thanks guys , like i said , i will be sticking to original spec hoses . already have them made .
i have existing hoses, they are rated at 1000 psi . just wanted to know if less psi hose would work ? the system works fine at 15-20 bar pressure...
thanks K1W1 , that is why i posted this question.......
thanks bill , just wondered , cause when i pressurise the system with air , the gauge reads 15 - 20 bar. so , working it out , i would need +/-...
hi guys , hope you can help? want to change my hydraulic steering hoses on a 48ft sportfish . cant see any info on the ram . does any one know the...
having reviewed the photos again. IF the transom "broke" off , from impacting the bottom , surely there would be some "crushing" of the gunnels ?...
...... ;)
who says it was not semi submerged , and the aft cleats were the only means of securing a line , as the front cleats were not there . all is...
hi , i tend to agree with CT DAVE . just my 2 cents worth , but if you look at attached photo and notice position of the cleats . someone or...