That's the great value of chartering: it gets you on the water NOW. We started chartering larger boats, such as Grand Banks 49's five years before...
Talk to the people at Comark. They cater to the commercial and government trade, quality is high and prices very competitive. Marine Monitors |...
Ocean Yachts probably does the best job of designing a SF for family cruising and fishing. They recently had a line of boats, Odysset, now...
Look, I am not trying to give you (too) hard a time. Ironically many of your "specs" are the same as ours, but so many of these are personal. As...
I have used a ComNav basic unit on a 49 Grand Banks and found it very user friendly, they have a good reputation, do a lot of commercial business....
How do you know they're perfect? How much sea time have you and your wife put it in, and how many nights spent, meals cooked, etc? Anyway, as...
Us too. Sometimes you want to be cooking with gas: [img] [img] And sometimes electric: [img] And have plenty of capacity to store...
Please understand, I gave that as a baseline number with zero knowledge of what the condition of the boat you will buy, and zero knowledge of your...
No, it is not impossible. The reason I recommend taking formal, organized lessons and chartering different types of boats is that it will tell you...
I call TowBoat (which we belong to) mostly for the latest local knowledge on Class B or lower inlets we haven't been to before or have not been...
I agree the costs do not look out of line with the limited information given. As I just said in another thread, it depends on what condition the...
You should through Hatteras into the mix. Their cockpitted MYs and Yachtfisher style boats fit your specs, with the bonus, unlike Jefferson and...
For us, it's all about destinations that can only be reached by boat, with a bias towards more wilderness and less town. If I can get there in my...
Yes there are, but finding one that accepts full time live aboards, especially those who do not have another address is the issue. Many people...
One of the key issues in the SF Bay Area is finding a marina that allows full time live aboards. As for "try before you buy", go talk with Club...
X2 on Florida Bow Thrusters. I've seen a few examples of their work and they were superb. Great after the sale service, no matter how old your...
The original owner's manual that came with my Hatteras specifically instructs to hold the stop button down "for several revolutions" before...
First of all, the 8v195 is not a heavy duty battery. Fine for quick starting purposes. 60 seconds is ridiculous, I have to believe he said six...
I have had my boat put on the hard for periods ranging from a week to two months, added absolutely nothing to it while there, and had it "weigh"...
Outback or NewMar are the place for 32 volt inverter chargers. Last time i checked, Magnum doesn't make one. Both Outback and Newmar are fine...