I would for sure take it out for a good run before closing any deal. I wish someone could tell me what kind of range the Trojan has. The current...
I don't know the model of the Trojan, he called it a 50' but it could be a 44' and it is an aft cockpit. You are correct about the height, you can...
I knew him before he bought the Trojan. We were berthed side by side. He did own a 36' Marinette and wanted something bigger so he bought the...
I currently own a 1990 Carver 3607 aft cabin with bimini and hardtop and I have been offered a trade deal on a 1987 Trojan 50' aft pilot house...
How do I start a new thread. I know the instructions say click the new thread button but I don't see a new thread button
I just had a new bimini top made out of sunbrella and it does not leak at all in the worst thunderstorm.
I don't think the mechanic at my marina has the equipment to test fuel pressure and as is common at marinas they don't allow outside mechanics in....
All responses are good and welcome, I think maybe it is time for a carb rebuild and new fuel pump.
I guess the next thing would be sam356 suggestion to replace fuel pump, checked fuel filter, it is fine.
I think they are Rochester. A marine mechanic told me boat engines do not have vacuum secondaries because they normally run at a pretty constant...
Scottbee, I checked and no, I do not have vacuum secondaries, pure mechanical linkage. Fuel filters were clean.
How do I know if I have vacuum secondaries ?
Yes, this engine is normally aspirated with a 4 barrel carb., why ?
Thanks to all for the advice. I will check all items suggested. I have a sneaking feeling that the cable might be part of the problem as there is...
While out cruising yesterday I decided to up the RPM's and shake it out before winter storage and discovered the port gas 454 engine would not...
I own a 36' aft cabin Carver and in reasonable weather would take it anywhere. The previous owner of this boat took it from Galveston to the...
Yup, just turn the thermostat down and if the 4 way valve shifts ok then you will have heat. I have a 1990 Carver 3607and have been comfortable...
Sorry, I thought the screens were listed there. You might go back to that web site and click in upper right corner " contact us" and tell them...
I have a Carver 3608 and it uses 7"x24" ports with pop in screens. I also got the same lack of help by phone but the below link should get you...
They are made by Bomar, you can find them on the net.