaps Kubota made them, but the engine on the MDL3 is a Cummins 3A1.7 I haven't had any issues getting parts for my MDL4, which has a Cummins...
Indeed, extremely rare, yet you find cruisers, especially on US coastal and adjacent waters frantic about arming themselves to the teeth while...
Well I am not sure what your cut off is for "larger boats" but equipped with current knowledge and a little inlet running experience it is almost...
Well, I thought I knew something about boats too. And my direct experience was with much bigger boats than yours. Internet forums and magazines...
The 56 is also an 18'2". A bit of a tub and a handful in current and/or wind. I rate myself about a 5 out of 10 on close quarter handling, a...
I have owned and operated one for 5 1/2 years. Put about 10,000 miles on it, take it out all the time. The short answer is yes. It does have a...
My advice is STOP everything and go talk to the folks at Club Nautique in Alameda. They will teach you seamanship with excellent on the water...
My armchair Monday morning quarterback observation is that the boats pulled and on stands generally were set up for the normal winter haul out,...
Have to disagree with Pascal about the 61 specifically. No walk around side decks, poor to no visibility to the rear. We were looking for a boat...
I might be missing something (wouldn't be the first time), but if you are along side, why wouldn't you step on to the swim platform of a floating...
I see it got censored in another member's post, so go do a web search on Hatteras Owner's Forum. It is very active and the company that sponsors...
Liberty, I was eyeing that boat the other day as it came down the Neuse from the factory, past our place on the river. Very cool! The denizens of...
The biggest variable by a factor of several times for boats this size and vintage is what the prior owners did or did not do to them. To me it...