It looked like it was factory all the way
Shore power problem found. There was a small (22 gauge) wire jumper from neutral to ground. Removed it and problem with GFCI breaker solved.
If these are reverse cycle (works as heater also) then this problem can be caused by a stuck 4 way valve stuck in halfway position.
Yup, it sure is
No isolation transformer. With all breakers off and main breaker off shore power does not trip. With all breakers off it trips as soon as I turn...
Everything was done at statute miles
Although I was going down river the gates at all dam's were closed due to low rainfall. Watching the buoys I estimate maybe a 1 knt current.
I have had my 1990 3607 at several marinas and had no problem with shore power but I recently moved the boat to another state and the marinas...
Just an update to the ever on going discussion about the fuel consumption on Carver 3607. Just completed a 130 mile trip down the Arkansas River...
I think Beau makes a good point. There is no way one size or type fits all. There would have to be many categories of both sail and power. When it...
Myself, I would put it into classes of size and sail or power, 20' and smaller, 21' and up.
Anyone who has operated a boat that is dangerously overloaded knows it instantly, the boat handles like a bathtub full of water. You can't make...
I must add my 2 cents. First, I am retired navy (engineering), currently own a Carver 36 aft cabin, I owned a boat mfg. company for 10 years with...
Ok, thanks, I think I will spend this weekend tracing discharge hose just to be sure.
That all works fine but I thought there was a separate macerator located somewhere else.
How do I know if they are working ?
That worked, thanks
Did that, still don't see picture on profile.
How do I add a picture of my boat to my user name ?
Thanks for the info. fingernails are high in fiber.