Well, the first step of the analysis is done... many of the bonding connections were bad. Those are getting cleaned/replaced and then they move...
I am not on the boat now but thank you for the ideas. I have a marine electrician lined up for later this week.
Electrician is heading to the boat next week. the AC pump and compressors are 120v. The newer Cabos switched to 240v. mine is a 2000.
I have 2 banks of breaks. AC and DC. I did not see any double pole breakers...
Thanks for the info. Is your ac pump break switch on your panel a double or just one switch? Mine is just a single breaker. I'm having the...
Thanks again. I will have to wait for the electrician to get on the boat. His company also installs marine AC systems so that hopefully will help...
Ok. My marina has checked and the AC raw water pump is supposed to 115v not 240. Not sure if that is good or bad... not the issue might not be...
I had my new marina check... the ac pump is 115v.....
Thanks again. The Fresh water pump is still located up under the cabin sole. Not sure why the marina put an outlet up there... as you said the...
Thanks for the replies. Have owned the boat since 07. Just started having this problem last year and it seems to have become worse this year....
I do have polarity lights. They show normal. Thru hulls look good, but they need to be looked at more carefully.
I have a 2000 45 express with MANs. My props got burned by electrolysis pretty bad. Starboard is worse than the port and my trim tab zincs get...